《My World (LenxMiku)》Chapter 4


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!😁


Normal POV

When Len was positive he wasn't dreaming, he offered his hand to Miku which she gleefully took. He walked her over to his beloved yellow sports car ( I know its weird ok... Judge me) and helped Miku in.

On the way to the mall Len couldn't help himself to admire the tealette. When they arrived, Len looked outside and saw the huge mall. He was in awe when suddenly Miku interrupted him,

"Len, why don't we go inside?"

Len blushed a deep red and took Miku's hand. She dragged him inside where there adventure would begin.

While being dragged Len couldn't help but think about the things he has done to share a moment like this...

Flashback( sorry for a lot of flashbacks)

Len had just walked out of his most trusted hair salon. No he didn't get a haircut, he dyed his hair. His hair now resembled the hair of a certain ice cream loving guy. Len used to assume that Miku liked Kaito for his blue hair.

When he opened the door to his shared home, Rin started cracking up. Actually she started crying. Making Len worry that she was having a seizure, after 5 minutes of laughing, Rin stood up. She told Len that he looked stupid and was almost Miku would hate him after this.

Miku's POV

Everyone thinks I'm very air headed, they think I don't notice Len's feelings toward me. I only act like this because I feel awkward making the first move.

I've always had the slightest crush on him..

I hope he doesn't move on...

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