《More Than You Realize》Chapter 32: New Addition
After a few minutes of hugging and laughing, Jake and Void Steve stepped away from me. This allowed me to get up into a standing position. I stretched my "new" body. I was a little stiff being a six year old for a few days.
"Kylie, I can't thank you enough for what you have done," I said. She laughed slightly before looking upset.
"What? You mean almost hand you over to Ty and that Steve?" she said sadly. I laughed.
"I told you, don't worry about it. I've already forgiven you," I said walking closer to her. She smiled.
"Thank you, Sabre. It really means a lot to me," she replied. She looked outside, seeing the bright sun set through a window. "Well, I guess you guys should get heading back to your home."
Void Steve invited. She flinched a little bit, but a smile made its way upwards.
"Really?" she asked hopefully. I nodded my head in agreement.
"Of course," I replied.
"Better take up on that, Kylie," Jake said with a wink. She laughed before running off somewhere. Just a few moments later, she came rushing back into the room with a small bag.
"Trust me, I'm taking up on that!" she exclaimed.
"Well, let's go. I wanna see my friends again... with my memories that is," I said before walking out of the house. I felt the cool breeze of air slam against my face.
Void Steve grumbled.
'Trust me, I'm not some random voice. You'll know who I am within time. However, I have news you might want to hear.'
I ended up flinching at the fact this voice knows my real name, making the other three give me weird looks. I laughed some and waved them off.
"Sorry... just thinking about something random," I lied. They all continued to stare, but eventually looked away. I let out a sigh of relief.
'I didn't do anything. Listen, in the village you were at before the whole de-aging thing happened is where you need to go. There is a special book that will tell you certain items you need to obtain in order to defeat Ty and the other evil figure.'
Surprisingly, I didn't flinch at the shouting. I looked to the others, watching them laugh at something that I had missed. I probably shouldn't tell them. Maybe this is a trap... or just false information. Yeah, I'll just keep it to myself. I go to the village myself and find out myself.
"So... how long until Jake, Void Steve, and Sabre return?" Mary asked as she sat down on the couch.
"I have no idea. They could be hours... days... even weeks!" I panicked.
"I know you're worried, but you know there is nothing we can do right now besides wait," Alex said as he put a hand on my shaking shoulder. I didn't even know I was shaking until then.
"Rainbow Steve... I have a really important question..." Galaxy Steve said leaning against a far wall. He was looking down to the ground. He didn't seem to excited. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Um... s-sure?" I replied, not entirely sure about how to answer. He looked up to me, his yellow eyes sending me weird vibes. I flinched a little from his concerned look. "What's up, Galaxy Steve?"
"H-how much do you really know about Sabre?" he asked. I flinched once again from his question.
"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered. Why would he ask such a question.
"I mean... how much do you know about Sabre? His actions, reasons, etc.," he replied as he rubbed his galaxy-like covered arm.
"Well... his actions are pure, I guess. He only wants the best for the world. He would do anything to protect it and everyone living in it. He's really kind and caring... and he hates showing if he's scared or if he doesn't know something. He's pretty funny at times as well. He tried to make any tense situation lighter while still addressing the problem," I said looking down to the ground. I looked back up to him. "Why do you ask? Is something wrong?"
"I don't know... I've always been on edge since he's told us about his past. I know he said he's not like that anymore, and I completely understood his reasoning. However... I still find myself on edge. You know his temper can get out of control. What if he... you know..." Galaxy Steve mumbled loudly. I got a little annoyed by his remark.
"WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!" I yelled immediately. He flinched. His back hit the wall again, and he ended up falling to the ground. "You know Sabre... he would never let his temper blind him from right and wrong."
"You're right," he said shaking his head. "I was stupid to even think like that."
"Come on, you two. Let's just calm down," Mary said as she waves her hands up and down as they laid horizontally. She was basically telling us to be quiet.
"Right, right. I'm sorry for yelling Galaxy Steve. I just hate the thought of Sabre not being the Sabre I've come to know," I said looking out a nearby window. The Sun was almost completely gone from sight. I assumed the moon would begin to rise on the other side of the house.
"I understand. I hate he thought as well, but it's just something I wanted to get off of my chest," he responded. I smiled at him.
"Did we miss something?" an all too familiar, yet thrilling, voice called from the door. Our heads snapped at the same time, and smiles stretched across our faces.
"SABRE!" I exclaimed to the 16 year old teen that stood before me. I engulfed him in a hug. "And... your chicken onesie is back as well!"
"Yeah... I don't entirely get the wardrobe change when something happens," he said confusingly.
Void Steve said.
"Who! Who! Who!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed happily.
A girl walked in, head down. She had a lot of hair; she's probably never had it cut before. Her eyes, which you could barely see, were filled with fear. She looked oddly familiar, for some reason, I didn't know.
"Everyone, this is Kylie. She is the one who helped me get back to my normal age," Sabe explained bringing Kylie closer to us. That's why she look familiar. It was that girl that popped into the video as we were all chatting.
"Hi, Kylie!" Mary exclaimed happily. "I'm Mary, and this weirdo right here is my brother Alex. The Steve with the galaxy hoodie on is Galaxy Steve, and the other Steve with the rainbow colored hoodie is Rainbow Steve!"
She pointed to each of us respectfully. Kylie looked to everyone as Mary introduced us. Mary continued to ramble on about the powers Alex and Galaxy Steve contain, and the villains we are facing.
"You see, the ones that turned Sabre into a kid were..." Mary wasn't able to finish her sentence before Kylie cut her off.
"Tyler and another evil person. Yes, I was... quite acquainted with those two..." she mumbled looking back down to the wooden floor.
"Wait... you mean... YOU WORK WITH THEM!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed in a panic.
"*Worked* with them. I was kind of forced to... or else they would kill everyone I knew, including you guys. I can't stand that thought, so I had to do what they said. This, also, included handing Sabre over to them," Kylie said. The room went silent.
"It's all true," I said breaking the awkward silence. "However, she didn't really want to do it. Besides, no game was really done anyways."
"But it could've," Alex mumbled softly. Mary instantly smacked his head.
"Yeah, it could've. Something also could've happened when you decided to help "conquer my fears." Remember that, dear brother of mine?" Mary snarled. Everyone laughed except the siblings. They were busy staring at each other.
"Sh-shut it!" Alex said as a huge blush formed across his face. Mary glared for a good 10 seconds, the silence getting more tense as she continued. Then, her glare disappeared, and her frown turned upside down. She began to laugh at her brother's reaction.
"I-is this normal?" Kylie mumbled. I turned to face her.
"Yep... pretty normal," I replied. "So, Kylie. Why have you been alone? I mean, it must've gotten lonely up on top of that mountain."
"Yes, quite lonely at times. However, I grew used to the feeling. I don't know who my parents are. I never grew up with them. I've been a loner for as long as I can remember. At the same time, nearby at the bottom of the mountain lies a village. I would visit there quite often. Buying supplies, trading goods, helping the villagers. In a way, that was my company, and I was happy with that," she explained dropping her small bag to the ground.
Void Steve sympathized.
"AH! NO! VOID STEVE CAN'T TALK SYMPATHETIC! HE'S NOT ALLOWED!" I joked shielding myself from his view. Everyone laughed at my small joke. I moved my hands, which were shielding my face.
I flinched after seeing Void Steve's glare. He summoned some energy into his hand and showed it to me.
Void Steve said. I backed away slightly. He made the energy disappear, and then smiled at me.
The room went silent other than Kylie's laugh. Sabre went up to Void Steve and put the back of his hand on Void Steve's forehead. Void Steve gave Sabre a weird look.
Void Steve questioned as he looked up to Sabre's hand.
"Making sure you're not ill. I've never known you to joke like that before," Sabre laughed as he retracted his hand. He let out a sigh of breath.
he asked.
"Yes!" everyone except Kylie said at once. She was still confused to our knowledge about Void Steve and his past. He growled at us a little bit.
he mumbled.
"You're not hated! Void Steve, this is what friends do," Sabre said pulling Void Steve into a side hug.
I looked to Galaxy Steve, Alex, Mary, and Jake, and we all had smiles on our faces. I held up three fingers, then two, then one.
"VOIDSABRE!" we all yelled at once. The two flinched and blushed.
"WHY DO YOU GUYS ALWAYS DO THAT!" Sabre yelled as his whole face went red.
Void Steve yelled afterwards. Everyone bursted into laughter except the two blushing males.
"It's pretty funny," Jake replied.
"Do we need to build a room for Kylie? I don't remember if we have anymore..." Galaxy Steve questioned after his laughter had calmed down.
"No, we have an open room beside Alex and Mary. I'm sure they won't mind," Jake said with a small wave of his hand in front of his face.
"Not at all! Yay! Another girl in the group!" Mary exclaimed as she embraced Kylie in a huge hug. Kylie flinched a little, and she never did hug Mary back. Only a small laugh escaped her lips.
"Mary... I think you're scaring her," I said trying to pry the hybrid off of Kylie. Mary flinched a little bit, then jumped away from her. She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.
"Oh... I'm sorry, Kylie. I'm just a really hyper person," Mary apologized. Kylie laughed a little bit more.
"I understand where you're coming from. Once you get to know me, I'll become more hyper," Kylie said.
Mary offered to take Kylie to her new room, which she accepted. Mary left with Kylie, leaving the rest of us alone.
"So... she's the one who helped you get beck to normal? She seems a little off in my opinion, but I don't wanna judge," Alex said after the girls were out of earshot.
"Her aura was pure. She didn't really want to help Ty and that another guy. Trust me, Alex. Auras can't lie," I replied before walking outside. I just wanted to step out of the house for a moment.
My eyes went wide at the sight I was greeted to outside. The sun was setting over the horizon, making the sky above turn a weird mixture of red and orange. While the colors were weird, I still found the setting sun beautiful.
Void Steve asked as he came up next to me. I looked over to him, seeing his red eyes graze out to the setting of the sun. I smiled and turned back to face the bright star.
"Just watching the sun set. It's pretty to watch," I admitted resting my arms against the fence in front of me. He did the same after a minute or so.
Void Steve said sadly. I court help but laugh a little bit.
"It's just however you choose to view it. If you don't want it to be pretty, it won't be. We all view things differently. It's like an art museum," I said. He looked over to me.
he questioned. I flinched a little bit.
"Do you not know what an art museum is?" I asked looking over to him. A faint blush formed along his cheeks. He shook his head in shame. "Well, its a place where a bunch of art is displayed. People come back and look at the art."
Void Steve asked, slowing down when he got to art museum. He didn't entirely know how to say it.
"Well, what one person sees in a picture, someone else may not. One person can tell the story that the picture is "saying" while others can only see the stoned items," I explained looking back to the almost gone sun. "Tell me, what do you think of when you see the sun setting?"
He stayed silent for a moment. He looked back at the sun and thought, I assume. I waited until he was ready to answer, which took quite a while.
Void Steve said. I blinked a few times. By then, the sun was gone from sight, and the sky turned a dark black. I began to laugh a little bit, which made Void Steve think he said something wrong.
"No... you said everything right. I never thought about that. See? I just saw the beauty in the setting sun, but you took it to a deeper meaning. That's really cool dude," I said punching his shoulder slightly. He laughed.
I pulled the former villain into a side hug as we both laugh.
"I'm really glad you joined us," I said. He calmed down his laughing so he could reply.
he said questionably.
"Well... I really hope we don't make you sad," I laughed. He laughed as well.
"VOIDSABRE!" I heard Jake yell from behind us. We jumped away and stared at our group that was snickering.
"WLYU US TP HT!" Void Steve and I yelled in unison.
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