《Andrew Davila DM'd Me!?!》Chapter - 15


Photo credit: pinterest.

Yo, how are you?

Riley's PoV:

Andrew. Drew. Andrew

Ugh. Constantly in my thoughts. No matter what I do he still manages to invade my thoughts. I can't afford to fall for him. I mean we both are two ends of the pole.

"But haven't you already fallen for him?" my inner voice asked

Monday passed quickly in a blur. And I was thankful for that.

Mom👩‍👧: hey Riley. Hope the house is still standing. Seems so the retreat may take up an another day. So we are going to go to granny's home way ahead of you. I want you and your brother at the Granny's home first thing on the Saturday morning. Got it?

Me: Mom! Yes got it. We will be there. Enjoy you retreat.

Mom👩‍👧: we will see you on Saturday. Take care. Love mom.

Andrew always texts me first in the morning. I am used to wake up to his message for the past month. But today there wasn't any messages from him. Weird. So I texted him.

Me: Drew.

**No reply***

Me: Andrew.

***No reply***

Me: David Andrew Davila.!

***No reply***

Figured he might be busy and then I sprinted downwards and reached the kitchen.

"I smell something delicious" I said inhaling the aroma of the food.

"Hey, Riley!" Sarah greeted me with a smile.

"Sarah. Good morning. You are cooking for my brother. So romantic" I said laughing.

"I am cooking for all of us." she said smiling.

She already feels like a part of our family member. My brother better propose to her or else I would go kung-fu ass on him.

"Morning, Riley" my brother strolled into the kitchen rufling my hair and kissing his girlfriend on the cheek.

"PDA PDA!" I shouted covering my eyes. But deep down I was very happy for him.

"Morning, babe." he greeted Sarah and sat across me.

"Yummy, pancakes." I said taking a bite out of it.


"Thanks" replied Sarah.

"So, you got the text message from Mom" I asked Alex

"Oh yeah. She even video called me to check whether the house is still standing" Alex said rolling his eyes.

"Thank God. My phone was on silent" I said laughing.

"Anyways, you guys are official?" I asked looking at both of them.

"Yes, we are. He asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday." Sarah said looking at Alex with so much love.

"I did. And I am happy I had the balls to ask her out." Alex said laughing.

"I am glad you did." Sarah said pecking his lips.

"And I am out" I said excusing myself.

Today I really don't have anything to do. I was in my bed scrolling through Instagram.

*One mail from UCLA*

"Hi Riley Danes,

Greetings! This is to inform you that colleges will be re-opened only after the new year's holidays.

We would like you to

use these days and come up with innovative ideas (using any of the coding languages) to develop an app. Further requisites are attached are in the mail.

Thanks & Regards,


Yay! More time at home.

You mean more time with Andrew.

I just rolled my eyes at myself

Allie💃🏻👯 is calling.

"Riles, you got the mail?" Allie asked me sounding very excited

"Hello to you too. Yes, ofcourse I did" I said sounding excited as her.

"Which means more home time, beach days!" I can imagine her screaming up and down.

"I know right!" I said jumping up and down.

She lives right across me.

"Meet me outside" Allie said.

"Alex! Alex!" I screamed as I entered the living room

"What?!" Alex asked.

I filled in on the information

"More time for me to annoy you" Alex said grinning

"As if, you got your girl for that" I said searching for my shoes

"Don't give him any ideas, Riles" Sarah said sighing

"Endure it, I have been doing it for the past nineteen years, Sarah" I said grinning


"Off to see lover boy?" Sarah asked me wiggling her eyebrows.

"I am going to meet Allie" I said

"Allie!" I said.

"Rileyyy!" She replied

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked.

"Nothing much, beach and talk about boys" she said

"I have to come with innovative ideas to develop an app, Allie" I said

"I have to bring a new clothing design" Allie replied.

"So how was the trip?" I asked her

"Oh that! Marco and I had a fight!" She exclaimed

"Ooh. Trouble in Paradise. Whatcha happened?" I asked her

"It seems really nothing now,Riles.

He wants me to spend a weekend with his family. Don't get me wrong I love his family. But you know how I am, it gets time for me to warm up to them. His mom seems like a "she-devil" to me. I said I don't want to go." Allie said looking afar.

We were at the beach now.

"Allie. Remember this how you were when you first met Alex and I. Now see you are like my sister. Of course, it takes time but give his parents a chance. Explain him and I am sure Marco will surely understand" I advised her.

Riley the advisor to the rescue.

"Wow, Riles. What has gotten into you. I might need to talk to him about this later. He came twice by the home in the morning. I didn't even talk to him" Allie said.

"Oh that is why he was walking around the house like a lost puppy" I said remembering about that.

"He did? Damn he has got it bad for me" Allie said grinning and flipping her long hair.

"Allie, he is in love with you. Ofcourse he has in it too deep" I said laughing

"Was that a sexual innuendo?" Allie asked laughing.

"I don't know. You think whatever you want dirty mind" I said laughing with her

"Anyways, enough about me. Tell me about you and Andrew" She asked me.

"Uh. What to tell. I already told you" I said playing it cool.

"Sure right. I have been in your shoes." Allie said looking at the sea.

"Okay. Fine. I have weird feelings when he is near me. I like his flirty comments. I like how he texts me in the morning which by the way he didn't do it today. I am jealous when he takes photos with his girl fans. I liked it when he kissed me on the cheek, alright? And I am confused as hell. I don't know what I am feeling. It is like a puzzle. Do I want him to be my friend or something more? I don't have a fricking clue." I said this all in one breath.

"Whoa. I was gone for like three days and you have been hit by a love hurricane" Allie said hugging me.

"Love. What are you stupid?" I asked.

"Honey, you like him. A lot. It is time you tell him" Allie said.

"I don't know. This will fade away. He is just a friend." I waved her off.

"Sure. Be in denial. You will come to terms with new found emotion" Allie said

"Whatever" I said and checked my phone.

Drew 💙: so the princess decided to text me first today.

Drew 💙: Red?

Drew 💙: are you mad at me?

"It is him,right?" Allie said nudging him

"Yeah" I said smiling. I didn't even know I was smiling.

"You got it bad" Allie said in a song song.

"What? The flu? Nah, I don't think so" I said and proceeded to text him.

Allie just rolled her eyes at me. and that is how my day got better

End of chapter 15.

Hey, how did y'all like this chapter? Lemme know in the comments.

Word Count: 1341.

***Thank you***

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