《Over Chai And Coffee ✔》Chapter:14


So..... Ha, just one more to go. I really had given up hope of writing this story due to my extreme heights of procrastination. Hehe about that, and now here we are finishing the story just on time and before the wattpad India awards. I really owe you all for the love and motivation, even though this is my first underrated story. This chapter is dedicated to all of you for standing with me.

V loves you all!!

Now let's begin......


•Third Person•

The loud echoes of gun shots were enough to distract an over confident Mahir who forgot all about the girl in front, giving Drishti a golden opportunity of knocking the gun out of his hand and turning the tables by keeping him on the gunpoint.

Mahir was shocked would be an understatement of the year, he was more like scared seeing Rakshit alive.

"Y... You... A.. Are alive?" He stammered shaking like a chicken waiting for its death, making Drishti roll her eyes and kick him from the back landing him perfectly on his butt.

"No, he's the ghost of Netherland who came here to haunt you." Drishti deadpanned, making Rakshit bite his lips in order to press is laughter. Leave it to her to make him laugh in situations where people were meant to cry.

"But.. How..And... Why did he not tie you? Af.. After all you were with me."

Rakshit walked towards them with a scowl on his face as he neared Drishti.

"I can't believe that you were dating this dumbass." He said looking at her to which she sighed.

"What can I say? God throws dumb asses in my life." Smiling at Rakshit extra sweetly she walked towards Mahir who was proving the fact that he was actually dumb.

"Why aren't you tied like me." He asked her angrily. "Because I was never like you. And secondly mind your attitude with me, else I'll not hesitate to feed you the bullets present in my gun." Drishti threatened him making him gulp in horror, serving as a source of entertainment to Rakshit who was the only one before him prone to getting threats from her.

"Melon, calm down. We can't kill him and even if we can, I wish to kill him. He was flying too high before you came saying things like, I'm going to be heart broken, I'll get shocked etc etc. So I just want to be the uno reverse card and show him what it actually is." Out of his comfy mood now, Rakshit neared him playing with his gun. The tilt of his head was enough to make him freeze.


"What do you mean?" With all the guts that he could grasp, Mahir finally! Decided to speak.

"Ha, looks like you are not the brightest bulb in the town. And yet anyways you thought that your 'plan' of stealing the saucer and now the cup worked. Like damn, I need this type of confidence in my life that even if I'm failing something I'll pretend like I've got it. No wait, just tell me. Where did you get this type of weeds from? Because they are really some very critical ones." Rakshit couldn't help scoffing thinking about his melon's choice on boys but he knew better things than saying this aloud and making her kill him along with Mahir.

Mahir looked at them lost, still not able to understand what was happening. Which made Drishti run out of patience and give her thoughts of finally throwing things on his face.

"You know what Rakshit? You were right. My taste in boys is ridiculous." Twisting her gaze from Rakshit she narrowed her eyes at Mahir.

"Hey, I'm insulted." Rakshit replied.

"As you should." With that she turned back to Mahir.

"Yaa, so small brains, let's get started. What were you saying? That it was planned, you know our meet then next door neighbour stuff, gun shot, us staying together in rooms that had microphones through which you could hear our talks and find where the cup is, then our bond us liking each other ada, ada, ada.

So yaa, it was planned but not by you but by us." Drishti finished her explanation and smirked seeing his expression to it.

If previously he was stupid currently he had lost his brains.

"You... M... M-"

"Stop with this m. Mm. Will you? You sound like a lamb being killed, and your voice is irritating me." Covering his ears Rakshit glared him. It wasn't a typical glare it stored his concern for his melon who could be hurt because of him.

"Just let him be, Rakshit, poor man is being opened up to his nightmares to let him scream. So, where was I? Hm yaa, you thought it was your plan but it was a lie, like you told Rakshit that all this was lie, actually it was you who was being lied to. And now let me tell you what isn't a lie. " Taking a seat in front of him, she crossed her leg over the other giving a possessive Rakshit an urge to cover her with his jacket, but the chap knew better than doing that.


"You don't mean-" Mahir croaked with shock seeing the way Rakshit had his arms around her shoulders.

"Yes, of course I mean it. Why do you think I'll be wasting my time in giving you fake info and secondly why the hell would you get the idea that I am even willing to waste my time on you? Ha. But whatever it is, let's continue, cause I'm getting satisfaction in seeing your dreams break, what were you saying about you being a sadist, boy, you don't know me then." Drishti paused and passed him sweet smile which could work perfectly fine in describing destruction silently.

"What wasn't a lie was the fact that I had told Rakshit on our so called first meet about your nature, then the nicknames, banters, moments, our bondings and recently the line when I had said I never liked him. Yes, I don't like him. I love him." Pecking Rakshit's lips she smirked at him.

"You thought you were controlling me when the reality was, I was controlling you and making you think what I actually wanted you to think. If you still are blank which I know, you are, then let me tell you in details. We hadn't met each other as per your plan or over chai and coffee like a fictional story that you thought was written by you, na. We know each other from the past six-years and guess, how? Not by your stupid plan once again but in our bureau, and yaa in a way because of you as we were paired together in the case." Mahir's eyes widened in shock which didn't fail to irk Rakshit who was actually irked more specifically by his presence itself.

"Yes, you heard it right. This was all our plan to get the saucer back from you. And you actually fell for it. You thought that I was 'acting' with him when the reality was that we were behaving normally. That's our everyday behaviour." A chuckle escaped her mouth but was quickly subsided by a growl.

"You know, your plan could actually pass but you had some major weaknesses. Like you thought that I was the pawn sacrificing my life for the king which you once again under certain delusions thought that it was you, but the reality is that I was actually the person playing the full game and making you move according to my will.

Your sexist mentality of thinking that womens are weaker than men put you in this mess and there certainly isn't anyone who can remove you from this mess. So now, checkmate, loser." The moment Drishti finished the police force arrived taking Mahir in their custody and congratulating the couple on their win before they moved.


The moment everyone went out, the couple's only spectator was the silence which was broken too soon when Drishti hugged Rakshit with all her power.

"God, you are so hurt. The bruises on your face are making me go and kill that son of a bachelor. You are hurt so bad." Drishti's hand roamed on his face inspecting his bruises while not forgetting to cuss Mahir for them.

Rakshit caught her hands and kissed the back of them calming her down.

"You were at his gun point and you are tensed about me? You are mad you know that?"

"You have the habit of keeping me informed about myself, so yaa." Rakshit chuckled at her answer and kissed her forehead.

"I told you to go back, not once but many times but no, you don't want to listen to me. Do you even know what would happen to me if that psycho had pressed the trigger? I.. I would have freaking lost you." His eyes trailed towards her similar ones making their heart clench.

"As if I would leave you to suffer with this maniac alone, na. Not happening." Tsking in no she pouted. After all no one could shout at an adorable melon, not at least the big Oaf.

Rakshit left an exasperated sigh and smiled at her.

"You know right, I love you."

"And actions speak louder than words." Saying so she pulled him towards her making their lips collide with an unexplainable force and their brain work in lusciousness. The smiles between their kiss was enough to prove how two different poles could be the best combinations when together.


Ahhhh, I so enjoyed writing every bit of this chapter!!!

And it's finally ending....

Just the epilogue and then it'll be marked complete.

I'm going to miss them. And y'all too.

BTW, how was this chappy?? Do tell me.

And till the epilogue love me some red velvet and chocolates.

Signing off


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