《Over Chai And Coffee ✔》Chapter:13


And here we are taking baby steps towards our ending, just two-three chapters more. Ayye!!


•Third person•

The gush of the ice cold water hit Rakshit's face with great force making his eyes jerk open.

He shook his head trying his best to understand the vision of the dark surrounding that surrounds him like a trap used for a vicious animal.

He blinked his eyes until his vision was clarified and he understood what he was doing here.

He was tied to a chair with bruises covering his face and a blood oozing from his nose and torn lips.

The shopping, strange activities and Melon. That was what hit him hard then everything but that was until he realised about the cup.

The coffee mug.

His eyes shot up due to the realisation when a new voice cut his thoughts.

"Aha, you're finally up isn't it? Well, well, well, I hope you still remember me, don't you? Of course you do, undercover agent Rakshit Shergill and the billionaire heartthrob of every girl." Rakshit stared at him calmly letting him speak whatever he wanted to while he tried his best to silently free himself walking on the phrase of, 'Walk in silence and let your success make the noise.'

"You know what? Your agency was too dumb to give that cup to you. Okay let's accept it, even I had thought that you would be a tough nut to break but it looks like you were just a peanut that could be broken by a girl." Rakshit's eyes shot up to him as he started taking interest in the information that was opening in front if him like an open book that was in front of his eyes yet not interesting but he let the man have his moments, after all he needed them before he received the shock of his life.

His eyes followed the man who was moving around him in circles and stopped at the place where he stopped.


"If I knew it before it wouldn't have taken me much time in grasping the coffee mug as well the saucer. I could have stolen it the same day I had stolen that saucer but never mind, when awake then morning." He smirked at Rakshit who was not even interested in spoiling his eye sight by seeing his face.

"The school you went to sounds dumb to me. Morning starts at twelve am sharp, with the way you are saying people will wake up at seven pm in the evening and be like, good morning, I'm up for breakfast." Rakshit scoffed, while simultaneously trying his best to free himself.

"Aren't you acting too smart?"

"You don't need to act things that you really are." Rakshit replied him back rolling his eyes while the man was digging holes in his skull.

"I know a way which will shut this stupid mouth of yours or might be make you cry over your broken heart." Finally, Rakshit looked up at him only too see him smirking like a monkey suffering from a toothache.

"Baby?" Rakshit tilted his head towards the direction where he was pointing to see who's going to enter.

The door opened and in came Drishti wearing an all black attire with a leather jacket and hot pants accompanied by knee length cow boy shoes giving her a full badass vibe.

She came and stood near the oddly familiar man who rolled his arms around her waist making Rakshit clench his fist in anger.

"Hello Rakshit." She smiled seeing him to which Rakshit didn't respond instead it was their eyes which met till a moment before she broke apart.

"Meet her Rakshit, she's Drishti. Yaa, the same one you call melon. But she's not your melon, she's my baby." Rakshit's eyes went from Drishti to him and then stopped on Drishti who was staring at the ground. Rakshit couldn't stop chuckling due to some unknown reasons that would be out soon.


"And I'm Mahir." Now this was a moment that shocked Rakshit. Mahir, Drishti's ex who she had told him about.

Mahir's arms pulled her more closer towards him making Rakshit clench his fists as tightly as he could before he could clench something else that was similar to his neck.

Drishti's head moved to look up at Mahir and she kissed his cheek making Mahir smirk evilly.

"So hello Rakshit how do you feel here? Comfortable? " Rakshit just stared at her not being able to form words with all their moment dancing in front of his eyes, he still made it possible to look into her eyes.

"With you here? Yaa." Just those words words from his words started the conversation which stopped with their eyes.

"Hmm, still the same old but anyways let me tell you that your so called typical next door neighbour drama is over. By now I hope that you understood that all of this was a drama including the gun shots, your so called feelings for my baby and hers for you, that was all a show we put up so that we could get the cup and move away from here and as for your heartbreak, that was for my own personal satisfaction. Call me a sadist and I won't mind." Mahir sat on the chair with a sigh, showing his sadist acts by applying salt on his so called broken heart while Rakshit was just quite, letting things happen as they were meant to.

The only sound echoing in the go down was the shuffling of foot.

Rakshit's eyes once again moved from Drishti and landed on Mahir who rolled his eyes as he catched his glare.

"Yaa, yaa I know you don't like third wheeling as you know now that she's mine. And wait you won't have to third wheel us anymore because you are going to be killed today and not by me, but by her." He pointed at Drishti who didn't flinch but instead shrugged.

"After all isn't it every lovers thoughts to die in the arms of their love of their life? See, I ain't that bad though, I am giving you the opportunity of dying in the hands of your lover, only some lucky ones get the opportunity and I'm handing it over to you." Saying so he passed a syringe to Drishti who effectively caught it and moved towards Rakshit.

"You know I won't regret liking you."

" I never liked you." Drishti smirked as she leaned forward to inject him.

His eyes dropped close as the last drop from the syringe vanished into his body.

"You'll be missed." Those were the last words he heard and the last person he saw before his eyes closed.

Drishti smirked, throwing the syringe on the floor after she was done, she walked towards Mahir who was standing there with his hands at the back.

"He's over." She told him while he shook his head and laughed making her confused.

The wind blew more fast during it's last phase before it would die into the mist of the surrounding.

"Thanks for the help baby, you were very useful but then as my work is done. You are over too." Drishti looked at him fear stricken and moved back but he kept on following her until they were in such a way that his gun settled on her head.

" You should know whom to trust and what to do, if now you are dying it's because of your dumb self, but whatever it is you were quite useful for me. Bye bye, baby." He loaded his gun and pointed at her. When suddenly a thump erupted in the air making Drishti smirk.


Ahhaa!!! What just happened and what's happening?

Confused right? Never mind just stay tuned.

And don't stop loving me with my daily quota of red velvet and chocolates.

Signing off


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