《Blue Eyes (A Paranormal Romance)》Chapter 23


At school Brandon and I have become the couple. People have actually started calling us Branthony, not a very pretty name, but it was our 'couple name' I honestly have always hated those lame little names that make for couples where they mash their names together, but it was interesting being one of those couple names. I'm not sure how it happened, but I actually have become popular, people I've never talked to before in my life come up and talk to me, or say hi to me in the halls, random girls will compliment my style, the same style I used to get strange looks at before for wearing.

It was weird, I wasn't used to it and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a while before I do get used to it. People went from calling me smoothie girl, to black nose, (I know right? How clever) and now Brandon's girl or Branthany, but the most surprising is when they call me Bethany.

Me and Brandon are walking down the school halls, his arm is around my shoulders. People part down the middle of the halls as if we're celebrities. "I love your boots Bethany" a thin girl with way too much make up on says. "Thanks" I say and keep walking. Other girls come up to me and compliment other things that I'm wearing, or just say hi. I feel so weird, this was not me, I was the girl that nobody noticed. It was strange that now I'm getting all of these compliments just because I'm dating Brandon.

He walks me to class and plants a short but sweet kiss on my lips "see you later babe" babe. That was my pet name, how original. "Bye" I say before walking into class.

I had a boyfriend. I've never done that before, I mean I've had dates but not boyfriends. I don't even know why I agreed to date Brandon, I mean yeah he's hot, and sweet, and hot, and popular, and hot, and strong, and did I mention hot? But still, I don't know, maybe I'm just a weirdo. Scratch that I know I'm a weirdo. I guess as far as first boyfriends go, he was the perfect one. He had me home by curfew everyday, he was a perfect gentlemen, he was sweet, he complimented me everyday, but still it felt like something was missing, like that connection was missing. I'm sure the longer we date the better the connections will become.


Jake has been avoiding me since that day at his house, in class he doesn't even look at me, I don't even see him in the halls, it's weird, I don't know why he's avoiding me, but I figure I should just go along with it.

Later that day I see Jake pushing Cassandra up against the locker as they shove their tongues down each other's throats. I feel bile rise in my mouth and an annoyance I can't explain curse through me as Brandon and I walk hand in hand to my class. Suddenly Brandon yanks his hands away "woah! I think you broke a few bones" he jokes shaking his hand a little. I smile at him "sorry" I say giving him a peck on the lips.

I walk into Grammar Mr Ampler calls me and Jake over. "I just thought I should remind you that you have a week and a half left to come up with questions for Bethany, Jake" he says and I nod and smile but internally I'm moaning and groaning, I dread the day that I have to be hooked up to a lie detector test and tell Jake my secrets, ugh just the thought made me sweat. A week and half. Honestly though was Mr Ampler even allowed to do this? If he is he shouldn't be. I decide not to risk getting Mr Ampler in trouble by asking because if he gets in trouble, then there's no Grammar class, and I couldn't have that, this was my favorite. Jake and I go back to our seats where we sit or the rest of class silently.


Finally the best part of the day is here, dance practice.

Brandon walks me there also but this time he and I are extra careful that I don't repeat last times incident.


"Why do you love dancing so much?" He asks. This is a questions I've been asked more time than I can count. It's the easiest and yet at the same time hardest question to answer. It not one of those things where a simple answer can come out, I can't just say 'because is fun' because it's so much more complex than that. Dancing takes me away from this world, my dream all my life was to be able to do something that means something. Through dancing I can let out my emotions, explain my story. I don't have to worry about all of the drama of the world, it takes my mind to this completely different world, where all that matters is the moves that I make with my body. All that matters is getting my point, my story across. All that matters is dancing. And yeah sure ballet is a lot of pain on the feet, and hip hop is a lot of coordinated movements, and in contemporary every mess up is noticed, and so on but the feeling I get when I'm dancing wether it's on stage or in my room or in school, trumps all the pain, money spent, and time given into it.

I have a hard time putting this all into words so bear with me. "Hello, earth to Bethany" Brandon says looking at me expectantly. I shake my head a little and give him a smile "I love dancing because dancing make me feel special" I say because I don't feel like explaining all of this to somebody that I know won't understand.

We get to the door and Brandon leans down to kiss me, I think it's going to be a short kiss like usual but he doesn't pull away. He pushes me up against the door and kisses me harder. His tongue pokes my lips asking for an invitation inside my mouth. Suddenly the push door handle is pushed too hard and Brandon and I are jerked forward as the door opens up. I fall backwards and smash my butt against the floor, Brandon falls on top of me increasing the pain. I look behind me to see the whole class watching us, including Mrs Danica who gives us a stern look. Brandon quickly stands up and offers me his hand which I accept. We both dust ourselves off with red cheeks. "Well uh, I-I'm gonna go. Bye babe" he says and turns around, leaving the room. I slowly turn to face the class, I give them all a smile before quickly running to the changing rooms with a laughing Tess, Abigail, Ally, and Chloe following me.

We all laugh as I change into my outfit.

"Look at you two getting it on, if won't be long until you're Mrs Bethany Bercier" Chloe jokes.

Oh boy.


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