《Blue Eyes (A Paranormal Romance)》Chapter 18


I have nothing to do after dance practice so I decide to have a town day. This is a thing I do about once a month or so. I walk around, randomly going into shops that I feel like going into, sometimes buying stuff and sometimes just looking, I always go into the bookstore and stay in there until I find a interesting sounding book. I go to the ice cream shop, I go to the park and swing, and play on the monkey bars (yes I know I'm old, don't judge me!).-of course everyone is pointing and whispering as I pass them, no doubt freaked out by my crazy looking nose.

I ignore them as best as I can though-But once I'm done with all of that, I do my favorite thing of all, I walk down the long, dirt road with all of the millions of different turns and trees, and I go to my favorite place in the world, I call it Secreuni (pronounced see-cree-you-knee) the secre part is for secret, and the uni part is for unique. Because it's a very secret and unique place (I was thirteen when I found the place, so don't bash on my un-creative name)

it's a big, open field with a mixture of beautiful lush green grass and gorgeous looking pink flowers. big full trees surrounding it. It's hidden away from everything and everybody.

There's a medium size completely blue lake next to the field. I came here everyday for three months when I first found it four years ago. I had added all kinds of stuff to make it feel more homey and fun. After watching like a bajillion YouTube videos, I attempted to build a small shed, it turned out it wasn't as easy as it sounds, the roof was slanted, the door didn't fit right and it didn't open all the way, the wood was uneven and slanted, but in the end it held stuff in it and kept it dry which was all I really needed. I keep magazines, blankets, battery's, and a battery taking radio in there.

I had even started a small garden that had different kinds of flowers. Then I had made a homemade sign (also very crappy looking) and stuck it in the front of the field that said in big bold bubble letters "Secreuni belongs to Beth, any trespassers will die a very painful and torturous death, I advice you not to trespass"...I was very serious about this place at age thirteen.

I had saved up my allowance for months and finally had enough to buy those lawn light things. You know, those things that go in the ground, they're solar powered, and they light up. You usually put them in the ground to a walk way,...oh never mind. Anyways I had a lot of those that lit up on both sides that led from the field to the lake, it looked really pretty actually, especially at night.

I remember the day that I had found this place. I was pissed off at my mom because she told me I couldn't have a large pizza to myself. I stomped out the door and just started walking. I have lived in this same town all of my life and yet I'd never seen this road until that day. I had to go through a very deep woods, and take a million different turns that somehow led me to this exact field, but I found it, I instantly fell in love with the beautiful place and started coming here every day after school, I have no idea how I remembered every turn that I took, but I did. I never once told another soul about this place, when my mom asked where I was I told her I had been outside walking, she didn't really ask any further questions, I'm not really sure why, but she didn't.


This place was like a second home to me. After I got done building all that stuff, I started laying out the blankets and just laid on them staring up at the clouds as I listened to the radio, after a while it got kind of old and I stopped coming as much, it minimized down to where I only go when I'm really sad or, like today, I just randomly feel like it.

I walk over to my crappy little shed and pull out my big, purple blanket and lay it out across the field. Sitting down I look around at the space that surrounds me. I can hear the sound of birds tweeting as the wind blows through my hair. I swear this is the most magical place on earth, or at least in West Virginia. I close my eyes and lay back on my blanket, listening closely to the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind.

I open my eyes and look around to see it's completely dark out now, I sit up as I realize I must have fallen asleep. I look at my phone to see "12:48" shining on my screen.

Oh no, oh no oh no oh no.

My mom was going to be worried sick! I shoved my blanket back into the shed, grabbed my phone and made a run for it, trying not to slow down. I feel the moonlight shining on me and smile a little to myself.

A little secret I'm going to let you in on, the moon gives me comfort. I realize that sounds pretty strange, but I don't really know how to explain it, when I'm outside and the moon is shinning down on me, I feel like I can do anything, I feel so comforted and safe, and powerful, like I can do whatever I want.

I push myself further and somehow I'm running even faster, I swear it's like the moon is giving me strength. I run and run and run, because the moon is shinning on me, I don't run out of breath, I don't need breaks, it doesn't even hurt in the slightest. I run until I am finally back on my yard.

I walk forward about to open my front door when I realize something. If I go in through the front door my mom will know I was out all day and probably ground me for life for being out this late without telling her.

I curse under my breath as I think up what I can do, if I sneak in through my bedroom window, I can get into bed and go to sleep, I'm almost certain my mom will be in my room every fifteen minutes or so, so if I get in there and hide really well under the covers, when she shakes me "awake" I might be able to convince her that I was in bed the whole time. While it is risky, I figure it is worth a shot, being the bet option I have.

As I walk around the house to where my window is, I hear my bedroom door open, I hold my breath as I wait, a little while later the door closes again.

Okay, here goes nothing. I decide that climbing the tree next to my bedroom window and getting inside from there will be easiest, so I grab onto the first branch I can reach and start climbing. Why did my stupid bedroom have to be so high up?

It was only on the second floor, why did it seem like four stories high? I keep climbing despite the fact that I'm absolutely terrified of climbing trees (don't ask me why, because I literally have no idea.) I'm almost to the top of the tree when a branch on the tree covers the moonlight from shining on me which turns my attention away from the step I was taking and I lose my balance and slip.


I start flailing my arms wildly trying to get ahold of a branch but my fingers never grasp one. And just like that I'm falling. Small branches scratch at my face as I fall feet first toward the earth. I feel like I should be screaming but I know if I do my mom will hear and then she'll know I was out. I feel the tears of fear fall down my cheeks. I keep my eyes squeezed shut as I await the painful crunch of my legs breaking under the pressure of the fall.

But it never happens, instead I fall into strong, muscular arms. Both I and whoever is holding me fall back and smack onto the ground. I whip open my eyes to see Mr Blue eyes staring back at me.

I push up off of the ground as Jake regains himself and stands up, dusting the dirt off of his body. "What the hell are you doing out here?" I whisper yell. "A simple 'thank you' would have been nice" Jake mumbles, brushing the dirt off his shirt.

"How did you know to come out here and catch me?" I ask suspiciously, ignoring his reply. Jake rolls his eyes "I was coming outside to take out the trash when I saw you climbing the tree. I admit, I was pretty amused so I walked forward and watched you, I saw when the branch snapped and you started falling, and I didn't really want two broken legs on my conscious so I ran forward to catch you, of course I wasn't expecting you to weigh a thousand pounds, God" he groans as he rubs his arms. He doesn't mention anything about my nose so I guess it's too dark to see out here.

"Oh shut up" I retort, punching him in the arm. "Well it seems pretty coincidental, but whatever, thanks I guess" I mumble. "I'm sorry what was that you said?" He questions, putting a hand to his ear. I roll my eyes at him "well great that was my only chance of not getting grounded for life, now what am I supposed to do?" I ask, folding my arms.

Jake looks at me for a moment, biting his lip. Something he does when he's deep in thought I've noticed. After a moment he looks at me "I can get you up there" he admits, running a hand through his hair.

I raise an eyebrow, unconvinced "you can get me up there?" I ask doubtfully. "What are you going to do? Spread out your big powerful wings and fly me up there?" I ask sarcastically. An annoyed expression appears on his face "will you just let me help you?" He snaps.

I can't help but roll my eyes. "Fine" I sigh "good, now close your eyes" He replies "excuse me? I am so not doing that" I say. He narrows his eyes at me "do you want my help or not?" He asks. I study him for a long time but finally I let out a long, exasperated sigh "okay okay, yes, I want your help" I admit, closing my eyes.

I hear him take a few steps closer and suddenly he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. "What do you think you're do-" he interrupts me before I can finish "just hold on" He growls getting impatient. I close my mouth and somehow keep my eyes shut as I wait.

All of a sudden a quiet ringing fills my ears, slowly the ringing gets louder and louder until it's all I can hear, I open my mouth and try to say something to Jake, but I can't hear myself speak. The ringing is so loud it starts to hurt my head. I feel his arms tighten around me but I don't really notice. I try to open my eyes but it feels as though my eyelids weigh a thousand pounds each.

Suddenly I no longer feel arms wrapped around me, there's no more ringing in my ears, I open my eyes to see that I'm in my bedroom, what the-how was that possible? I run over to my bedroom window and look outside, I can't see Jake anywhere. Ignoring the impossibility of what just happened for a moment, I quickly get in bed and pull the covers over my head. How did Jake do all of that? What was that? The ringing, the arms wrapped around me, the heavy eyelids, the headache-before I can think any deeper on what happened just moments ago, the door to my room opens up but the light stays off.

Where could she possibly be? Beth has never been one to sneak out or stay out past curfew, and if she did surely she would at least call..she wasn't kidnaped was she? What if somebody stole her? Or even killed her? What if she's dead? Okay okay I'm being paranoid. She's probably just out HAVING SEX! Ooooh she is so dead, if she's out at some party getting pregnant right now, well then she's in for a-

Before my moms insane thoughts can get any more out of control I let out a fake snore. I hear my mom gasp, suddenly my blanket is pulled off of my head.

"What the-" I say in my best sleepy voice. For extra affect I add in a small yawn and rub my eyes "mom? What's wrong?" I ask, feigning concern and sleepiness. Thankful that she kept the light off so she wouldn't see my nose which means I at least wouldn't have to deal with that too for today.

"Oh honey" my mom exclaims as she wraps me into a hug "have you been in bed all night?" She asks. I furrow my eyebrows "uh yeah..I went to bed pretty early tonight, I was feeling sleepy." I lie. My mom nods understandingly.

Oh my, all of those emotions I went through were so out of place. She's been here all night, I feel so dumb. How come I didn't see her? Oh whatever it doesn't matter, I'm just happy she's okay. I should probably let her sleep though I suppose. I definitely need some sleep.

"Okay honey, well don't worry about me, I was just having a...weird moment earlier, go back to sleep" she instructs, kissing my forehead before walking out of my room and closing the door behind her.


I silently thank Jake before somehow drifting off to sleep.


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