《Blue Eyes (A Paranormal Romance)》Chapter 5


As soon as I walk into Grammar, I get called over by my teacher Mr. Ampler.

I see Jake is already standing there.

"Jake, Bethany, it took my a while, but I've come up with the perfect project for you two. Your going to hook each other up on lie detectors"

What?! There was no way I was ever letting a lie detector be hooked up to me! Especially if Jake is the person on the other end, the one asking questions.

"But-" I start to interject but Mr. Ampler interrupts me by holding his hand up.

"This project is to help you build trust. You two are going to continue to do the lie detector test over and over again until both of you tell the complete truth. Once you learn that you two no longer need to lie to each other, I feel you will learn that you can truly trust one another. I'm giving you each until the end of this month to come up with ten questions each"

Yeah okay that sounds like a big load of bullshit. I swear teachers only do stupid projects like these just to make their sad jobs more interesting.

"No" Jake objects simply.

Mr Ampler looks up at him in surprise. "Excuse me, you don't get to decide if-" Jake interrupts Mr Ampler.

"What if only Bethany gets hooked up to it? I already know the secret on how to manipulate a lie detector so really it won't do me any good" Jake states as he stares at Mr. Ampler very intently.

Mr Ampler looks like he's about to say no, when I strange look crosses over his face, he scratches his chin thoughtfully.

"Yes, I suppose only Bethany should have to do it then" Mr Ampler concludes.

"WHAT?! That's not fair! I'll just look up the cheat then. Why should I have to if he doesn't have-" I start to rant but am abruptly interrupted.


Mr Ampler stands up "enough! I'm the teacher and what I say goes! Do you understand?"

He said his words with such force, his face showing only anger. I knew I couldn't argue unless I wanted a month of detention. I've never seen Mr Ampler act this way ever. He usually really likes me.

I nod even though I really really don't want to.

"Yes sir" I answer quietly.

I look over at Jake and he's grinning at me like an annoying idiot ughhhh.

I stick my tongue out at him (I know, childish)

One of his eyebrows raises "is that a suggestion?" He hints with a smirk.

My cheeks burn as I realize what he means.

I practically stomp over to my seat and sit down.

All through class I couldn't concentrate. Only thinking about what had happened. Going over scenarios as to why Mr Ampler agreed with Jake so easily, as to why he blew up on me out of nowhere.

But I couldn't come up with anything...at least not anything that makes an logical sense. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Jake mind controlled Mr Ampler...but of course that's ridiculous, and impossible...then again supposedly so is reading minds.


I tried to explain to Abigail what had happened at lunch but she just shook it off as nothing.

"Girl Mr Ampler has always been a sexist, angry, jerk. I don't know why you're surprised" she shrugs.

"Yeah I guess." But I didn't actually believe that. Something was going on, I'm just not sure what yet.

I search the room for Blue Eyes. As soon as I see him from across the room, our eyes lock, he had been watching me.


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