《Here》Chapter Twenty-One


Once I became aware of my surroundings, I instantly felt a severe pain between my legs.

I was chained to the bed by my right arm this time.

The room was cleaned, but different. There were bars on the windows, and the furniture had been pinned to the ground carefully.

Every time I moved I felt the stinging pain.

There was no cover over my body, only bandages and a silky short night dress.

He stole my innocence.

My insides burned with hatred for Lorenzo.

I gritted my teeth as I held in tears.

The bedroom door slowly opened, Lorenzo peeking in the room with a tray of food.

I looked at him, ridding my eyes of any emotions.

He smiled.

"Glad to see you're awake. Good morning beautiful." He said softly, giving me a run down with his eyes.

I ignored his words and continued to stare at him blankly.

He walked over to me, laying the food on the nightstand.

"I'm getting a lot less lip today than usual. Anything on your mind?" He commented.

I bit my tongue. I refuse to give in to his little game.

"If I would have known you would be a good girl after yesterday... I would have took action sooner." He whispered in my ear as he placed his large hand on my thigh.

I jerked my leg away from him, pulling my body as far away from him as it would go, due to the chain keeping me rooted in my place.

He sat down in the space I emptied and handed me the tray.

There was pieces of honeydew mixes with purple and green grapes in a bowl beside a bowl of Cheerios, water in a glass cup on the tray as well.

I instantly began to eat, ignoring lorenzo's presence.


In seconds I ate the whole bowl of fruit, starting on the cereal next.

He let me eat in peace.

Once I was done with the cereal I drunk the whole cup of water and sat it back on the tray.

He picked the tray up and left the room.

I studied my sun burnt skin, picking at the already peeling skin pieces on my arm.

Lorenzo returned with a bottle of water and a first aid kit in one arm, a stool in the other.

He sat the stool in front of my bed, then gently pulled my legs towards him.

He had a pair of tweezer in his hands as he held my foot in place.

I sat upright, tense.

"Calm down. It's only going to hurt worse when you think about it. You have splinters in your feet, it's best to get them out as soon as possible."

I sighed, putting a few pillows behind my back and laying back on them, relaxing my body as I studied my toes.

They really needed clipped.

I jerked my leg as he pulled a splinter out swiftly.

He grabbed my ankle midair and pulled my foot back to him.

I allowed him to continue, groaning in pain every few minutes.

He applied alcohol on the bottom of my feet, then ointment. Once he finished that he wrapped them with gauze.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me up, scanning them.

Once he found a few splinters he began working on them to get them out.

"Your nail has grown a little bit." He commented.

I grimaced at the memory of him ripping it off, remaining silent in response to his comment.

Once he finished removing the splinters from my hands he repeated the same actions, ending with wrapping them in gauze.


He then began applying ointment to my cheek.

"You passed out last night." He stated, staring at me with a hint of worry.

I eyed him with hate.

"I warned you." He stated.

"Ointment will help with the scarring." He added, as he began placing it on every scratch that was in his view.

"I didn't think I would ever say this, but I miss that pretty little voice of yours."

I ignored him, staring at the ground as my body tingled every time he touched me.

I hate him.

He unlocked my chain and removed my wrist from it.

"Bathroom?" I requested hating that I had to ask him or even speak to him.

He nodded, smiling a little.

"Yeah, I'm coming with you because I don't trust you though." He replied.

I sighed but knew I would not win this.

I began my way to the bathroom, my legs wobbling.

I felt his hand on my lower back, causing me to squirm under his touch.

Once I made it to the bathroom I pulled my dress up and instantly released myself.

I had no underwear on.

I softly whimpered at the burning uncomfortable pain.

Lorenzo stared at the ground, guilt on his face.

Once done, I lightly dabbed toilet paper to wipe myself as I bit my cheek to keep from crying out.

I stood up and slowly made my way out of the bathroom, not feeling embarrassed at all.

He did that.

He walked around me and placed a pillow in the floor in front of the stool.

He gestured for me to sit on the pillow.

I sat down on the pillow.

He handed me fingernail clippers and placed a small trash can in front of me.

I'm guessing he was thinking the same thing I was earlier.

"I'll brush your hair while you do that." He stated, grabbing a brush out of the nightstand and starting on the bottom of my long blonde tangled mess as he sat on the stool.

I began clipping my toenails and cleaning the leftover dirt beneath them.

I then clipped my nails.

He was only halfway through my hair.

"Lots of knots." He commented.

I pulled my knees up and laid my chin on them since I was finished.

I had no idea what my next move will be.

Fear crept under my skin at the thought of running again and getting caught. There was nowhere to go. He wasn't lying when he told me that.

"I'm sorry for... being so rough." He apologized, "I had been waiting for a while and I was angry." Tears brimmed my eyes.

I don't even know what all he done to me last night because I passed out. I just knew that I was very sore this morning.

"I will never forgive you." I answered, closing my eyes.

He remained silent as he continued to work on my hair.




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