《Warrior ~*~ [ C A S T I E L {1} ]》T E N
based off 11.17
red meat
Dean flew back into the wall, the werewolf swinging at him. Sam was fighting his own werewolf as Juno hung strung up next to two people. She was trying to pull the chains loose, but nothing was working. Sam stabbed the werewolf he was fighting, Dean throwing his to the ground. As he was recovering, then second werewolf grabbed the gun on the ground.
Juno's eyes widened as he pointed it at Sam, and she began struggling even more. She screamed at the wolf, the high pitched noise not doing much. He shot Sam, Dean stabbing the werewolf in the back, killing it. Sam fell to the ground, knee's first as he began bleeding out of his open wound.
48 Hours Before
Juno sat in the library reading up on lore to see if there was still anything that could kill Amara. Sam and Dean were also reading, but Dean seemed a bit bored. Sam was on his lap top going through the translated files to see if there was anything there.
"How's it going over there?" Sam asked. Juno and Dean both rose their heads, only Dean responding.
"Same." Sam hummed in response.
"And you, anything?" Juno asked.
"Yeah, I... I think so," Sam answered.
"Yeah? On Amara, Lucifer, Hand of God?" Dean listed off.
"No, no, it's a... it's a case. Werewolves, looks like," Sam said motioning to his laptop. "Um... a pattern of missing campers... five in the last three months."
"So they got lost," Dean said passing over it immediately.
"Well, that's what the rangers thought, too, until a couple days ago, when they found a body-"
"Let me guess... minus a heart?" Juno asked sitting up with a sigh.
"Yeah. Now, they're calling it an animal attack, but," Sam shrugged, the other two already knowing the answer.
"All right, well, we make a call and we put somebody on it," Dean said looking back down at his book. Juno silently agreed, doing the same.
"Yeah, but..." Sam sighed, shutting his laptop as he turned to the two. "We'll get him back."
"How?" Juno asked taking her gaze to Sam.
"I... I don't know. But we'll figure it out. Meantime, we got to get out of here. Clear our heads. I mean, this is a case. Let's do what we do. Let's work it," Sam told them. Juno and Dean exchanged a look before Dean shut his book.
Sam grabbed his stomach in pain as Juno was struggling to try and get out of the chains. She looked at the other two hostages, noticing the woman wasn't doing so well. She groaned, looking back over at Dean who was beginning to work on Sam.
"All right, all right," Dean said as he began pulling out tweezers.
"Hey, Dean, they, uh," Sam said nodding towards the three hanging.
"Okay, just hold tight okay?" Dean said looking at the three. Dean began heating up the tweezers as Sam looked terrified at how much that would hurt. Dean put a piece of cotton in Sam's mouth to keep him from screaming in pain. Juno took her gaze to the woman who was now unresponsive to everything.
"Guys? She ain't doing so good," Juno said looking at Dean.
"I got it," Sam said taking a bandage from Dean. He stood, walking over to the three.
"The one he killed, he's got the key," Corbin said nodding at one of the werewolves.
"Good. Okay," Dean nodded. He got the key from the wolf, Michelle beginning to bring her head up.
"W-What were they?" she stuttered out.
"Werewolves," Dean answered quickly.
"Told you they were monsters," Michelle said to Corbin.
"That's right, baby. You called it," Corbin said with a nod.
"I thought werewolves needed night time, a full moon?" Michelle asked. "We've been here for days. These guys, they can change any time."
"Yeah, that's 'cause they were probably purebloods. And they can change any time. Any time they want," Juno answered. Dean let Corbin and Michelle down, then stepped to Juno. She glanced around Dean to Sam who was still writhing in pain.
"Those wrists... those wrists are infected. We got to get something on them, okay?" Dean said nodding between the three.
"Okay," Corbin agreed as he helped Michelle walk. Dean and Juno turned to Sam, kneeling next to him as he was still shaking.
"How we doing? How we doing, huh? You good, you good?" Dean asked, Sam nodding in response. "All right, keep pressure on it. Keep pressure." Dean picked up bandages, handing them to Corbin. "Here you go. Wrap those up. Is there a landline in here?" Juno grabbed another set of bandages from the kit, beginning to wrap her bloodied wrists.
"You don't have a cell phone?" Corbin asked.
"There's no service for miles. I had a signal back at the car a couple miles back," Dean said, a sudden idea popping into his head. "Okay, listen to me. I'm gonna go for a signal, okay? We're gonna get you to a real doctor. You're gonna be just fine."
"Yeah, no, I know," Sam answered.
"J, stay here with him," Dean instructed Juno. She nodded, sitting back on the ground. He turned to leave, Corbin looking up.
"Hey, we're coming!" he said getting up.
"No, no, no, no, no," Dean argued.
"Oh, no, we can't stay here, not with the others still out there," Corbin argued as Michelle was draped over his shoulder.
"Others?" Sam questioned.
"Okay, listen, my brother's been shot. He can't stay here alone," Dean said motioning to Sam.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Sam said as he was struggling to get up.
"Sam, hey," Juno said getting on her feet and grabbing him as Dean did the same.
"I'm fine," Sam said again.
"Hey, hey, hey, let me help. Yeah, right here. Okay, guess we're going. Let's go. Go," Dean said as Sam was leaning on him now. Juno grabbed a gun from the ground, the group walking out of the house.
The Day Before
"You know, I used to be good with faces, but it's my age and the number of folks that come through this place. I seem to have lost the knack, so... These days, everybody under 40 looks the same to me. I'm sorry," Rose said sliding the picture back to the two. She walked away, Dean letting his head fall.
"All right, look... we know we're in the right place," Sam said looking at Dean. We've tried all the big landmarks outside of the park... the police station, the... the... the fleabag motel we're staying in, this bar."
"Yeah, well, we're running out of things to interrogate, unless you want to go outside, start talking to the trees," Dean said downing the rest of his beer. Juno walked into the bar, sitting next to Dean as she slammed the paper down.
"Nothing," she said shaking her head. "It's like no one pays attention here."
"Right. All right, let's call it a night," Sam said with a sigh.
"Right. Grab the check?" Dean asked as the waitress passed.
"You know, we can go to Park Services in the morning, talk to the rangers," Sam suggested. Rose walked back up, the three of them looking at her.
"You know what I was thinking? You boys should check out one of the easement cabins. It's private property within the park. It's just held onto for tax purposes, so campers stumble on them and they can hole up in there for weeks," she informed them. The hunters looked at each other with wide eyes at the new lead. "Some of your missing could be in one of them."
"Do you mind, um, showing us about where they are?" Sam asked leaning forward.
"Oh, yeah, sure. Right about there," Rose said pointing to it on the map in front of them.
"Well, that is a big help. That's great. Thank you," Sam said with a slight nod.
"No problem," she smiled.
"Thanks," Dean said setting the money down and turning to leave.
The group of five walked along the path towards the car to see if they could get a signal. Corbin and Michelle were struggling as they were still weak, Sam was walking every step in pain, and Juno just seemed dazed.
"Anything?" Sam asked as Dean was holding up his cell phone.
"No, nothing yet. The sun's gonna be up pretty soon," he said putting it away. Sam doubled over in pain, both Juno and Dean turning to him.
"Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on. Okay," Dean said in a concerned tone.
"I told you that roadhouse chilli was a bad idea," Sam said with a slight laugh. Juno and Dean slightly smiled in response as Dean rubbed Sam's back.
"Guys, over here," Corbin said. They looked up, Dean pointing his flashlight towards a cabin.
"Look at that," he said. They marched to the cabin, Dean barging in first. He immediately began looking around as everyone stumbled in behind him. "Okay. All right, see if you can find a... a radio or a phone." Sam stumbled in, Juno keeping a hand on his arm to keep him upright.
"Anything?" Juno asked looking over at Dean.
"No, it's dead," he said slamming the phone down. He turned to the cupboards, grabbing a few lanterns from them. He began lighting them as Sam began stumbling to the counter. "I got matches over here. I'm gonna light those up." He noticed Sam's still horrible state, looking over at him. "Okay?"
"Yeah," Sam nodded. Dean picked up one of the lanterns, going to search the cabin. Juno walked next to Sam, trying to keep him standing upright.
"Hey. Hey, we got to keep moving," Corbin said looking at Dean. "Those of us who... who can." Dean paused, getting up and looking at Corbin.
"What did you say?" he asked.
"I... look. Hey, Michelle's real sick, but she's got a chance. Him... he's slowing us down. And if they find us-"
"We saved you, okay? We saved both of you," Dean said pointing between Corbin and Michelle.
"It's four lives versus one," Corbin argued. Dean shoved Corbin back, pointing a finger at him.
"Whoa... hey!" Corbin said holding his arms up in defense.
"Dean, stop! Dean... he's right. You guys need to... to go," Sam said as he was clutching his stomach. "Move. Go find help, come back for me."
"No, Sam! No! I'm gonna go outside, I'm gonna find some wood, gonna build you a litter, and we are going to carry him the rest of the way!" Dean yelled. He looked between Michelle and Corbin, then back over at Sam with a worried expression. "It's only a couple of miles." He left the cabin, slamming the door angrily behind him.
"Okay, let's sit down, Sam," Juno said as she was getting him to the ground. He sat down slowly, leaning against the cabinets. Juno patted his shoulder slightly as her hands were shaking from the open wounds on her wrist still. "Okay, towel. Need a towel." Juno stood, grabbing a towel from one of the drawers, then put cold water on it. She rung it out a bit, then turned and pressed it against Sam's forehead. "Here, keep that there. I'll go look for Dean."
She turned, walking out of the cabin and going towards the woods. She walked a bit until she saw lights flashing. She paused in her spot, beginning to back up to the cabin again. She saw Dean approaching, waving him over. Juno nodded towards the house, the two of them going back inside. Dean lead the way, the two immediately noticing Sam lying on the floor unconscious.
"Sam? Sammy?" Dean asked. He rushed to Sam as Juno stood there with wide eyes. She took a few steps forward, tears beginning to well up. "What happened?"
"I... I... I don't know. He just went," Corbin told them. Lying.
"No. Sammy?" Dean asked as he was shaking Sam's body. Tears were beginning to well in his eyes as well as his voice grew softer. "Sammy?" A car began approaching, Michelle and Corbin looking over at it.
"No, no, no," Michelle said launching herself into Corbin's arms.
"It's them," he said hugging her back. Dean took a moment as he stared at Sam's body, anger and resentment in his eyes.
"Let 'em come," he said as he pulled out a knife.
"No. What?" Michelle asked quickly.
"He wants to stay," Corbin said with wide eyes.
"No, you can't!" Michelle protested.
"Hey, hey, you stay, you fight, you die. And so do we. Look...he's gone. I'm sorry, but he's gone. Help us. Please," Corbin begged as he knelt in front of Dean. Juno could feel herself shaking as she couldn't process what was happening at the moment. Dean leaned down to Sam as he tried to compose himself.
"I'm gonna come back for you, okay? I promise," Dean said with a slight nod. He let out a weak and sad smile, beginning to get up. "Okay. Okay. Let's go." He walked towards the door, Juno grabbing him before he could leave.
"I'm staying here," she said looking up at him.
"No, you-"
"This is no time to argue. Someone has to protect Sam from those damned wolves. They could rip him apart, do you really want to take that bet?" Juno asked clutching Dean's flannel. He frowned, then brought her into a hug. He put the silver blade in her hand, shutting his eyes momentarily. He stepped back, looking into her eyes.
"You be careful," he instructed Juno. She nodded, Dean turning and walking out of the cabin. She crouched down, avoiding the headlights to not give herself away. She crawled next to Sam, tears brimming her eyes. She took one of his hands, clutching onto it.
"We'll make it out of her, I promise," she said looking at him. With no response, Juno looked forward as she gripped the knife even tighter.
The Night Before
"I'll go ahead, scout the area. Make sure there's no creepers," Juno said as she grabbed a silver blade and a gun.
"Alright, just be careful," Dean told her. She hummed in response then began walking into the woods. She turned on the flashlight in her hand, pointing it every where to check her surroundings. She paused when a twig cracked, making her turn. She saw nothing, chills going up her spine.
Juno walked on again, beginning to pull her gun out. She was more careful this time around, looking at all her surroundings. A sudden hand clamped around her mouth as Juno felt a cloth. Her eyes widened as she tried to fight, but the chloroform was too strung. Her eyes fluttered shut, the werewolf beginning to drag her to the cabin.
The cabin was quiet as Juno was still leaned against the cabinet. Sam hadn't woken up for some miraculous reason, and Juno was beginning to lose faith. She let the knife fall from her hand, as her head fell onto her knee's. She looked at Sam as she shook her head.
"Dammit," she muttered, beginning to try and get up. Suddenly, Sam gasped, his eyes opening. Juno's eyes widened as she looked at him, tears stopping right then. "Sam?" He looked at her as she was leaning forward. She gasped, wrapping her arms around him. "Sam, I thought you were dead. Dean, he..."
"Where is he?" Sam asked.
"He got the other two to safety and hasn't been back. It's morning," Juno said as she looked out the window. A truck began approaching, both of them becoming alert. Juno ducked back down, grabbing the silver knife on the floor. Sam tried getting up, but only grunted in pain. "Okay, come on. Basement, basement, now." Juno pulled Sam over her shoulder, beginning to help him down the stairs. He was stumbling the whole way, Juno trying to keep him up. Eventually, he slipped from her grasp, falling down. "Shit!" She walked down next to him, noticing the large amount of blood now. She pulled his shirt up, pulling the old bandage off.
The door crashed in upstairs, Juno slightly flinching. She began pulling Sam up, the two walking to a shelf. He stumbled into it, trying not to make too much noise. Juno clamped her hand over her mouth as sawdust from the floorboard rained down on her and Sam. Seconds later, the door to the basement creaked open. Juno pulled Sam into the shadows, pulling the silver knife from her belt. She gripped it tight, waiting until the werewolf made his round to them.
He walked to one of the carts, pushing it aside and screaming as if he'd scare them. Juno took that as her time to step out. The werewolf turned, Juno digging the blade right into his heart. Footsteps came down the stairs again, Juno looking over. She ducked behind a column as Rose walked down the stairs. Juno turned, stabbing her in the back with the blade. Rose fell to the ground, Juno grabbing the keys from her pocket.
"Come on," Juno said nodding for Sam to follow her. She helped him back up the stairs, getting them out to the car. She got Sam in the passenger seat, then ran around to the front. Juno drove the truck back all the way to the Impala, a small smile coming across her face. She got out of the truck, running around to get Sam out of the passenger seat. He stumbled out, almost taking Juno down with him. She walked him to the car, leaning him against it.
"J, Corbin, he's..." Sam gasped at the pain in his stomach as he pulled out his cell phone. "He was bitten." Juno nodded slightly, grabbing Sam's phone. She called Dean, waiting for an answer. He picked up almost immediately.
"Sammy?" he asked.
"No, but I've got him, Dean. He'll be fine. We're at the car. Where are you?" Juno asked as Sam was breathing heavily in pain.
"The Urgent Care on fifty-four," Dean answered.
"Okay, is Corbin with you?" Juno asked, but could only hear static. She didn't hear Dean respond so she repeated the question, "Is Corbin with you?" The phone beeped, Juno swearing under her breath. She turned, opening the backseat door. She got Sam in, then opened the drivers door and hopped in. She hot wired the car since Dean had the keys, then drove.
Juno stopped the car in front of the Urgent Care, then looked at Sam.
"Stay in the car, I will come back when I take care of Corbin," Juno told him.
"There's more guns in the back," he told her. Juno nodded, getting out of the car and running to the trunk. She opened the arsenal, grabbed a few silver bullets and a gun, then ran inside. She looked through all the halls, then heard growling from one of them. She ran the way, looking at Corbin was choking Dean. She brought the gun up, aiming straight for his back. She fire two shots, Corbin falling to the ground.
"No! NO!" Michelle screamed as she fell to the ground. Juno let her arms fall as her shoulders sagged as well.
"Took you long enough," Dean remarked.
"Shut up," she grumbled. She dropped the gun to the floor, then slid it to Dean. "Sam's in the car, I'll go get him." An hour later of doctors and pain killing meds, Juno and Sam were released. Sam seemed to be doing better, but not much. Still lost a lot of blood. They were all walking to the car, Sam still limping a bit.
"So, that's it, huh? Two quarts O-neg, and you're good to go," Dean said patting Sam's shoulder.
"How is she?" Sam asked about Michelle.
"She's strong. She'll be all right," Dean answered him. "Those stitches gonna hold?"
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Army Ranger Sergeant Dean Forester, an RSTF operator, is sent on a mission to retake and destroy a secret lab now belonging to Humanities mortal enemy: The Orith. After everything goes wrong for himself and his squad, Dean is sent through an experimental wormhole on the verge of death to a whole new world, one that is corrupted by war and slavery. Twilight Sparkle, the last Alicorn, is on the run. It had been nearly two years since the Dark Elves took the peaceful land of Equestria, enslaving it's habitants, imprisoning the remaining elements, and killing the remaining princesses. With all hope seeming to be lost, Twilight stumbles upon an interesting discovery deep within the Everfree, something she had only heard stories about: A Human. The two must team up and take back the land of Equestria. Challenges will be faced, blood will be spilt, and maybe, just maybe, Sergeant Dean Forester will finally find his peace and harmony in this new land... Original story located on Fimfiction.net. Also posted on Wattpad, Fanfiction, and Scribblehub.
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