《Living With Jared Padalecki》13/ all star


I stayed up all night last night. I couldn't fall asleep, I was far too busy trying to make sense of what happened last night with Jason. After eating the most awkward dinner of my life, Jared picked me up at Haley's house around nine thirty. The ride back home was even more awkward, because I could not think of a single word to say to him.

This morning, I go downstairs around six-thirty and into the kitchen to find Gen folding laundry at the table. "Hey," I greet, walking around the table and to the fridge. I open it, looking for the orange juice. I do this every morning after I wake up, and it doesn't seem to bother anyone, so I keep doing it.

"You're up early," she responds as I sit at the table, making sure to be out of her way. Or awfully late, I think to myself, however I do not say anything. "You're probably excited about today, huh?" She asks, throwing me completely off guard.

"Why? What's today?" She freezes what she's doing and furrows her eyebrows at me.

"Jared didn't tell you?" I shake my head, and my heart immediately starts to race. What's today? What didn't he tell me? "There's a convention today. The guys want you to go with them." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why?" I ask, curious as to why they would want me to tag along. I mean, I'm not in the show or anything.

"The rest of the cast wants to meet you," she replies. "And the fans are curious about you." I refill my glass with orange juice and furrow my eyebrows once again.

"How do they know about me?"

"The guys talk about you at conventions, I guess." I don't question any further, instead, try to properly digest the stuff she just told me. I've wanted to go to a Supernatural convention for years, and now I get to go. Only now, they don't know I watch the show, so I can't really go as a fan. Maybe it will still be fun.


I sit in a chair about ten feet away from the guys. They are currently getting their pictures taken with the fans. This has been going on for about an hour. I've always wanted to get my picture taken with Misha, but I've never had enough money for something like that.

It's an amazing thing to watch. The fans give the picture people their tickets, then they cry a little, smile, laugh, then pick a dorky pose for the picture. I'm quite jealous, to be honest. The guys are so great with their fans.

I fold my hands in my lap, staring off into the distance blankly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a girl getting her picture taken with Jared. I watch as she then pulls out a folded up letter and hands it to him, speaking inaudibly, and that's when I notice that she is crying. My heart swells as Jared pulls her into another hug and then kisses the top of her head.


"Are you okay?" I look to my left and see Misha standing above me, looking at me with concern laced in his features. I lower my eyebrows.

"I'm fine," I reply, like a reflex. He raises his eyebrows, clearly showing that he doesn't believe me. I sigh and gesture to Jared and Jensen, who are still taking photos with their fans. "I just...wish I could afford to get my picture taken with my favorite celebrity." I watch as his expression changes from concerned to smiley.

"Come on," he says, and shocking me beyond belief when he holds his hand out to me. I raise my eyebrows and hesitate before taking it, pulling myself up and walking with him to the place where he was taking pictures earlier. I find it odd how he isn't taking pictures right now, but Jared and Jensen are. I don't know, maybe that's the way they do it.

"I can't afford this, Misha," I say, realizing immediately what he is planning.

"Well, I can," he replies, handing the picture guy some cash. My eyes widen a little. Why in the hell would he pay that much to do this for me? "Now, pick a pose." My heart was still beating so loud and fast I think it may burst through my chest and kill me.

I shrug a little. I've always wanted to take a picture like this, but I never really planned on how to pose with him. "I don't know, a hug would be alright." He smiles a little, shrugging as he pulls me into a huge hug. With me being only a few inches shorter than him, the sides of our faces are kind of pressed together. I smile a little and look at the camera, hoping that Misha won't notice how fast my heart is beating.

It's over just as quick as it happened. I rub my eyes from the flash of the camera, trying to gain back my vision as Misha and I pull out of our hug.

"I'm sorry I'm not your favorite celebrity," Misha says. But you are, I think to myself. "But I am a celebrity, so I hope that counts for something." I smile at him as another fan hands the picture guy her ticket.

"Thanks," I murmur, slightly embarrassed for some reason. I lightly hit his shoulder with my fist before turning around and walking away from him, my cheeks and hands burning as I try to find a bathroom.


I sit backstage during Misha and Jensen's panel. Jared went somewhere else, I'm not sure where, though.

In the time between the panels and the photo ops, I got to meet some of the other cast members, such as Richard, Rob, Ruth, and Kathrynn. They were all really nice to me and actually talked to me, which was quite surprising.

I listen as Jensen talks to a fan about what's in store for season twelve. Obviously, he doesn't give out hardly any information, because he's probably not allowed to. I don't get very much time to listen, though. Some guy with one of those headsets on comes up to me with a glass of apple juice.


"Take this to Jensen," he says, handing me the glass and turning to walk away.

"No, wait, I'm not—" I start, but he's already gone. He must have me confused for someone else. Someone who's supposed to go out in front of huge audiences and hand people stuff. I'm definitely not one of those people.

I glance around the room for someone who is supposed to be doing this. My eyes stop on one of those stupid, funny looking horse hats that I see all over the place, the ones that cover your face.

The ones that cover your face.

I get up from my seat and stride across the room, quickly and quietly slipping the horse hat over my head after taking my hat off and putting it in the back pocket of my jeans. I have to take a few incredibly deep breaths to try to focus on not worrying.

It's okay, they won't be able to see your face. They might even find it funny.

Taking one final deep breath, I pick up the glass of apple juice and walk out onto the stage towards Jensen and Misha, trying to keep my hands and feet as steady as I possibly can.

The crowd immediately bursts out laughing, which makes me smile under the mask. Jensen and Misha turn their heads in my direction, both of them smiling a little.

As I approach them, I hand Jensen the glass of apple juice. He takes it and says thank you, but I can hardly hear him over the loud noises the audience is making. Sighing deeply, I turn around and walk off the stage, wiping hands off on my jeans. I hear the crowd cheering and making weird noises as I disappear from the stage, making sure I'm out of sight before tearing the mask off and taking a breath of fresh air. A few seconds later, I hear Misha ask Jensen, "Who the hell was that?"


As we are leaving the building, surrounded by screaming fans and flashy lights, I faintly hear my name being shouted. I glance around, trying to find the source, but failing miserably. I decide to drop it, realizing that the guys are probably exhausted from everything that happened today, so I don't want to bother them.

"Charlie!" I hear the familiar voice once again, and this time we are outside where there are less fans so I can hear her better. I glance to my left and see Mason standing walking towards me, holding a bag from Hot Topic. I smile a little and she surprises me as she envelops me in the biggest hug I've ever had. I laugh in surprise, and before I have time to hug back, she pulls away.

"Hey, Mason," I say as I continue walking with Mason by my side, trailing behind the boys. "What are you doing here?"

"I, uh..." she starts, her voice a little shaky. Out of nowhere, she shows me a big yellow envelope, which is the same as the one I am holding, containing the enlarged photo that I got taken earlier with Misha. "I got my picture taken with Jared!" She exclaims in a whisper, so the boys don't hear her.

"Can I see it?" I ask, surprisingly very happy for her. She has wanted to get a picture taken with him since she started watching the show.

"Wait, hold on," she says, and she holds out the bag from the Hot Topic. "Happy early birthday! Courtesy of me and the fam." I smile a little at how she shortens the word 'family' into 'fam'. My mouth drops open a little as I take the bag in excitement.

I think my heart stops a little as I see what is in the bag. The first thing I see is a t-shirt with an animated version of Wolverine on it. The second thing I see is a red, button up t-shirt with little Deadpool symbols all over it. I remember pointing these out at the mall before, mentioning to Mason how much I want them but my mom wouldn't like that because they are so overly expensive.

"Wow," I say, my jaw dropping a little. I take the shirts out of the bag, breathing in the scent of the hot topic store that still remains on them. I look over at Mason, seeing a huge smile on her face.

"I know!" She exclaims, clearly happy to see that I like them. "They were on sale, and I had a coupon." A huge smile spreads across my face.

"These are great, Mason," I say. "Thanks." I put the shirts back in the bag as I continue walking forward, and I realize that I have drifted away from the guys, so much that I don't even see them anymore.

"Yeah. I'm going to be here for a little while longer; you want to get something to eat?" I shrug, not really sure what I'm going to be doing for the rest of the day. Probably nothing, considering that every time I go with the guys somewhere, it just consists of me following them around everywhere.

Just as I'm about to reject, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and read the text.

Moose: be back to the hotel by ten.

I smile a little, wondering how he can be such a mind reader at times. I send him a quick message, before looking back up at Mason and returning my phone to its natural habitat: my pocket.

"Let's eat."

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