《The Wolves ✓》13; sleepless


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Freya woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of something moving down the hall. Laying still, she listened as it moved closer. She heard something breathing heavily from the other side of the door and immediately sat up.

She stood up, careful not to make any noise. Looking down at Greg, she didn't want to wake him and instead, stayed still and watched the door.

The sounds began to die down as whoever it was eventually moved away from the door. She prayed to God that someone would wake up because the last thing she wanted to do was to walk into that hallway and face whatever it was, alone.

It was quiet for a long time until she heard the sudden crash of pots falling on the floor followed by a high pitched squeal. Not long after did the sound of doors opening and closing follow.

Greg awoke from the noise and was about to say something but Freya held her finger to her lips. After listening to the sounds of things smashing and people shouting, he stood up.

"Greg," she whispered.

"I'm fine," he replied, his eyes fixated on the door.

Suddenly, the door swung open revealing Jade in the doorway. Her hair was a mess and she looked at the pair with annoyance. "It's clear," she said.

"Is everyone okay?" Freya asked.

"Yeah, no thanks to you though."


"Those things came here because of you," she said, venomously.

Freya was about to retort when something moved from the shadows behind Jade. Greg's instincts kicked in and suddenly his clothes began to rip apart as he began to transition.

His skin sprouted fur and his back arched, burdened with the pain of his first transformatio. His temperature spiked and finally he let out a low growl. Freya watched her brother in shock as he sprung on to his four legs towards Jade. It didn't feel real.


Jade fell to the floor in an attempt to shield herself in surprise and Greg jumped over her and on to the creature behind her. He latched himself on it, biting into its flesh and tearing it apart.

Freya screamed as she watched its head fly off its body and bounce off the living room wall. Greg took a step away and Freya looked at the dismantled body on the floor. A dark maroon fluid leaked from the body but not as much to leave a pool.

Slowly, Freya looked at her brother who was breathing through his mouth. His mouth bore large canines and his body was covered in brown fur. He turned his head and she saw his golden eyes look back at her. Whatever she was looking at wasn't her brother but somehow, it still was.

A disoriented and shirtless Tristan ran into the living room. There was dried blood on his face and chest. He looked at Jade on the floor and then at Greg. "Good job."

Greg looked at Tristan and then at the floor, embarrassed that he couldn't reply.

"Are you okay?" he asked Jade who was still on the floor.

Jade rolled her eyes and stood up, dusting off her pajamas. "I'm fine."

"Can he turn back?" Freya asked, finally.

Tristan looked at her and Freya found it uncomfortable to look back at him. She felt embarrassed by the attraction she felt and looked back at Greg, not realising her cheeks had turned red.

"Of course he can," Tristan said. "Uh, why don't you follow me, Greg. I don't think he'd want people around when he changes back."

Freya woke early the next morning and sat on the edge of the mattress, thinking about what she had to do. After last night, she wasn't sure that they'd allow them to stay any longer and to be honest, she didn't exactly feel as safe as she thought she might have.


She looked down at Greg who was sleeping soundly beside her. She'd witnessed something remarkable yesterday, watching her brother turn into another species within seconds. It had felt like she was in a movie except it wasn't special effects, it was real life.

She stood up and ran a hand through her hair. Opening the door, she crept into the corridor and looked around. She walked down the corridor until she saw an open room and peeked inside.

It was a small closet with boxes and an old bicycle against the wall. What caught her eye was the cupboard and more specifically, what was on top of it. Her gun. How lucky, she thought to herself.

She grabbed it and put it in her jeans, behind her belt and hid it by covering it by her hoodie with her eyes on the door. Without any delay, she left the room and went for the room Greg was in. Suddenly, she heard the front door open and turned around.

Billy walked in, wearing a baseball cap, jeans and a maroon sweater. "What are you doing?" he asked as soon as he saw her.

"I was in the toilet since you care so much. And good morning to you, too," she said with annoyance and walked into the room.

Billy mocked her by making a face and headed upstairs towards Tristan's study.

When she walked in, Greg was sitting on the mattress, his hair sticking up in every direction. "I think we should go."


"They're talking about us upstairs."

Freya nodded slowly, "Okay, that's not creepy at all."

"It's true. I think we should leave."

"Greg, we don't know where we are. How will we get home if we run off now?"

Greg shook his head, getting off the mattress and on to his feet.

Freya frowned, not liking how serious her brother sounded.

"Greg, if mum ever comes looking for us, it'll be at the house..

And she hasn't come yet, has she?"

"She could."

"And you want to take that risk? Of us leaving this place and finding our way back with no directions at all."

Greg stared, blankly.

"Okay, fine. Just please let me deal with this, okay?" she said.

She heard someone knock on the door and then open it slowly. It wasn't Jade or Billy like she expected. Instead it was a much older woman with short greying hair. Her eyes were the palest blue she'd ever seen that she could easily mistake it for grey.

"Morning, hope I'm not disturbing you but the Alpha sent me here to get you guys."

"Get us for what?" Freya asked, still not used to the fact that everyone called Tristan, Alpha.

"Breakfast, of course."

Freya glanced at Greg who looked as confused as she was.

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