《Birds of a Feather》Heir


Tina's leg was still bleeding. However she managed to knock out four guards to get Newt, Fontaine, Picquery and Eulalie wands.

"But where are our wands? Mine is extremely important" Serephina said.

"Of course, we'll find them later" Tina found wands unimportant as of now. They need to help Dumbledore.

Tina noticed that most of Grindelwald's men were going north. There was only one thing out there - The Hudson Valley.

Maybe the base camp was set up there.

Picquery spotted a carriage. She petrified the driver and they got inside.

"Now, where to?" Fontaine asked, agreeing to drive.

"Follow the dark cloaked guys" The President said. It was weird, seeing the President use such colloquial language.


The engine roared as they took off. Along the way, Newt used "his wand" to rip off a piece of his blue cloak to stop Tina's wound from bleeding.

"What? Don't do that" Tina insisted.

"It's fine. I can repair this cloak again" Newt assured her as he tied it perfectly.

"You'd need to get it sterilized" Picquery turned to her, "It might bring you a fever".

"I can cast a spell. . "

"No, the wound is too bad" Newt said, "I'll kill that Grindelwald. How dare he!"

Fontaine drove the carriage at a really fast speed that everyone got carsick. Eulalie was busy trying not to puke.

"Professor, please drive slow. . " Eulalie coughed.

"Sorry! We don't have time!" Fontaine said, "At this rate, I'd have to jinx this engine!"

"No!" Everyone yelled.

"Too late"

The carriage sped off with the speed of light enough to make them all dizzy. Thankfully they reached Hudson Valley right on time, which was about half an hour.

Picquery cast a quick Anti Motion Sickness Charm on all of them so that they wouldn't puke.


"C'mon, we need to go!" Tina limped forward.

"Tina, you're in no position to walk" Newt told.

"Yes, you'll hurt your leg even more" Eulalie added.

"And you can't stay here either. They'll find us" Fontaine added on.

"Yeah, she gets it!" Picquery commanded.

"I'll help her" Newt said, fiercely, "You all carry on. We'll catch up to you".

"Tell Dumbledore that we're here, if you see him".

"Or anyone part of our crew" Tina coughed as the three of them walked off.

There was a bit of silence before Newt spoke, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ran away".

"You had a good reason to".

"I never believed you. I thought the Hallows didn't exist" Newt regretted, "I shouldn't have made you leave".

"It's fine. We're here now, right?" Tina smiled weakly, "Now help me".

Newt placed his hand on her waist, her entire weight balanced by him. Tina held on to Newt's neck as she limped on and on.

"Can't we Apparate?" Tina said.

"I don't think we should. We don't know the anatomy of these wands. They could be Apparation-Proof".

"What the heck do you mean by Apparation Proof wands?"

"Well, Grindelwald could've cast a spell on the wands to prevent them from Apparating. Maybe to guard the lair instead of wasting time lollygagging" Newt guessed.

"I've never heard of the spell".

"Partly because the incantation is extremely hard and it's not taught to kids or to. . . Ministry peoples".

"I see".

They slowly walked around until they came to a huge valley where the battle raged on. Hundreds of Grindelwald's men were trying to defend the Dark Lord by shooting spells towards the East, where Dumbledore and his army were.

"We need to go over there" Tina pointed, "We can't do it together without getting caught".


"Tina. . "

"I suggest I walk normally. I can try, right?"

"Your leg. . "

"Just come!"

Tina put down her bruised leg and started to run briskly. The blood continued dripping from her leg. Newt raced after her towards the direction of Dumbledore's army.

"Dumbledore!" Tina collapsed onto the ground.

"Are you okay?" Albus asked, "Definitely not. Newt, fetch her the Dittany from the box".

"Since when did you show up here?" Newt asked, collecting the bottle, "Was it with Grindelwald's Two Way Mirror communication?"

"The Dittany can provide temporary cure, but she needs hospital treatment later" Dumbledore hinted, "Look, I believe you deserve an explanation, but not now".

Dumbledore deflected a spell, "Come on! We need all the help we can get!"

The battle raged on, with both sides fighting for their lives. Tina tried her best to attack and defend herself, but was so weak. She lost too much blood.

"Episkey!" She continuously chanted the spell to help her maintain her energy levels. Newt could see her flop down on the ground, mentally.

"Avada. . "

"Expelliarmus!" Newt yelled.

They took off so many men. Soon enough, they were all dead.

"Oh sweetums, I'm just getting started" Grindelwald laughed as he summoned a Mountain Troll.

"This is it" Dumbledore warned the others, "Get back!"

The Troll charged forward. Tina pointed the wand and yelled, "Depulso!"

At once, the spell shattered into the troll's body, but it didn't make a lot of difference.

The Troll turned daggers towards Tina.

"Tina!" Newt yelled as loud as he could, "Don't!!"

"Confringo!" Tina yelled, with all her might.

The yellow spark shot and hit the troll's chest. At once, it exploded into bits. The explosion was so loud that it knocked Tina to the ground.

The last thing she could hear was Newt's faint screams, Grindelwald and Dumbledore shooting spells at each other, exploding into bits.

"You'll pay" Dumbledore confronted his partner, "Gellert".

"Albus. You know I don't feel the same way".

"I don't care" Albus said.

"I see" Gellert said, "Aurelius?"

The much awaited boy came forward, "Yes, Father?"

"What?" Albus asked, dumbfounded.

Credence turned to Albus, "Yes. My father. I'm the heir of his legacy. I'm the heir to the throne of the Wizarding World".

"Credence, no" Albus said, slowly raising his wand, a plan forming in his mind.

"Yes, Father" Credence turned to Grindelwald, "I shall fulfill your needs".

Soon before Credence turned into an Obscurus, Albus raised his wand and shouted, "Obliviate!"

All of his memories were sucked out, leaving Credence almost lifeless. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

"No! Aurelius! Get up!" Grindelwald shook him.

No response.

"You'll pay, Albus" Grindelwald said.

At once a fierce duel was engaged. Newt watched in dismay, next to Tina's side as the last spell was shot.


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