《Birds of a Feather》Hifi


Newt was thrown into a damp cell, along with his friends. Abernathy made sure they had taken very less food and were chained up. The security was tightened in the prison so that there ain't any "accomplices" who'd get them out of there.

"Just hold on, Porpentina" Holgers had come to know of Tina's name and assured her.

Newt glanced at Holgers and looked crestfallen. Luckily Ella hurried with a plate of something.

"Here" she entered the cell, "Food".

"Oh boy" Newt's mouth watered.

"C'mon, it's just bread and butter" Ella shrugged, "I tried to steal it without Abernathy knowing".

"That's some serious crime, Ella" Holgers said, "Care to pass a slice? I'll feed these guys".

"Y'know" Ella said, without anyone hearing her, except for Newt, "I was wrong about you".


"Vinda told me that you were nothing but a dirty cheating loathsome liar playing games for Dumbledore, but you're quite alright, y'know?" Ella said.

"I am?"

"Yeah" Ella giggled like a schoolgirl, "You're probably the first prisoner that I'm fond of".

"You're f-fond of me?" Newt asked.

"As a prisoner-captor fondness. Not as a. . something else" Ella merely shrugged. Newt noticed there was something more that.

"Alright, numbskulls" Abernathy made a dramatic entrance followed by two men, "Meet our Lord".

Grindelwald stared at his prisoners before breaking into a chuckle, "Oh, my, never would've thought such heroes would fall prey to a trap".

"It's a comprehensive trap carefully thought and planned ahead, Mr Grindelwald" Abernathy said, smugly.

"Good, good" Grindelwald sighed, "While you are busy wallowing in your sorrows, meet Aurelius".

Credence came in to the prison. His unruly hair was combed back neatly. He wore a dark serpent green cloak, just like everyone else and held a wand.

"Aurelius" Credence repeated.

Tina suddenly felt a bolt of energy and got up, despite her leg being chained to a metallic ball, "Credence! Don't listen to him! You aren't Aurelius! You aren't Dumbledore's brother! You are just. . you!"

"Too late" Credence pulled out his wand and pointed at Tina, "Crucio!"

Tina felt a billion electric bolts careening into her body and made her crumple up like a tortured spider. She sat down, her eyeballs feeling hot and her ears turned red.


"Well done, my boy" Gellert appreciated, "You're learning fast".

"Don't!" It was Newt's time to stand up, "Don't listen to him! You're Credence and not some Grindelwald's pet! Nagini would hate to see you like this!"

"Who's Nagini?" Credence took a step closer, "Crucio!"

"Aagh!" Newt fell down, him being tortured by a misled kid, "C-c-credence".

"I'm not Credence. I'm Aurelius" Credence stated boldly.

"I know that Albus destroyed the silly blood pact, hoping to defeat me" Gellert paced, "But he hasn't seen my army at all. He's hoping to defeat me with his little fedora and cloak and his pathetic little wand!"

"How dare you insult the most important and powerful wizard in the world?" Fontaine yelled.

"Oh, Fontaine. You could've chosen to be on our side and lived. Now?" Grindelwald pulled out his wand.

"Don't you dare hurt me! The Ministry shall have your head--"

"Ah! The Ministry. Such loyalty" Gellert laughed, "So. . adorable. Such adorable. . kids out there in the real world.".

"Shut up!" Serephina shouted.

"Ouch, Madam President is here" Gellert mocked, "Never expected you out of all people, Serephina".

"Once you get to see Grindelwald's army, maybe then you'll question your choice of words before you speak to us" Abernathy said.

"I trusted you" President Picquery turned to him.

Abernathy merely shrugged, "I was never able to experience the world living and working in that hellhole".

"Now, now, Abernathy. What have we talked about taking it out on poor kids, huh?" Grindelwald placed his hand on his shoulder, "Why don't you gather the others and get my Two Way Mirror".

"You heard it Holgers. Get him the Two Way Mirror" Abernathy ordered.

"No, I want you to get it. And the wand that comes along with it" Grindelwald lowered his voice, almost seemed like a whisper.

Abernathy brought the required things. Grindelwald held his wand up.

"See this? Stolen from a fine wandmaker . Name's Gregorovitch" Grindelwald showed his wand, "Made from rare materials making it the most powerful wand in the world".

"It's the Elder Wand" Tina pointed out.

"I'm so sorry Tina, all this time I've been in . . . denial" Newt tried to frame an apology.


"Aww, young love" Grindelwald clapped his hands, "Thrown apart by fate, brought together by love. Isn't this a charming way to end your story?"

"We'll stop you! Dumbledore will!"

"That man is half witted as my second cousin's stepfather" Grindelwald sneered, "He can dream. But he wouldn't be able to stop me".

Grindelwald accepted the Two Way Mirror to contact Dumbledore. Soon a misty appearance of Albus appeared on the surface of the mirror.

"Hey, there, my friend. Remember me? It's been a while".

Dumbledore tried to stop him from contacting, but Grindelwald soon explained what happened. It wasn't a happy reunion or a fierce battle - but a simple sober explanation on Albus's friends' mistake.

Soon the figure disappeared and Grindelwald pocketed the mirror. "He seems too moody. As I said, half witted. He's old" Gellert laughed heartily.

"Leave us alone, you idiot!" Tina tried to pry open the chains and strangle Grindelwald behind the bars.

"Sounds like someone needs to cool off" Grindelwald sneered, "Flipendo!"

Tina was thrown against the wall. Her head started to bleed fiercely. Her foot was crushed between the huge metal ball and the wall.

"Get her some bandages" Grindelwald said, "She looks pathetic, just like her sister".

"Whatever happened to her dumb sister?" Abernathy mocked.

"She ran away. Couldn't handle it. Such a . . ."

Just then the doors opened. A frantic looking soldier entered, "Sir! Sir!"


"They're here! Albus Dumbledore is here!"

"What? How's that possible? Did he Apparate?" Grindelwald questioned, "How can that old fool manage to Apparate between continents?"

"I don't know, but they are spotted! Right here in NYC!"

"Get going, you idiots!" Grindelwald barked at his men, "We need to go!"

He raced out of the room, followed by Abernathy and the others. Only Holgers and Ella stayed back to help the wounded Tina.

Slowly Holgers unlocked the chains. The leg was damaged pretty badly and she had to clean up. Since they couldn't find a bucket to bring in, they had to take her.

Holgers helped her get to her feet as he proceeded to carry her to a bucket of water a few feet away from the prison cells.

"You're really brave" Holgers complimented as he cleaned Tina's wound, "And strong. Grindelwald is kind of mad, y'know?"

"Then why join him?" Tina asked.

"Family problems" Holgers answered, "It's a long and complex tale if you ask me".

"If you don't like it, you should leave" Tina spoke, frustrated.

"Yeah, but I kind of taken a liking here and also disliking it at the same time. The people are all. . powerful here" Holgers shrugged.

"So you seek power?"

"That's one way to look at it" Holgers grinned.

Their eyes locked for a moment before Holgers spoke, "Your eyes are beautiful".

"Yeah, thanks" Tina said, dully.

"Has anyone told you how amazing you are?"

Before Tina could respond, he leaned in and kissed her.

Tina wasn't used to such kissing, so she did what any irrational person would do at that moment. She knew she had to escape this prison.

And hence she punched him right in the gut.

"Aagh! Tina!" Holgers tumbled back. Tina grabbed his wand in his pocket and pointed at him, "Petrificus Totalus!"

At once he froze like a statue.

"What's going on?" Ella came into the scene, "What's happening?"

Tina noticed the keys dangling from her belt. With one swipe, she cast th Summoning Charm on the keys and took it.

"Hey!" Ella shouted.

"Petrificus Totalus!" she screamed at Ella before the latter hit the ground, frozen like a block of ice.

"Episkey!" Tina cast a quick spell on her leg to make it better. However it made it worse. She could walk, but couldn't without spilling drops of blood.

She spotted some bandages and tied around the wound firmly. Then she got up and went to the cell.

"What's going on?" The President asked.

"Yeah?" Eulalie Hicks, the professor who had been quiet all along, watching everything with disbelief said.

"Tina? Your leg. . " Newt pointed.

"I got the keys. Come on, let's go! If it really is Dumbledore, we need to find him!" Tina urged as she freed them all.

"Tina!" Newt hugged her firmly, "Just. . don't let me go".

"Save the sappiness for the after party, British boy" Tina chuckled, "We have a war to fight".

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