《Birds of a Feather》Hats


Newt and Tina returned back to the apartment to stay there for a few days. Achilles and Linda had already made their way to Scotland for their honeymoon.

"Okay, I need to meet up with MACUSA this evening" Tina told her plans.

"Sure, you can. I'll be. . "

". . .on your own for dinner, I'm sorry" Tina understood him, "But maybe if I can sneak in something from the cafeteria? There's literally nothing here apart from cold beans and bread".

"I can go grocery shopping then" Newt said, "I can manage Tina".

Tina kissed his cheek, "I'm sorry".

"It's not your fault" Newt said, "I can handle it". He ruffled her hair playfully.

A single tear escaped from Tina's eyes, but she restrained it. However Newt, being a keen observer, noticed it in a flash.

"Tina, are you alright?" Newt asked, "You seem pretty upset".

"No, Newt. . it's just" Tina didn't know how to get it out of her chest, "It's hard. Very hard".

"I understand" Newt pulled her closer.

"No, Newt, you don't" Tina snapped sharply, "I'm sorry, it's just these memories of Ma and Pa just come and haunt me everytime. I can't survive in New York. Not anymore".

"Tina. . you should've told me sooner" Newt implored, "I could've helped. Chamomile tea?"

Tina jerked away from him, "I have a problem and you bring up tea?".

"Nothing tea can't solve" Newt shrugged, "It's what Mum does whenever someone's upset".

"I hope your Mum's all right" Tina sniffed.

"I hardly ever see her" Newt said, "She. . . isn't around much".

"I'm sorry" Tina placed a caring hand on his shoulder.

"She, ah. . . is quite in trauma" Newt said, "She lives in a quiet place because. . . she couldn't get over my dad's. . "

". . I see" Tina said, hesitantly.

"My dad was brutally killed in a battle a few years ago" Newt said, "Ever since then, she was in disbelief. She moved away from London to wallow in her sorrows".

"What did she say. . when you dedicated your book to her?" Tina asked, quietly.

"She never read it" Newt heaved a sigh of pain, "She used to be a cheerful woman. Now she isn't. . "

"I'm so sorry, Newt. If I had learnt about this earlier, I would've. ." Tina started but Newt placed a finger on her lips.


"Ssh" he said, "It's over now. I don't see her".

"Isn't she worried about you? Don't you want to talk to her sometimes?"

"I did talk to her after Paris and she was still in trauma even after five years. We've tried everything"

"We've all lost people. . " Tina murmured, "If only there could be something. . that helps us".

"Yeah" Newt agreed, "But. . . the dead shall remain the same, until an external force brings them".

"External force. . " Tina whispered, "That's it!"

Tina clamored around producing a chair from the dining table. She stepped on it and pulled herself up. She punched open a wooden door latched on the ceiling and coughed.

"You have an attic? How come I've never noticed it?" Newt wondered, "Tina! Where are you going?".

"Come up!" Tina said, "Let me get a ladder - oof! Damn you --" Tina let out a string of cuss words as she pulled down the ladder. It was made of rope and wasn't as sturdy they expected it to be.

"Tina, what's your plan?"

"Come up, Newt, for God's sake!"

Newt hurled himself up the ladder. Tina gave him a hand and pulled him up.

The attic was relatively small, the size of two large wardrobes. It had a small window on the side, overlooking the streets. Tina felt a switch and turned on the light.

"What is this?" Newt looked around.

"The attic, duh!" Tina raised her hands, "Wait, Newt? I need you to help me find a box with books in it".


"Yes books! Are you deaf?" Tina snapped, "We need it!"

Newt could understand how desperate Tina was.

"Hey, look!" Newt pointed at a chest.

"You found the box?"

"Nope. There are a bunch of hats here!" Newt picked out a traditional straw hat and placed it on his head.

"You look so handsome that I might faint" Tina's voice was loaded with sarcasm.

"Really?" Newt picked out another hat, which was a sombrero.

"Senõr Scamander" Tina teased.

"Well then, I suppose you're my senõrita" Newt gave her a sly grin, "Oh I'm sorry, that was bad".

"No, that was pretty cute" Tina smiled.


Newt rummaged through the different hats and picked out a French Beret.

"How do I look, Madame Goldstein?" Newt threw in a French accent, "Would you like a bonbon? Maybe a croissant".

"Aww, you look like one of those artists!" Tina exclaimed.

"Well, I suppose I'd have to get a canvas and a box of paints" Newt smiled, "Where did you get these hats anyway?".

"My Mum and Dad traveled around a lot, you see. We were playing Crazy Hats since we were two" Tina said, "So, I've forgotten about them. I remember when Queenie used to host tea parties with teddy bears and put on those fancy hats".

"That would be adorable" Newt tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Tina picked out a baseball cap from the box and stared at it for a quite a bit, examining the tucks, the logo embedded and the straps.

"What's that?" Newt asked.

"A New York Yankees Cap" Tina answered, "I remember I was such a fan of theirs".

"Wait, what?"

"It's baseball, Newt" Tina shook her head, "Ever heard of soccer? Muggle sports?"

"I've heard of chess" Newt said.

"Well, baseball is this sport introduced way back. Mum and I were die hard Yankees fans. Dad wasn't into baseball, so he supported Quidditch" Tina said, "Well, we all had to blend in, right?".

"What about Queenie?"

"You think Queenie would choose baseball?" Tina scoffed.

"I dunno, I try" Newt shrugged as he closed the box of hats, "Now, where were we?"

After pushing, pulling, grunting and groaning, they found the cardboard box with a lot of dusty books.

"What is this all about?" Newt asked.

"I'm looking for a specific book" Tina retorted, "It's called The Tales of --"

"-- Beedle the Bard?" Newt finished her sentence.

"You've read that book?" Tina asked.

"Beats me. I've been told some stories from it and other than that, I haven't read it" Newt said, "Mum used to narrate some stories and that's all".

"Do you have the book?" Tina asked.

"I don't know" Newt rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't know".

Tina dug up the cardboard box of books to find a pale blue and milky colored book, with loose stitches. She pulled it out and dusted it.

"Here it is" Tina breathed, "the book".

Once they were all settled up in the living room, Tina began the story of the Peverell Brothers, reading every single word and trying to understand it.

By the end of the narration, Newt was aghast. "D'you think there's something called the Deathly Hallows?"

"Newt!" Tina slapped him with the book, "You out of all people should know that they do exist!"

"They d-do?"

"Hell yes" Tina said, "There are three objects passed down in the Peverell line. There's the Elder Wand. The most powerful wand in the world".

"There's the Resurrection Stone, enough to bring back the dead people".

"And the Cloak of Invisibility, which makes the wearer invisible"

"It doesn't make sense!" Newt said, "These are myths, Tina. There's no such thing as. . these!"

"Imagine what we could do with such power! Imagine what we can do if we find those objects!" Tina said.

"What, don't tell me you're gonna find em" Newt said.

"I'm going to bring Leta back" Tina said.

"Why?" Newt asked, "Tina, it's too dangerous. These objects could be anywhere! You're being silly!"

"You're being delusional!" Tina snapped, "Look, these might be just myths, but so are dragons! They're myths too! And so is the Chimaera".

"They aren't".

"They are" Tina explained, "Look, everything was accounted and created for a reason. The Hallows could be out there. Maybe Grindelwald already has one".

"But how are we going to find them? Knock every door to see who has it?" Newt asked, impatient.

"I have a plan" Tina smiled, cheekily, "There are records from all around the world in MACUSA. All I need to do is show my ID and I can get in".

"Tina, we're here for a vacation!" Newt raised his arms, "We deserve a break from our crazy lives!"

"No we don't. We've had plenty of breaks. We need to implement with the clues we have" Tina responded, "Now come on!"

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