《Birds of a Feather》Hant


Tina was flooded with memories of her past once the ship docked in the New York Port. She looped her arms with Newt as they walked down the gangplank towards the city.

"Um, excuse me?" A security guard stood near the entrance, "May I see your luggage?".

"Oh sure" Newt said as he handed his duffel bag, which the Ministry has graciously offered them. The security guard looked at it before examining Tina's.

"Names?" he asked them.

"I'm Newt Scamander and this is Tina Goldstein" Newt introduced them.

"In that case," the man returned their luggages, "Welcome to New York, Mr Scamander and Miss Goldstein".

"Where is Achilles's place anyway?" Newt asked her.

"He's given me the address and we just need to get there. It's a few blocks away from Woolworth Building" Tina said.

Newt hid a smile. The same building where he was dragged in by the same woman.

They took a carriage to the house to meet Achilles and his fiancee. It was a beautiful place, squashed between a hairdresser's place and another house.

They rung the doorbell, waiting for an answer. Just then, a bright red haired woman opened the door and stared at them.

"Hi, uh, you must be Linda Thymes" Tina extended her hand, "I'm Tina, a friend of Achilles".

"Oh, yes, Tina. He said he was expecting you" Linda opened the door for them.

Just then, Achilles walked down the stairs to greet his guests. "Tina!" he exclaimed, "Never expected you to actually come".

"Linda said you expected me".

"Well expectations and reality have quite the difference between them, right?" Achilles pulled her into a hug.

"Good to see you" Tina gritted her teeth, "This is Newt Scamander".

"Oh you must be the author!" Linda cried, "I love your book! It hit the top of the chart once it came here to New York! It's so good to see you!".

"Thanks. Never quite expected that" Newt shook her hand.

"Newt" Achilles smiled.

Just then, Tina was taken back to then time when she met Achilles for the first time.

"Miss Goldstein? You shall be working with Mr Tolliver here" President Picquery decided.

"Wait, so I'm supposed to partner up?" Tina asked, quickly.

"Indeed. It's for everyone's good. In that way, we'll be stronger and maintain security" The President continued, "Mr Tolliver? Meet Miss Goldstein".

"Hi" Tina said, dryly.

"Hello" the man with a well built shoulder said, "Pleased to work with you".

"I'll leave you to it" the President left with her word.

"Cut the crappy introductions" Tina snapped, "You're gonna have a hard time working as an Auror".

"Working with you? Or working as an Auror" Achilles gave her a smirk. Tina didn't say a word.

"You're a tough cookie to crumble, Goldstein" Achilles said.

"Get on with your work" Tina spat.

Tina was pulled back to reality as she shook her head.

"Congratulations" Newt said, "We've never met, but I think we're going to get along just fine".

"Yes. Too fine" Achilles smiled, almost as if he was forced into it, "So, where are you staying?".

"I thought we'd go to my old apartment. It's been eight months and all my stuff's up there, so why not?" Tina shrugged.

"Anyway, the wedding is tomorrow, you guys" Linda said, "Make sure you're there by eleven".

"But isn't that a bit early?" Newt asked.

"Well, things have been quite off hand now, so we need all the support we can get" Achilles explained, "So, we request everyone to come and help".


"Tell me you have a bridesmaid, Linda" Tina sighed, rubbing her temples.

"We've gotten that taken care of. All we need is some help around. That's all" Linda beamed, "Anyway, see you later!".

After a small round of coffee and cookies and an exchange of few short sentences, the pair left for the Brownstone Apartment where Tina was living.

"Tina! Where have you been?" Mrs Esposito snarled at her, "It's been eight months for God's sake!".

"Business trip" Tina answered vaguely, "I also had to help a friend".

"Where's Queenie?" Mrs Esposito asked, "What about your monthly payment?".

"Mrs Esposito, " Tina began, heaving a sigh, "I don't think I'll be able to stay any longer".

"What do you mean?" The landlady asked.

"Queenie had gotten married to another guy and they're in South America" Tina explained, ignoring the magical parts, "I had to attend this business trip and they offered me a job abroad. I couldn't say no".

"Then why are you here now?"

"I came for a wedding" Tina said, "Don't worry, I'll have the payment made by the end of this week. For all the missed months. Then, I suppose I'll pack up my things and get going".

Newt stood there, watching as the landlady and Tina talked for a while. Then the landlady seemed to be convinced of what had happened and agreed.

"I'll miss you, Tina. Tell Queenie I said hi" Mrs Esposito said, "You two were my best tenants".

Mrs Esposito smiled warmly, before her gaze fell upon Newt.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm uh, Newton" Newt felt to introduce himself properly, "I'm Tina's. . . "

"Yes, I understand" Mrs Esposito said, "I'm so happy you've found love, Tina! So, how was the wedding?".

"Wedding?" Tina asked, puzzled, "You mean my friend's?".

"Oh, I meant. . aren't you two married yet?" Mrs Esposito asked, "I see no ring on your finger".

"Oh, no, we're just. . courting for now" Tina said, a blush creeping into her cheeks.

"Oh, well" Mrs Esposito said, "You take care of Tina, alright?-" she glanced at Newt - "Tina's kind of repulsive. . can't contain her".

Tina gave her a perplexed look.

"I'm just kidding, my dears" Mrs Esposito smiled and retreated back to her humble abode.

"My name is Tina Goldstein" Tina introduced herself, "This is Queenie, my sister".

"And why do you think you would want to live in my apartment?" Mrs Esposito asked.

"Well, for starters, we are quite reliable. We don't cause a lot of hazard" Queenie took off, "We're hardly ever around, since Teen and I both work".

"And what are your jobs?"

"Teen is a police officer and I have a desk job" Queenie said.

"Well, I both seem to trust you girls and you two seem likeable" Mrs Esposito paced, "I'll give you my apartment".

"Thank you!" The sisters chorused.

"But on one condition, you are not allowed to bring any men on the premises" Mrs Esposito demanded, "You are not allowed to bring any sort of people here".

"What about friends?" Queenie asked.

"You may, with my permission" Mrs Esposito's look turned serious, "The last few tenants had a rough time with safety. I want you girls to be safe".

"So no men" Tina said, quite happily.

"Absolutely. And I bet you can maintain relationships without this, right?" she asked.

"Well Queenie's more of that type, but we'll manage" Tina assured.

"In that case," Mrs Esposito brought out a key, "Welcome to the Brownstone, Goldsteins".


Tina snapped back to reality as she gave Newt a nod and motioned him to follow her upstairs.

Things hadn't changed much. The wallpapers were still there. The fire was burnt out, leaving behind a sooty fireplace. The couches were warm enough to read a book or two.

"Alright Newt, make yourself at home" Tina said, "I'll fix us some lunch".

"Wow, everything is the same" Newt felt the velvet cushions and glanced at a picture above the fireplace.

There were three photographs. One was taken on an autumn day, with the Goldstein girls playing on a pile of dry leaves. The second was a picture of Mrs and Mr Goldstein and the girls with formal attire. The third was taken shortly before Tina and Queenie resumed their term in Illvermorny.

"You look beautiful in these" Newt wiped off some dust from the frame.

"Don't get your hopes up" Tina smiled, "I was the nerd".

"Your parents. . . " Newt breathed.

"Yeah" Tina said, "My parents".

"Tina? Queenie?" The Healer came over to the impatient sisters outside the hospital room.

"Yes?" Tina asked, hopeful.

"I'm sorry" the Healer wiped his forehead, "We tried everything".

"Everything" Queenie muttered under her breath. She was hardly five years old and didn't know most words so she tended to repeat them.

"No" Tina breathed, "No, please! Not them!".

"Tina? What is . . ?"

Tina pushed Queenie aside and ran into the hospital ward. Both her parents lay on the bed, limply and lifeless.

"No, no!" Tears streamed out of Tina's eyes, "No!"

"I'm sorry. You're such a brave girl" the Healer put an arm around her.

"No!" Tina pushed him away and approached her parents. She shook them, crying, "Ma! Pa! Wake up!"

They never did.

"Mama! Papa!" she cried, "Mama! Papa!"

Not a single movement. Tina held onto them, crying her eyes out.

"Ma. . .ma. . Pa. . pa" she muttered, "Please!"

"Tina!" Queenie rushed into the room. But she was stopped by the Healer who lifted her up and carried her away.

"Teenie!" Queenie cried.

"Ssh, little girl" the Healer said, "Don't worry. Your sister needs some time".

"Mama! Please. . wake up! Papa please! Tell me something!" Tina yanked them.

Her mother's eyes stayed closed and a peaceful smile rested on her mouth. Her dad had a little cheeky smirk etched on his face.

"Maama" Tina wobbled to the ground and buried her face, "Paapa, please tell me something!"




Tina looked blankly at Newt. She regained herself and came over to him. She picked the picture up and threw it in a drawer.

"It's a bit fragile" Tina reasoned, "Let it be".

"I'm sorry, Tina. For everything" Newt hugged her.

"I'm fine, really" Tina shrugged, "Everything's okay now". She clutched the forgotten locket beneath her shirt. The one her mother gave her.

"This is a special necklace, honey" Mrs Goldstein smiled, "You can open it and store whatever you like".

"Like a picture of all of us?" Tina asked, innocent.

Her mother smiled, "Yes, of course. It belongs to your grandmother. And it was passed to me. Now it is for you".

Then her mother coughed vigorously, but she didn't let it catch up to her life. Tina, at that time was so naive that she didn't realize her parents suffered a terrible disease.

"I'll wear it forever, Mama!" she cried happily.

"Good girl"

"It's okay, Newt. I'm good" Tina assured him and offered a smile before cooking some beans on a stove.

"If you say so" Newt didn't want to prod her further.

The next day arrived with Newt and Tina rushing to the church. They were already running late due to an accident (Newt's suit was destroyed in the process) as they cannoned to the wedding venue.

They burst in to find out that the ceremonies were about to start very soon. They took their seats and waited.

Achilles stood there, nervously tapping his feet. Next to him was another man, who was supposedly the best man.

"Why don't you go and check on him?" Newt told her, gently.

"Oh no, I'll just be adding to the stress" Tina decided to stay, "I really want to see how Linda is turning up".

"She'll be fine" Newt placed his hand over hers, giving it a squeeze, "Was it a bit much?".

"No, just. . stay here for me, please?" Tina begged.

"Always" Newt said, pulling her close.

The band started to play a wedding march. Linda was escorted through the aisle as everyone had their gaze fixed on her. She was absolutely breathtaking.

"Ooh, Ma, look at me!" A little Queenie said, twirling around wearing a white dress.

"Hey there, pretty lady" Mum teased, "When's your wedding?".

"Mm, maybe tomorrow?" Queenie asked.

"And who are you going to marry?" Tina asked, controlling her urge to retch.

"Prince Charming!" Queenie declared happily, "We're going to have a cake too! Mom, can we get a cake? This big!"- she opened her arms to an unimaginable length - "White cream on top decorated with flowers?".

Their mother laughed as Tina pretended to gag. "Ugh, gross!" Tina said.

"Tina, someday you'll be grown up and strong and you'll be able to marry too" her mother said.

"Eww! Boys are gross!" Tina complained, her brain haven't quite explored the other side of the spectrum yet.

"What about daddy then?" Queenie asked, casually. Queenie seemed more mature enough to understand certain things.

"He's good!" Tina protested, "But boys are gross".

They had a good laugh about it and brought it up almost everyday for the rest of their parents' lives.

"Tina? The vows are happening" Newt pointed out.

"Will you, Linda Barbara Thymes, take Achilles Carter Tolliver as your husband?"

"I do" Linda smiled happily.

"And will you, Achilles Carter Tolliver take Linda Barbara Thymes to be your wife?"

"I do" Achilles couldn't suppress his smile.

"I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" the Minister proposed. Linda and Achilles leaned to plant a soft kiss, a symbol of their marriage.

"Tina? You okay?" Newt asked her.

"I'm fine" Tina said, "Just a bit peaky".

Everything seemed like a memory now. A haunting one. A good soulful one. Some of them playing tricks.

Maybe she shouldn't have come to New York. . . maybe she doesn't deserve a position.

"Honey, don't doubt yourself" Dad said.

"But Papa, everyone at daycare calls me ugly and bad!" Tina complained, "I hate myself!".

"What do they call you?" Her dad asked.

"They call me a raccoon" Tina mumbled, "And they hate me. I hate myself!".

"You're the sweetest girl ever. You deserve the world" her father said, giving her an encouraging nod, "If people don't realize that, they are idiots".

"Haha, idiots!" Tina laughed, "That's a funny word".

"You'll be fine, Tina" her dad pulled her into a hug, "You'll do just fine".

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