《Birds of a Feather》Hide


The next day, Dumbledore was still cooped up inside the tent. He was still not ready to face his problems and cowered away. Talk about being a Gryffindor.

The others were outside, collecting wood for a warm hearth. Jacob was examining a bunch of raw food, his baker brain analyzing what to do with the food.

They decided it would takee at least a week for them to finish the mission, with their incredibly slow pace for the creation of a perfect plan and partly because Dumbledore was being such a wuss.

To be honest, Albus was never a coward. He would get out there, with his wand raised, not afraid to kill his enemies and be loyal to his allies. The reason why he was a great Gryffindor.

But this was Grindelwald we're talking about. The man whom Dumbledore was exceptionally fond of.

"Ah, Theseus!" Jacob called the elder Scamander brother, "Look at this! Fresh cherries!"

"Finally!" Theseus threw his arms in the air, with a bit of exaggeration, "I can eat something other than those canned gross ones".

"I can make a beautiful cherry pie, if I can get puff pastry and an oven" Jacob said.

"Let's explore the fields. Maybe there's a barnhouse with some equipment. We're running out of water" Theseus said, as fast as possible, yanking Jacob away.

"Weird. When has Theseus been excited about cooking?" Tina observed.

"Cherry pie" Newt murmured, "I remember when Leta and Theseus invited me for dinner, which I didn't go to. So they sent me some leftover dessert and it was cherry pie".

"I see" Tina said, "Quite frankly, I would avoid cherry pie or anything that reminds me of my dead lover, if I were Theseus".

"Theseus is weird that way" Newt grinned, "He wants to remember her".

"I'm happy for them" Tina sighed, "I wish he could meet Leta somehow".

"Sadly there isn't a way to contact her" Newt looked crestfallen.

"Maybe there is a way" Tina thought about it, "Why didn't I bring my books? Darn it!"

"Okay, let's cool down. Why are you being so peculiar about Leta?" Newt asked.

"I don't want Theseus to feel depressed. I know how hard it is to lose someone. . " Tina gulped, reminded of her parents, "I want him to get her back".


"We'll think of something" Newt comforted her.

"I know there isn't any way to get Queenie back, so might as well reunite them some way or the other" Tina shrugged.

"Don't think like that. We'll get Queenie back faster than we can say 'Grindelwald'" Newt smiled, hopefully.

"Okay then, Grindelwald" Tina made a face, "Now where is she?"

Newt rolled his eyes, "Seriously?"

"Can't tolerate me?" Tina said, grinning widely like the annoying kid in Muggle schools who'd come up with cringey puns and literal thinking.

"I'll put up with you for all eternity" Newt said, his heart practically opening to her.

"Mm, then be prepared to hear a string of jokes and puns coming your way" Tina said.

Newt grinned, a mischievous smile dancing on his lips.

"What, you think I'm a career driven woman and not a pleasant annoying girl?" Tina said, her eyes widening.

"No, but I'd like to see you try" Newt chuckled, "If you manage to make this mission less scary, I would be very grateful that I'll kiss you".

Tina's eyebrows raised, at his eccentric deal. Without hesitation, Newt swooped down to plant a quick kiss on her lips.

"What was that for?" Tina asked, "I thought you said that I need to make this mission less frightening".

"You've already made it that way" came the reply.

After a couple of hours of mulling over the past, Dumbledore was ready to face his problems. He got up, his hands no longer longing for the blood pact and took a drink of water.

He dusted himself and fixed his hair and beard and stepped outside. Within a few minutes, the others quickly sensed the sudden development and rushed back to the tent.



They quickly planned a strategy, just in time to make sure Dumbledore wouldn't lose the momentum. The plan was simple. Jacob would distract the people inside the lair, which would give Theseus, Newt and Tina an easy entrance. Albus Dumbledore would be at a distance, near the bushes, watching out for any suspicious motion.

And if he spots anything queer, he would send red sparks flying up into the sky, noiselessly unlike those super loud fireworks.

It was an easy plan to strategize but a difficult one to crack it in the first try.


A few hours later, they found themselves near Grindelwald's house, also known as his lair. Thankfully the dark wizard wasn't there.

Nagini and Kama had mapped out the entire house so the trio didn't have to waste time by searching every room. All they need to do was get to the basement.

It was suspicious and extremely dangerous for all three of them to be undertaking this mission, but the outcomes are unpredictable. They needed each other for extra Defense.

Plus Newt would never leave Tina's side. He had promised Bridget that he would not let her get into traps.

"Alright, let's get to it" Theseus smiled weakly, "If I don't come back, you have my will, Dumbledore".

"Ha ha ha" Tina laughed dully, with sarcasm.

Theseus gave her a little wink, "I suppose I'd be happy to give my books to my amazing brother".

The trio hid behind a bush, allowing Jacob to knock on the door.

A tall woman, with an incredible amount of makeup opened the door. She wore a black gown, pretty fancy for another day.

"What?" she snarled, "Who are you?"

"I'm Stevenson" Jacob said.

"Doesn't ring a bell" she said.

"I've been sent by Grindelwald to talk to you about the plan" Jacob told her.

"Gellert sent you?" the woman said, "Without informing me? We don't hide anything from each other".

"I suppose it was a spontaneous decision and he didn't have the time to inform you" Jacob shrugged, "Anyway, I have a lot to inform and a lot to talk about".

"In that case. . " the woman totally fell for it, "I'm Vinda Rosier, Grindelwald's wife".

"Yes, yes, I've heard quite a lot from you. Very well versed in the Dark Arts" Jacob smiled, "I need to talk to you and the other members".

"I'll call Abernathy and Britany" Vinda said, "Care to come in?"

"No, we need to go far away from here. I still have those Dumbledore's supporters trackin' me down" he said, luring them away from the lair.

"Ugh, fine. You've got some nerve, y'know?" Vinda raised her eyebrows with mock appreciation, "Give me a few seconds to call those dunderheaded supporters".

Vinda soon returned with Britany and Abernathy. They were all wearing dark colored clothes, representing Grindelwald's reign of terror. They followed Jacob away.

"Huh, Jacob is a surprisingly good actor" Tina complimented.

"Let's get inside" Newt said, pulling Tina's hand and rushing into the house with Theseus following him.

Meanwhile far far away, Modesty was looking at the sky, dreaming about a life which she can truly cherish.

It was late at night and she was supposed to be asleep. But she liked to stare out of the window. The bakers would be getting home. Stressed men and women from various jobs would be walking briskly, maybe after a dozen cups of coffee and tea.

Suddenly she heard a little noise. The streets became deserted and she could hear faint footsteps, crunching the little rocks and mud trailed on the road.

Curious, Modesty looked outside. A woman with a tall pointed hat and a long robe stood waiting outside. The woman looked around until her gaze fixated upon the orphanage.

She then walked until the porch and knocked on the door.

Modesty's heart was beating. Was it her?

Even if she was on the first floor, she could hear faint noises.

". . Modesty. . "

". . No. . Modesty. . here".

". . . school. . "

". . . Go away. . "

She could hear her name being repeatedly called. Soon the woman was thrown out from meeting her and the door closed shut.

Quickly the little girl knew what she had to do. She opened her window and reached for a tree branch adjacent to it. She balanced her weight and slowly, using all her strength pulled her weight down onto the ground, managing herself.

"Miss?" she whispered, "Are you the witch?"

The woman turned to her, quite astonished by her bravery, "Indeed I am. But I need you to accompany me so I can narrate everything".

"I'll come with you if you can give me a good home" Modesty answered, desperate.

"I think Illvermorny can do that" the woman smiled and extended her hand. Modesty grabbed it and soon, they were off.

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