《Birds of a Feather》Hero


The company got out of the carriage and paid the driver a hefty amount of money. Thankfully Jacob was able to sort it out, since the others were completely clueless about Muggle money.

They all decided to walk around near the marketplace, find a place to drop their stuff and begin their search.

Since they couldn't find an inn or a motel, they decided to go a few distance away from the crowded marketplace to reach a lonely place, surrounded by fields and supposedly looked like a campsite.

"Anyone got a tent?" Albus asked, dying to put his stuff down and forget everything.

"I have" Jacob announced, "But I need some sticks, a long piece of rope and a hammer".

"Not a problem" Theseus pulled out his wand, "Accio wood!"

Five long pieces of wood canoned to them. Theseus found a way to adjust the sticks to the ground with a flick of his wand. Then they tied the tent with the help of a rope from Newt's backpack and finished it.

It was a big tent, since Theseus had enchanted their home using an Extension Charm to create space for everyone.

Once they entered their humble abode, Jacob looked around the tent and breathed out, "I love magic".

"Pity you aren't a wizard, Jacob" Theseus conjured up some fancy curtains to give the place a look like home, "You'd make a great one".

"I wish I could be one" Jacob sighed.

"I'll get started on food" Newt decided.

"All we have is a loaf of bread" Albus said.

"It's fine. I'll get some berries from any bushes nearby and we can make some marmalade out of it" Newt thought out loud.

"And I'll see if we can get some corn" Tina said, "I bet with the huge land here, we can steal some".


"It's a barbecue!" Jacob clapped his hands, "Y'all get the ingredients and I'll make something for you".

"It's great we have a baker here" Albus said, dully, "I need to catch up on my sleep".

He pulled over his sleeping bag and plopped down on the ground, clutching the blood pact chain.

"What's with him?" Tina asked.

"I'll explain" Newt grabbed her hand, "Come on. Theseus, take guard of the tent".

"All right, soldier" Theseus mocked, as he did a quick salute.

Once the two were out, Tina saw several corn growing at a distance. She went over, with Newt following her and transfiguring her wand into a sickle, she cut them out.

"So what's with Albus Dumbledore?" Tina repeated her question.

"You see, Albus and Grindelwald were both very. . good friends" Newt didn't know how to put it into words, "They were very helpful to each other. Their relationship is similar to that of ours".

"Which is. . ?" Tina didn't get it.

"Give it a second" Newt said.

Tina thought about it and realized, "Oh, I see".

"They liked each other very much, until a strife caused them to split apart, leaving the blood pact unnoticed" Newt explained, "Which also led to the death of Albus's little sister".

"Dumbledore has a sister?" Tina asked, bewildered.

"Yes. A brother and a sister. Things weren't exactly well when Dumbledore's dad, Percival went to prison. Their mom, Kendra didn't have much time to live with the stress" Newt said.

Soon, Newt explained everything. Tina grew curious by the instant. In the end, she knew how it all began and why Dumbledore was scared of fighting Grindelwald and instead, sent the Scamander brothers.

"But he is associated with a lot of people, right?" Tina cut some more corn, "He could have an army ready".


"That's easy to for us to say" Newt gathered up the fallen corn, "It's hard because the Ministry knows about his past and they don't want to help him. The Ministry hates Dumbledore".


"With his growing influence in Hogwarts, some Aurors are convinced that he would soon take over Hector Fawley as the Minister" Newt said, "But Dumbledore stresses that he has no intention doing so. He's comfortable at Hogwarts".

"I see" Tina gathered enough corn. Soon they proceeded to the bushes where Newt carefully pulled out blueberries.

"It's hard for him to rely upon his students, because we believe Dumbledore. We stand by him" Newt smiled, "What about you?"

"I'm fine with it too. The Ministry should be sued for doing something so utterly nonsensical to him" Tina snapped up, "I mean, he's just a man! He can't take all of this!"

"Exactly" Newt grinned at Tina's determination.

Once they had gathered enough ingredients, they returned back to the tent. Jacob started a fire and cooked the corn.

"Aw, I remember when Leta and I went on a camping trip" Theseus had Deja Vu written all over him, "We ate the same exact corn growing near the fields".

"Aren't you a bit. . ?" Newt began.

"It's fine. Leta wouldn't want me to mourn over her and want me to move on" Theseus sighed, "At this point, I don't know who to cry for".

"Where's Dumbledore?" Newt asked.

"He said he didn't want any supper. Went straight to bed" Theseus lowered his voice, "Poor man. Only had half a cup of water".

"Let him rest" Newt told him, "He needs to think it over".

After a scrumptious meal of bread, corn and blueberry extract, Jacob and Theseus called it a night and went to bed.

Tina stayed up, hugging her legs and staring off into space.

"Hey" Newt took a seat next to her, after clearing up everyone's dishes.

"Hello" Tina said, raspily, "At this point, I'm questioning whether Queenie would want me back".


"I can relate to Dumbledore. His brother isn't talking to him any longer. Sounds just like Queenie and I" Tina buried her face, "Oh, I'm a terrible sister! I never protected her".

"For all I can say, you did" Newt said, "You did your best. You're a hero".

"Might call me a zero" Tina grinned.

Newt pressed a kiss on her cheek, "Look, everything will be fine. Once we get the basilisk fang, we'll destroy this thing and we can defeat Grindelwald for good".

"That's a good plan you've got there" Tina huffed, "In that case, you're a hero too".

"Maybe we can both be each other's heroes" Newt smiled weakly, "Come on, you should get some sleep. I'll take first watch".

"Why do you even have to watch?"

"Because we're trespassing and it's illegal. I'll alert you guys if I see anything" Newt said.

Tina kissed him goodnight before wandering to her sleeping corner and soon dozed off. Newt could see her shiver slightly. It was a cold day.

Newt found his coat lying next to him and slowly draped it over her.

"Good night, my dear" he mouthed, quietly, "Sleep tight".

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