《Fake It | ✔️》Epilogue | 💋


"Sebastian Daniels?"

My face scrunched up, thumb hovered the touch screen.

"Yeah, that's a cool name!"

"It's two first names put together."

August placed a hand over his heart. Mouth opened, gaping, and his eyes teased – a twinkle.

"So." He held out the "oh" sound while he scooted closer on my gray couch. Dottie perched at the end, near the couch's legs. Her tail swayed, curled, touching his ankle. She seemed to grow accustomed to his present in my apartment . . . or at least, I believed, Dottie allowed August to be there. One small step at a time.

"You're judging two first names," August continued, "They're pretty cool."

"Two first names are lovely. It's the fact you made it up and chose to do so. It's funny," I stared at him, "and cute."

I leaned forward, resting my forehead against his.

August smiled.

"How many have you deleted?" he asked.

I leaned away. "Eight? Oh, wait I think nine. How many hours did it take to create these accounts?"

August rubbed his thumb over my thigh. He stared at his iPhone in my hands.

"Far too many."

I meant to delete my accounts earlier. With my new occupation, spending time with Sugar, hanging out with Min-ho, checking in with my mom (Sugar kept bringing it up in our conversations to mend with my mom), and also watching the latest movie with Papa, I forgot about them. I turned off my notifications four months earlier, the night Sugar kissed me.

As Sugar started eating leftover Chinese food that I had surprised her with the previous day, spoon full of Wonton Soup. The fluffy blanket we were sharing (Sugar would pull to get more of the material). I got a notification to update the TrueMatch app. I grabbed the remote and paused Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch blinked and my eyebrows raised.


This got Sugar's attention.

"What – why did you do that? Especially at the good part," Sugar said this with soup in her mouth. I was able to decipher.

Pulling out my phone, I held it out to her, "Will you delete my online dating accounts?"

It was silent. Amadeus swam in the water, his shell just above the surface as he explored in his habitat. Dottie jumped up on the couch. She watched the two as we stared at each other.

Sugar grinned, "Only if you delete mine."

Twenty minutes later, here we were.

Sugar clicked on the apps, deleting my accounts.

With her judgment statements on my fake names, photo galleries, and my responsive numbers in fans.

"I've never ever heard of these online dating websites," Sugar stated. Her thumb scrolled to the bottom of settings, where either or was located. "This one is asking for a reason, only if we want to tell them."

"What are you going to say?" I asked.

The apps asked three times to confirm the deletion. Two specific apps asked to provide reason.

"You're running away to join the circus and don't need to date anymore."

I held my hand in front of my mouth. "Do it! Do it!"

"No, I'll leave it blank."

"Miss opportunity."

Sugar giggled. "Alright," she deleted the app, as well, "I think this is your last one."

I nodded.

Clicking on the pink "TM" square app, it opened. Close to four hundred notifications lit up on the bottom of the screen, all hearts and nearly half of them were hot chili peppers: a red aura instead of pink from the hearts. On the right, a picture of I displayed, Sugar clicked on it.

The profile loaded.



The name Oliver Wilson in bold letters.

"Wow, look at this gem." She glanced up at me.

"Yeah, yeah." I waved at her.

"He sure was a handful."

I chuckled. "Just a little."

"I used to look at his photos and think, why did he contact me? As the bio said, he was a freelancer and enjoyed traveling. Our bios didn't match. And the fact, he was gorgeous. I had no idea why he could reach out to me." Sugar picked at her nail bed, "That was Oliver. We had different priorities, and now. I got to know August. And he's even more beautiful than Oliver. You're kind, August. You've changed so much."

I bit my lip. "Oliver had no idea what he was doing. I didn't. Honestly, the purpose as to why I wrote, 'I'll like whatever you'll like,' is because if I showed anything about me and what happened in my life . . . I didn't think anyone would like me. When you poured the hot chocolate on me, I knew it wasn't a match. Then you started to open up too. Your baking. Your incredible patience. Joining the documentary. You're changed too."

Sugar grinned. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

It was becoming normal to hear that phrase.

The phrase we both didn't believe we'll hear from our significant other.

At this time, I held out Sugar's phone in the palm of my hands. TrueMatch up.

Sugar held out my phone.

The settings loaded.


Sugar nodded.

At the same time, we clicked on .

A message popped up.

Sorry about the deletion of your account. We love the reason(s) behind deleting the account. This will help us provide information and improve our service.

Sugar typed:

I typed: Fell in love with August.

Confirming the closed account, we deleted the app off our phones.

I leaned in as Sugar met me. We kissed. The kind where it tickles your nose and toes. The warmth on our cheeks.

Sugar hugged me. I leaned my forehead against her shoulder.

"Thank you for waiting for me."


Sugar pinched me.

"Hey - ouch!" I rubbed my hand over my shoulder. "What was that for?"

"You're being silly," Sugar replied.

"You promise no more physical hurt."

"I promise. I'm improving."

"I will too."

The past behind them. Nothing but the future.

Sugar kissed me once again.

What a lovely ending! A cute moment between Sugar and August. I had to add in the online dating accounts. Needed this cute closure. 😊

I hope you enjoyed this!! 💕 💕 Gosh. I think I'm in denial. I'm going to miss Sugar and August. I want to hug them. ❤️

This is the end.

I'm honored and blessed for this second draft. Edit, query letters, polishing, reorganizing will be the next step after WattPairs. All the good stuff.

THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! The messages, reads, votes, taking time to dive into this story.

I'll be posting a "thank you" and "future project" chapter.

Be prepared, I'll share my work in progress, "Full-Time Student" and "Hail Mary." Hope to see you there. 🤗

I love you guys!

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