《Fake It | ✔️》Two | 💋


This was a first. Even with foxy, hot Tina with hot pink, punk rock hair picking a heavy metal concert as a first date. Sugar took the cake. And the pain - shit, the pain. I gripped the handmade ice pack closer to the inflammation.

"You're welcome," Sugar replied.

Her arms tightened across her chest, and pressed the long bronze arrow necklace against her belly. She balanced her right foot on her heel. Her shoulders slacked as she watched a paramedic attend to my moans and needs. The thin paper backing of the mobile bed clung to my clothes.

Two paramedics wheeled another stretcher down the corridor. Something about a code green, I had no clue what it was about.

"Why would I thank you?" I responded.

My left hand gripped the steel hospital bed railing. My other hand held the ice pack that numbed my groin. The coldness helped relax me. However, if the bed moved, I'd move the pack. It stung like hell!

"I called the ambulance for you," Sugar declared. She didn't meet my eyes.

In all actuality, she did call for the ambulance.

With my soul-shattering scream, I saw her mouth gaping open. My mind raced with multiple curse words, the most colorful to the cute and annoying words. I mean, I saw white like a flash. But mostly, I felt the burn. The drink had done its purpose. I felt pressure as the hot sensation increased, I saw Sugar got napkins. It was wet. The temperature change made me bit down inside my cheek.

I wailed. My vision blurred. I guessed from my eyes tearing up automatically. Shadows hovered over us, here and there behind Sugar's shoulders.

I heard Sugar commented, "You there, call 911."

Paramedics had shown up. By that time, the pain subdued. I took in deep breaths, through my nose. I couldn't glance at Sugar.

Then again, I was pretty shitty. But I was honest. I did want to see if her boobs were real. Which by my calculations, and I was always correct, from the size and weight distribution when she brought her arms across her chest, they passed.

"You know the lovely escort that you received," she added, breaking my memories from the coffee shop. My face scrunched up. Perspiration glued my curls to my forehead. Min-ho would be laughing his ass off seeing me in this condition. He'd even say, "Now August, things considered. This was a consequence for your response. You've hopefully learned your lesson for the future." My pale hand clenched on the ice pack, a sigh escaped my lips.


"Yeah, super lovely," I glared at her. She turned her head. She observed other patients as they walked, wheeled, and talked with doctors and nurses.

She did this. Why was she still here? Guilt?

My eyes wandered up towards the ceiling. My chest raised and exhaled. "Where's the nurse?" I hissed.

The paramedic right next to me answered. "Nurse Dawson is on the way."

I looked down at my groin. "I need more ice."

"Actually, I need to take that away, sir."

"Why the hell would you do that?" I declared.

"We'll need to apply antibiotic ointment on the area and then we'll give you more medicine for the pain."

"What does that have to do with the ice?" I grabbed tighter on the ice bag.

"We need to take away the coldness because we need to differentiate between swelling from the burns or from the ice."

"You won't take this away."

"Oliver, listen to Sherman. He knows what he's doing," Sugar said.

I glared back at her again. Even the paramedic flinched, I saw in my peripheral vision. "Sherman" tilted his head. His eyes squinted as if recalling when he mentioned his name, most importantly his last name. He brought up his hand towards his chin.

"Wow," Sugar said, teasing, "I'm offended, Sherman."

He didn't pay attention to her outfit, but to her face.

His dark brown eyes widened. "McKenzie!"

He ignored me and gave her a bear hug. Sugar hugged back. It was quick and no lingering.

"I didn't recognize you in regular clothes - I mean without the uniform - what are you doing here? It's your day off."

Sugar shrugged. "You know the job never stops. I helped out this guy."

"You know him?" Sherman pointes his thumb towards me.

Yes. I was here. You couldn't forget about me.

I watched this nice, disgusting reunion between them. I analyzed their body language. Couple of feet apart, Sugar was no longer crossing her arms and her eyes met Sherman's. Sherman wore an indigo uniform. From the conversation, I guessed they were acquaintances. Even co-workers?

I tried to recall her profile summary.

Usually, the person provided useful information consisting of likes, dislikes, occupation, and hobbies. I couldn't remember any sentence or specific words to relate to her occupation.


Other than the tease photograph, she posted for her profile. It was a silhouette picture. With her caramel wavy hair covering up half of her face, she smiled as the sunshine provided natural lighting. I had to squint to figure out what color her eyes were. Again I couldn't tell - one moment, I thought she had brown eyes and then I wondered if she had grey. The sunshine and lamppost in the background distracted me. The photograph didn't display her whole body. It seemed the photographer was positioned far away and captured the right side of her.

This ambiguous Sugar McKenzie stood out among the vastness of the Internet women. I added her to my list.

I thought she seemed different.

I was too right. A little too correct for my taste.

I grit my teeth. I desired the paramedics' attention. "Where the hell is the nurse? Even better, the doctor!"

"Sir, they'll be here soon-"

"You've been repeating that for an hour!" I raised my voice.

"He's telling the truth, Oliver," Sugar declared. She gave her full attention to me.

Her warm gooey caramel eyes made me shiver.

I stared to right of me, near the wall. "Get out!"

Sugar frowned.

I hissed. "Why are you here? Didn't you hear what I said?" My voice trailed off. The pain made my throat constrict.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Sherman mumbled to Sugar.

"A regret," she answered.

From my peripheral vision, I saw her licking her lips. She moved closer to the bedside, her hands stayed by her side. I tried to search for something. If she was similar to her. If Sugar had an end game, an agenda to provide a repercussion to my slander. However, it was not planned. No. At least, I didn't think it was. That would be borderline psychopath if she did.

"Goodbye, Oliver."

I didn't mention anything. Goodbye, Peppermint Hot Chocolate girl. I had others waiting in line, who wanted to spend time with me. Shit - I needed to message them. I had one later this evening. I won't be doing anything tonight besides racking up a bill.

Sugar turned around and gave a handshake to Sherman.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she said to him. With a slight smile, she headed towards the two sliding doors. She focused on the outside and what she had to accomplish now.

I observed her walk. Shoulders back, her heels clicked on the floor. I couldn't see her eyes. Her disgusting gooey eyes.

"I'll send you the bill!" I shouted.

She heard the shout. She glanced back, I saw her rolling her eyes as she continued on her way.

I shook my head. There was no further response.


"Here comes Nurse Dawson," Sherman said. I almost forgot about him.

Hopefully some gorgeous dame -.

"Good afternoon," Nurse Dawson greeted. "Mr. Sherman has informed us that you have burns on your lower region."

The nurse's complexion was beautiful. His dark skin and brown eyes were emphasized by his uniform, which was a lavender and white hexagon and triangle pattern on his scrubs.

I closed my eyes.

"However, we couldn't find your insurance under Oliver- "

"August Wakefield," I answered the nurse's statement, "That's my name. Here, my insurance card is in my wallet."

I winced as I retrieved my wallet from my back pocket. Pulling the card from the slot, Nurse Dawson took it.

"I'll be right back," he said.

A guy nurse. Just my luck.

"This is strictly patient and doctor – well paramedic confidentiality – got it, Sherman," I threatened. My index finger jutted out.

Sherman nodded.

I closed my eyes. Hoping to fall asleep, maybe that'll help with the pain.

Hello everyone! How are you?

This chapter got a whole new look. There was a lot of similar plot devices, but we dove more into August's POV. Finding out clues and things like calling Sugar: Peppermint Hot Chocolate Girl.

Hehehe. Man I love these characters.

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