《If You Let Me》Chapter 46


Who jah bless I say no man curse

My eyes moved left to right and my lips quietly recited each word aloud, as I reviewed the insurance documents in front of me. As the owner of a multi-million dollar business, I quickly developed the habit of examining everything that required my signature . That's why I never left home with my glasses and why one of the tabs on my computer always housed the dictionary website - just in case I came across a word that I didn't know the meaning to.

If everything on this paper went right, I was set to gain over five million dollars in recovery costs for the hotel from our insurance policy. That meant that I could repair any damages and rebuild everything we lost just in time for a March reopening. It might only be a mere six months away, but I was confident that my team and I could get it done.

After I was satisfied with my review, I removed the plastic cap from my black gel pen and neatly signed my name on the dotted line.

Allaya L. S. Daniels

That name had so much weight to it now, to think that my existence meant so much, to so many people.

I gathered the papers and pushed them to the side, then signed for Tony to enter. His short stature was no match for his tall ass attitude. There was no doubt that he was the baddest bitch in here, in fact, he'd tell you himself if given the opportunity.

"Excuse me Miss. Laya" He stepped in the doorway and scratched the top of his head like he had hair there. "Umm you got a delivery sis." He made way for the man that entered with a Saks shopping bag.

I got up and took it from him to peer inside and immediately started blushing at it's contents.

As much as I loved being an independent woman with my own money, I loved being spoiled with nice things even more.

"Mmm girl so what did we get?!" He prompted me to open it. But before I could pull open the white box, I read the note that came with it.

If you adore her, Dior her.

Thank you for choosing to be in my life, it's a blessing to be able to wake up to you every morning. I love you.

x| Dave

Tears welled in the corner of my eyes at the sentiment. Another just because gift from my baby. Dave never needed an occasion to spoil me. Dave knew all of my love languages and catered to them frequently. I got gifts just because it was Tuesday and trips whenever I was overwhelmed.

I pulled out the Lady Dior bag from its box and my mouth hung open.

"Awwww" I said more to myself than anyone else. Last week when we were watching a movie in bed, I was looking at this exact bag on my phone. I'd planned on buying it for myself as a treat after I got everything sorted with the hotel, but he beat me to it.

"Bitchhhh that's niceeee. Lemme see." Tony popped up on the side of me with his phone in hand to snap pictures. "My cousin is thee top plug in all of Brooklyn - me and you 'bout to be matching come Monday."

"You wannna be my twin sooo bad." I indulged in his antics.

"Yes girl! That way I can pull me a rich nigga too and get the fuck outta here. These nails ain't made for typing baby okaayyy." He showed me his long nails.


"But they are made for scanning okayyy." I mocked then mugged him, when I gave him the documents I was reviewing earlier.

"See this what I mean. Y'all got me in here as the studio's office slave! I been calling people about this Halloween party, that I ain't even invited to and now you want me to scan shit?!" He whined and stomped to the door.

"That's what you get paid for Tony!" I laughed after him.

I grabbed my phone from my desk to call Daveso that I could thank him, but put it away when I remembered that he was shooting his video today and that phones were required to be off onset.

"Delivery!" Was called from the door again. I turned around wth a huge ass grin that dropped to a thin lipped smile when I realized it was Wayno.

"Thank you." I took the big beautiful bouquet from him. "Did Dave give you these for me?" I searched the flowers for a note.

"No actually, they're from me." He hesitantly smiled.

Nahh he knew we weren't cool anymore. Eva was a friend turned family. The shit that he pulled was beyond trifling.

Both Wayno and Zora were on my shit list. I heard that she was out of the country, and I've been waiting for her to return to confront her about it. I didn't care if it wasn't my business, it was fucked up for her to do what she did. Plus, I wanted to discuss how she shares elements of my like with Amir and my father.

"I wanted to apologize...for the night at the club. You know for putting my hands on you?" Yeah I remembered that and the bruised face he had the next few days afterwards from Dave punching him. "I was drunk and out of control. Laya, I just want you to know that it will never ever happen again."

"Oh I know it won't because if you think Dave has one hell of a right hook, you should feel my left." I looked him up and down. "Wayno I appreciate the gesture but you shouldn't be bringing me flowers or apologizing. You hurt the fuck out of my friend and I don't think I can look at you the same after what you did to her, especially since the person who you did it with happens to be my sister."

"You don't think I've tried apologizing to her too? It was a moment of weakness and..."

Wayno wasn't really sorry about Eva and he knew it. She was simply a casualty in his life and he needed her afffection to soothe his toxic masculinity.

One day he'll get his and trust me, hell hath no fury like an Eva Cruz scorned.

"Thank you for the flowers, they're cute. I will try to stop glaring at you in the hallway." I rolled my eyes.

"That's all I needed to hear." He came in for a hug but retreated when I shook my head.

How could this nigga be apologizing to me for something he did to my friend? I tried to connect the lines in my head, when my phone rang.

I thought it might be Dave, but it was actually Blake - the man I met at Dave's tour party.

"Hello?" I answered curiously.

"Allaya, how are you? It's nice to hear your voice again. " His words came out in a leveled rhythm and I could sense his smile through the phone.

"I'm doing pretty good. What about you?" I closed the door behind Wayno and scrunched my face in confusion. I hadn't heard from him since the club shooting.


And honestly, I forgot that he even existed.

"I've been busy with a couple projects but I'm well." He let out a small chuckle. "Listen I'm back in the city for a meeting and I'd love to have lunch with you."

"Oh I don't-"

"No worries. I've heard that you and East are an item again, he's a very lucky man. But I remembered our conversation about your hotel and I actually have a business proposition for you. I'd love to share some ideas I think you'd be interested in."

I turned around and folded my arms to gaze at my office view. It was already after one, I was starving and I was actually curious to hear what he'd have to say.

What harm could it do?

"Alright." I agreed. "Which restaurant?"

After our call, I left with James to the restaurant on the Upper West Side.

"James...?" I got his attention. "Do you know if Dave is still shooting...he's not answering any of my calls?" I asked him from the back seat.

His eyes met mine in the rear view mirror. "Ms. Cruz called earlier and said that he was. She probably has his phone, so I'd call her if you're trying to reach him."

"It's not that important. I'll talk to him later, thank you."

His shiny bald head nodded. Every time the sun reflected on it, I thought about how much it looked like a milk dud. I bit my bottom lip to prevent the random laugh from freeing itself from my lips.

"Ms. Daniels? I don't mean to intrude but can you tell me the name of the person you're meeting again?"

"His name is Blake Woods. He's actually the Talent Director at Roc Nation. You know him?" I pressed send on a message to Dave, just to let him know that I received his gift.

"Are you sure that's his position? I know few people down there and last time I checked the Talent Director was Ray Robinson." He parked the car on the curb beside the restaurant.

"I probably got it wrong, but thank you James. I'll call you when I'm ready or I'll just take a cab back." I exited the car as he opened it.

"I'll be here, parked across the street." The stern look on his face left no room for argument. He was more overprotective than his employer.

I walked into the brightly lit modern restaurant and scanned the floor for Blake. After spotting him at a table on the second floor, he stood to greet me.

"You look beautiful. That color looks amazing on you." He complimented the yellow dress I wore.

"Thank you." I placed my handbag on the table and took a seat. The waiter immediately came over and filled my wine glass.

"I hope you don't mind, I took the opportunity to order some wine and appetizers for us."

"No I don't mind." I smiled while placing the white napkin in my lap.

I brought the wide wine glass to my lips and took a sip, enjoying the fizzy tingle from the crips presseco.

"I'd planned on asking you out earlier. But, after East answered your phone that night, I was like lemme fall back."

I laughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry about that. He's just really really pro-"


"No protective." I stared back at him then took another sip.

Why did I agree to this again?

"Of course, my apologies. By the way, I heard about that big hurricane in Turks...that must've been scary." He picked up his wine glass.

I scanned the menu in front of me, looking at him from under my lashes.

He's been hearing a lot of stuff about me.

"Yes it was, especially since I was there when it happened." I answered then went back to looking at the menu.

He almost looked sympathetic. A cold shiver suddenly came over me, while prickly goosebumps popped up on my arms.

Did it get colder in here?

"Scarier than the time you and Shaneice Holder killed her boyfriend?"

The world stopped.

At least in my head it did. In slow motion, my eyes rose from the menu and watched a waiter trip over his laces and fumble the tray he was holding. The pink cocktail on top of it splashing all over this lady's white silk shirt.

Everything in my mind slowed for five seconds, before it snapped again.

"Excuse me?" I said smoothly, putting my menu down.

"You heard me..." He copied my movements. "I asked if it was scarier than the time you and your friend murdered her boyfriend." Blake repeated himself in a low tone. "And miraculously covered it up, I might add."

My fingers became slippery at the touch. I internally fought myself from fidgeting out of extreme anxiety.

He leaned onto the table to intimidate me. "See that's the part I can't figure out. How do two regular girls with no criminal background, kill someone, hide a body, and all of the evidence, then make it seem like a disappearance."

My breathing steadied and I plastered on my best poker face.

Years of dealing with shady people and shoddy business deals, it was a skill that I mastered

Leaning back slowly in my chair and placed my hands on the table. "Blake what are you talking about?" I asked in confusion. "I thought we were here to discuss a proposition?"

He was the private investigator, a whole ass snake in the grass.

"Don't give m that shit Allaya". He dug his P.I. badge out of his jacket pocket.

"It's Ms. Daniels to you. And is that little toy supposed to mean something? My daughter has one just like it." I smirked.

"It might not to you, however I'll tell you what will - you and Shaneice doing twenty-five to life for first degree murder."

"Murder? You keep throwing that word around. The last time I saw Nene's ex...was at a party that he made my friend leave early from because he's an asshole. A few weeks after that, I was picking that same friend up from her home after he beat the shit out of her then left. I don't know where the hell he is, or why he decided to leave. But motherfuckers that abuse women deserve to rot."

I finished the rest of my wine and pulled my black card from my wallet. "You probably don't make much as a PI, so I've got the bill."

Blake's cheeks bulged as he clenched his jaw.

This man is a whole joke.

"No allow me." He took out his wallet and fumbled with a few crumpled up bills before dropping them on the table. "I have a lead I need to follow up on anyway." He stood up and outstretched his hand. "Here's my card. I'll be calling you soon for more information."

I refused to take it and watched it drop slowly from the air and onto the white table cloth.

"There's one more thing you should know about me...Ms. Daniels" He walked over to my side of the table and whispered in my ear. "I never give up. I will make your life a living hell until I find what I need. So, if it takes watching your every move, digging into your boyfriend's business dealings, or taking a trip down to your hotel and having a conversation with your grandmother...I'll do it."

My eyes followed him as he walked through the restaurant's glass doors and onto the street.

What the hell?

What in the absolute hell was that?

My entire body fevered with fear. The waiter walked up on the side of me and I quickly gathered the askew bills and put them together to give to him.

"Here you go, keep the change." I held it up. Instead of taking it, he placed a silver flip phone on the table beside my hand.

"Answer it when it rings." Was all he said before he left.

The phone rang seconds afterwards and I hesitantly picked it up before answering.

"Allaya..." A male voice with the British accent breathed.

"Da-" I looked around me. "W-why are you calling me like this?"

"Well you never answered my regular calls, so I had to get creative. Now..." He inhaled deeply. "...as I expected your lunch with that Blake idiot didn't go as planned right?"

"H-how did you know? Did you send him here on some stupid shit?"

"I didn't send him." He exclaimed. "Do you think I'd do that?!"

If I wanted to hear someone scream at me, I'd call Dave and tell him I went out with another nigga.

"Look Lani...I know I haven't been much of a fath- well much of anything to you. But I will always protect you, I will always watch over you...like I'm doing now."

I looked around and made eye contact with a white man who sat at the table in the corner of the room. His eyes lifted and met mine...that's how I knew.

Then I looked across the street at the figure in the Black Cadillac parked behind James. The front window rolled down and I knew that he was one of them too.

"This is insane. You've have people stalking me? How long has this shit been going on?!" I grabbed my bag and exited the restaurant to finish my conversation on the sidewalk.

"No I've been making sure you're safe. It doesn't matter where I am, as long as I know that you're okay. I will not let a matter...like the one at your friend's home put you in danger again." He sneered. "Speaking of that matter...and the one you're currently in with Blake, I want you to know that it can all go away."

I was afraid to ask.


His sinister laugh came out strong. "All I want is to see my granddaughter in person, and maybe the chance to be in her life. If you give me that, you and your friend won't have to worry about Blake again."

"You're really something, you know that? You want me to haggle my own kid...my own daughter f-for your services?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, you can call me on this same number if you change your mind?" He said lightly. "Goodbye Allaya. Kiss Lilo for me when you get home." He hung up.

I squeezed the small phone in my hand, perhaps all the anger I contained would break it. Then I'd never have the urge to call him.

That'd be like making a deal with the devil.


Lilo giggled as she tried...and failed to blow bubbles at me from our bath.

We were surrounded by vanilla and garamond scented bubbles from the bath oil I poured in earlier.

What was supposed to be a way to decompress after the shit day I had, quickly turned into mommy and me play time when she wandered in the bathroom and climbed into the large claw foot tub

I held her up by her chubby arms and bounced her in my naked knees, while she continued to giggle in delight.

Damn that sound.

The sound of unfiltered childhood joy, clueless of the dangers that lurk around the corner.

I'd do absolutely anything to keep it there.

My eyes began to glass over as I thought about any...and everything that could possibly harm her.

"I promise...I promise to protect you." I whispered faintly. Her little teeth continued to show as she beamed at me. Oblivious to the tears that were about to roll down my cheeks.

"I love you sooo much baby." I placed her naked caramel skin against mine on my shoulder. My left hand reaching over to stroke her sopping wet black silky hair.

She held onto me tightly. Her little fingernails digging into the back of my neck. Almost as if she knew I needed this more than she did.

Sinking further into the tub with her attached to me, I began to him the words to Beyoncé's Blue.

Sometimes, these walls seem to cave in on me.

But when you're holding me tight, I feel alive. Make it last forever.

Come on baby won't you hold on to me?

Hold on to me...

My eyes solemnly rose to meet Dave's. He stood in the doorway watching us.

The expression on his face, unreadable...as always.

He must've just gotten home, because his Timbs and Cartier glasses were still on.

He smelt good too, warm like a fireplace.

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