《If You Let Me》Chapter 45


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"Hold on lemme set you up on the dash thingy." I told Dave as I adjusted my phone on the car mount.

"You look fine as fuck." Was the first thing he muttered when it finally connected and both of our images popped up on FaceTime.

My already present smile spread into a fierce blush, then I replied, "Forreal? I thought I just looked basic today..."

"You think imma lie to you?" He smirked into the camera. "I know you wearing them tight ass jeans with that white crop top, so that means that ass and them titties sitting right." He licked his lips.

I busted out laughing and cut my eyes. "How do you know I got that on?"

He and Lilo were not home when I left this morning, and Kairi had a sleepover with her cousins.

It was either this nigga had powers or he was spying on me.

"I got my ways. Where you at?" He asked.

"Well, I just picked up my broke bestie from your mom's house and we're on our way to the nail salon, so that we can start our girl's day." I enunciated, while looking through the rare view mirror at Kairi. She was too busy watching The Octonauts on her iPad.

"How you getting them done?" he queried curiously.

"Getting what...you mean my nails?" I asked while switching lanes. "I haven't really thought about it. Why you got a design for me?" I smirked back at him in the camera.

"Yeah I got one. I like that pink and white shit. You know with the white on the top and the pink at the bottom, and I want them long."

"So you want me to get long French tips basically...hmm I'll see what I can do."

"Yeah...handle that, cause they gon' look good wrapped around my dick later tonight." He belted close to the camera.

"You nasty, what if Kai heard you?" I tried to scold him.

"But did she hear me?"

"I asked...what IF... she did?"

"But did she? I know she didn't." He challenged.

"Whatever..." I rolled my neck in amusement. "Where my other broke bestie at?" I looked at the camera for any sign of Lilo.

Dave flipped it around and my baby came into view. She was bareback just like her daddy, and for some reason her hair was braided just like his too.

It was not the way I left it this morning.

"Nah why my baba ain't have on no clothes Dave?" I exclaimed. "And who did her hair like that?"

"Aye don't worry bout me and twin. We coolin', doing what G's do. And she went with me to get my hair braided after you left, I let the braider do her hair too."

If it was anyone else, I would've been pissed. I didn't like the thought of strange people touching my kid.

"It actually looks kinda cute on her, so I can't be mad at you. Imma let it slide 'dis time papi."

Dave belted out in laughter then his brows drew together. "Holon baby", he put me on pause for a second and I listened to his fingers typing on the keyboard. "Shit..." He appeared back on FaceTime. "I got a meeting with my creative team for a music video we shooting."

"Okay just drop Lilo by the nail salon. She can join our girls day."


"You sure? I can take her with me, Eva's gon' be there too. She can watch her in case I gotta do some shit."

"Definitely not. I love Eva but she's not baby-friendly. Just bring her to me. We're gonna go to the mall afterwards so pack her stroller and baby bag with you too please." I parked the car at the curb in front of our destination. "I'm about to get out the car babe. So I'll see you later. K?"

"Heard ju, love you."

"I love you too." I smiled like it was the first time he said those words.

Things have been going really good since we were trapped with each other during the hurricane. Because of that event and some of my therapy sessions, I've been getting better at communicating with him.

The only problem is...I'm scared of what's to come. Like the shit lurking around the corner for us.

Shit like my family, celeb drama, and private investigators.

It's a despicable gnawing that I just can't seem to shake.

But I'd have to for now. It wasn't going to ruin the happiness that I had at this very moment.

I carefully opened the door of the car and walked to the other side to open Kairi's.

I'd been planning this girls day since last week, school would be starting for her soon and I wouldn't get to spend as much time with her.

That meant no more random movie nights or shopping trips.

So today, we'd be getting our nails done, then we were gonna go shopping, and then we'd end the day with lunch and desert at this cute little cafe in Manhattan.

She held my hand as I opened the door of the The Nail Lounge in Brooklyn. The women in there all appeared to be busy doing their own thing until the giddy receptionist greeted us.

"Hi ladies! Welcome to The Nail Lounge. Y'all are so cute, can I interest you in the mommy and me pedicures?" She asked cheerfully.

I looked down at Kairi who was grinning up at me and answered the lady. "Yeah that actually sounds really good, can I also get a girls manicure for her and I'd like a full set for myself. And is there an option for me to upgrade the polishes to gel please?"

The receptionist acknowledged my requests and immediately found two techs to take our appointments. Each section was packed with people getting a service done while gossiping to each other. I smiled politely at everyone we passed and helped Kai into her chair.

"Which color do you want boo?" I handed her the nail samples.

"Ummm I want purple." She showed me a pretty lilac colored nail.

Everything was going amazing until the woman who was getting her nails done across from us, started whispering shit to her nail tech and looking up at me.

At first, I paid her no attention, until whatever she said caused her tech to turn around and look at me.

I put it my phone down, then mouthed the word "What?" at her.

I watched with annoyance as she sunk into her chair and buried her face into her own phone.

That's what I thought.

When we were done, I stood at the reception desk with Kairi glued to my side to pay.

"Oh my God who is that? Trish I think the nigga of my dreams just pulled up." One of the girls exclaimed to the other as she eyed someone from the window. "Girl he drive a G-wagon too. That's my new baby father fo' sure."


I was definitely curious to know who they were talking about. As the woman described how fine he was, the more ladies got up to see.

Realization finally hit me, when she beamed,

"Aww and he got a cute lil' baby too. Girl hold my apron, I'm 'bout to..."

I flipped my sunglasses over my eyes and excused myself pass the accumulation of women by the door.

With them watching at my back, I let Kairi's hand go so that she could run to her dad and I walked behind her. To show my affection, I threw my arms around his neck and placed my lips sweetly on top of his.

Then, I lifted Lilo from his arms and held her close to me.

"Daddy look at my nails." Kairi jumped up and down between us.

"Oooh they're beautiful mama." He lifted her up to kiss her.

"What's goin' on in there?" Dave nodded his head in the direction of the nail salon.

I turned to see the small group of women with their face pressed against the glass ogling at us.

"Who knows, they mussy (must be) see something they like." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Mmmcht...so lemme see 'em." His hands glided down to the sides of my hips and I walked closer to him.

I raised my middle finger to show him my nail.

"Yeah that's exactly what imma do to you tonight." He smirked mischievously as he put Kairi down and walked us to the car.

"Yeah? I welcome the opportunity." I countered. "Let's go Kai Kai." I strapped Lilo in while Dave secured Kairi in her booster seat.

Then I got into the driver's side, and rolled down the window for him to stick his head through it.

"I got us a couple of babysitters for tonight. All I need you to do is get dressed and be ready at eight." He expressed with a devious smirk.

"We got plans?" I asked.

"Big plans... for me to know and you to find out about. Now go feed my kids, fo' me and you have a problem."

I rolled my eyes and started the car. "You always saying some shit like I'm supposed to be scared. Ain't no one scared of you patches."

A deep throated laugh instantly left his throat as he threw his head back.

"Aight imma let you have that one....imma let you have it." He leaned over to kiss my forehead. "Y'all have fun, call me if you need me. I'm gon see you tonight baby." Dave whispered the last part to me, before waving bye to the girls.

"Mommy...I mean Laya, where are we going now?" Kairi's little voice rang from the back seat.

My mouth formed a small "o" from the word that she mistakenly called me.

"Um we're going to the mall sweetie, what's wrong? Are you tired...do you wanna go home?"

"Nope I'm not tired!" she assured me while kicking her feet in the chair. "See!" She made me turn around to look at her adorable little face with widened eyes to accentuate that she was wide awake.

I giggled at her antics and turned around to focus on finding my exit on the highway.

"I see you baby. Are you having fun with me today?"

"Yessss I'm having so much fun!" She exclaimed excitedly and went on to tell me how much she loved her nails. "Can we see Auntie Bri today?" She asked. "She's so silly."

It made me so freaking happy to know that she was actually enjoying herself. Maya has been worried that her mom's absence had been affecting her.

"She's gonna have lunch with us later boo." I smiled and she nodded.

"Why are we going to the mall?"

"We have to get you some uniforms for your new school, and Halloween costumes." I explained. "You're going to a big girl school now remember?"

"Yup! I'll be in kindergarten."

"That's right! My baby is growing up." I said the last part to myself. Soon she'd be taller than me, in high school, and talking about boys. She'd want nothing to do with me or our little girl's days.

I didn't even want to entertain the thought of Lilo being anything else but a baby.

It was all kinda bittersweet.


"How do I look?" I left the closet and turned around for the ladies on the bed to examine my outfit.

"You look so pretty Laya!" Kairi shouted in approval.

"Pretty Laya." Lilo simply repeated after her sister.

Bri put her hands over Kairi's ears to give me her full compliment,

"You look the fuck good sis. It's the shoes fa' meee." I spun around to show them off.

"Girl it's everythingggg for me. You look amazing Laya." Nene smiled.

"Aww thank you guys. Not only for hyping me up but for watching the girls too." I grabbed my purse from the bed as they all walked out of the room with me.

"Of course! These my fav people." Bri squeezed Kai's face then lifted her up. "We're gonna eat candy and cake, then watch the Little Mermaid, then when y'all go to sleep me and Auntie Nene gonna make some cocktails, and then Auntie Bri's gonna drunk text Uncle Dev and-"

I stopped her before she went on and then mugged the hell out of her.

"What? I was just playing 'bout the last part." Bri rolled her eyes then whispered loudly in Kairi's ear, "No I'm not."

I shook my head at the both of them and pressed the button for the elevator. Before I went inside, I kissed both Kairi and Lilo then told Nene,

"Please watch Brielle. She's basically a big ass kid in Jimmy Choos."

Nene laughed. "I got you Laya, have fun mama!"

"Bye..." I waved at the four of them before the doors closed.

When they opened again, I walked from the lobby to the curb looking for my date.

I couldn't help but cheese when I saw him, "You brought out the red Ferrari for meee? I feel so special." I avoided the grids on the sidewalk and walked up to him.

"You are special." He held my hand and I walked back to pull him up. "Spin around, lemme see what you got on." He bit his bottom lip.

I did what I was told and took pleasure in the fact that I looked good as hell. Dave obviously agreed since he couldn't keep his eyes or hands off me during the entire drive to the restaurant.

It's amazing the things a man will do, when you let him.

You really start to notice all the little things that you've grown accustomed to, and can no longer live without.

For me, it's things like telling my friends to babysit so that we could have a real date night.

Things like planning shit on your own, so I wouldn't have to stress about any little detail.

Thoughtful things, like remembering that my favorite flowers were white roses. Playing my favorite music on the ride to the restaurant and softly gripping my thigh while you drove.

Sexy shit like complimenting me on my perfume by kissing my neck and biting your lip when you see my ass in the pants I bought just for you.

Respectful actions, like never letting my hands touch a door handle or chair, and always making sure that I'm walking on the inside of the sidewalk.

But it's the cute shit I love the most. It's usually small and innocent, but to me...well to me...

They give me butterflies.

When the maître d'hôtel opened the door to the restaurant's exclusive rooftop patio, the view of the city took my breath away.

"Awwww this is amazing." I geeked. "I didn't peg you as the romantic type."

"Yeah...but for some reason I get mad corny and romantic for you."

I sat down in the padded chair, and rested my bag on the table.

Across from me, I watched as Dave settle himself in then, he gave me this look.

A look that confused the hell out of me.

"So what's the occasion?" I asked as I opened the dinner napkin to fold it on my lap.

"I wanted to spend some time with you...away from the girls and work. This our first real date since..." He tried to establish a timeline. "Damn since before you left."

"No we went out plenty since then." I disagreed with him.

"Laya I'm not talkin' about you being my date to appearances or clubs. Or even like dinner at home and shit. I'm talkin' about real quality time with just you and me." He winked at the end to seal his statement.

He was kinda cute.

"Well thank you for taking the time out for us." My lip turned up into a slight smile.

I studied the menu in front of me, and briefly met Dave's eyes as he stared at my face.

"What?" I asked.

"What was the first thing you noticed about me, that made you attracted to me?"

"Hmm that's a tough question, where is this coming from?"

"I'm just curious."

"The first thing?" I asked

"Mhm the very first thing."

I closed my eyes and thought deeply. "Your mug. The first day I met you, your face was so fuckin' mean, I already knew that we wouldn't get along. But...the more I got to know you, the more I realized that the hardness of your face, was just there to protect the softness in your heart."

"My mug...really?" He had traces of a humorous smirk on his face.

"Oh and your accent! When you first called me ma, I lowkey couldn't stop smiling. That New York accent is somethin' else boy. The whole time I was wondering why would he call me that?"

His smirk turned into a full on grin, then he leaned over on his elbows against the table.

"That's cause I deadass fuck wit' you ma. No funny shit." He said in his deepest Harlem tone just to mess with me.

And I ain't gon' lie,

He sounded sexy as hell.

"Yeah you like that shit. Look at you blushin'." He teased.

The waiter appeared by my side to set up a bucket on Don Pérignon, then filled my flute with the bubbly champagne and rested a glass of Hennessy at Dave's side.

"I'll be right back Mr. Brewster to take your order." He rushed away before Dave could even acknowledge him.

"What made you attracted to me?" I asked while taking a sip of champagne.

I knew he'd probably say something like my smile, or how smart I was, something real cute.

"That ass." He admitted without shame.

Coincidentally, the bubbles from the beverage accidentally slipped into my air way, and I coughed while trying to catch my breath from laughing.

"Baby you good?" Dave was about to get up but I put my hand up to stop him.

"I'm fine." I strained out, then finally stopped couching and began to laugh. "You are such a nigga! Talkin' bout my ass was the first thing."

He laughed along with me. "It's the truth. That night you moved in... when Kairi was sick and you did all that shit to make her better, I couldn't stop staring at your ass in them little shorts." He shrugged. "I was trying to focus on anything else, but it was just there...and moving." He raised his hands in a squeezing motion.

"Pig." I chuckled while throwing my napkin at him. He caught it almost immediately and his face softened as he spoke again.

"But on some real shit. I fell in love with how raw you were. I ain't never seen nobody keep they head down and hustle like you did with juggling school, me, and all your family drama. You ain't ever complained or took the easy way out and that was something I respected. Plus you humbled me, always putting me in my place."

I smiled and placed my hand under my head to listen as he went on.

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