《If You Let Me》Chapter 40 [contd.]


A few hours later, I fidgeted with dark blue denim shorts and black top I wore, in front of the large mahogany door of Dave's parents house.

The series of cars that lined the driveway and curb, and the loud music that escaped the backyard reminded me of the first time that Dave ever brought me here.

But this time was kind of different, before I had no clue I would be meeting them, and now I was anxious as hell because I was coming face to face with them again.

I already saw Maya's reaction to my return, but I was still afraid of what Dave's other family member's would be.

Of course I knew that it didn't matter what they thought about me, but deep down inside little Laya was still worried about not being liked.

Holding the two large pink gift bags with Kairi's birthday presents in one hand, I raised the other to knock again.

On the second one, the door swung open and Mr. Brewster or Senior, as his wife affectionately called him, opened the door with a sly smile.

"Wassup stranger..." he said smoothly. I don't know if it was much of a greeting, but the only thing floating through my head was,

"Damn if Dave looks this good at his age...I just might have to stick around."

"What you doing standing out here, like you lost? You ain't no guest come in here ma!" He welcomed me in with a firm side hug.

I smiled at his reaction and for some reason, my voice came out smaller than I intended, "Hey Mr. Brewster., how are you?"

"Nah you know betta' than to call me some ole' shit like that. It's Senior or Pop Pop to you...at least that's what my grandkids call me." He scratched his salt and pepper beard. "But I'm good, it's been a long time since I last seen you though...how are you?"

I swung the bags in my hand awkwardly, "I know I know, I'm pretty good as well. You haven't changed at all." I commented jokingly.

"I'm still fine ain't I? I knew a nigga could still pull them young ones." he rubbed his hands together.

Before I could throw my head back and laugh, Maya came into view and sucked her teeth.

"The only thing you 'bout to pull is a slap, if you keep talkin' like that." She hit his arm and hugged me.

"You know you the only young one I need baby." He wrapped his arm around her from the back and kissed her neck.

"Aye y'all stop all that nasty shit. My baby ain't need to see two old folks getting it on." Dave walked up on our little crowd with Lilo in his arms. He covered her eyes to shield her from her hilarious grandparents, and when he removed his hands she bounced up when she noticed me.

"Mamaaa", she squealed.

"Hi stinkaaa." I called her by one of her many nicknames and reached for her. She was dressed in a purple and pink tutu dress with a unicorn headband. I could only assume it was apart of the birthday girl's party requirements.

"Damn I thought my genes were strong...but you got us beat." Senior commented. "She look more like you, than you look like you."

"I said the same thing when I saw her." Maya rubbed her index finger along Lilo's cheek. "Now all y'all need is a cute lil' boy to complete the trio" She snuck those words in with a cheeky smile.


"Umm where do I put this?" My eyes widened and I quickly tried to change the subject which caused Senior to release a hearty laugh.

"She's just playing Laya." He covered for his wife.

"I'm not." Maya gritted out of the side of her mouth shamelessly. "But come on Laya, I'll show you where the gift table is."

Lilo reached for her grandfather, who took her willingly to blow on her stomach.

As I followed Maya, I looked back at them and smiled. Hopefully they'd have the same type of bond that I had with my Gramps. God knows she probably would never get to see my father, especially if Dave or I had anything to do with it.

We walked into the crowded backyard, little kids ran around us with painted faces and glitter galore. There was some kind of puppet show in the corner and even a little pony ride, that I knew Kairi probably flippped over.

They went all out with the decor too, pastel balloon arches on every corner, cups and water bottles with an animated picture of Kai's face on them and even a candy table in custom colors.

It was all too cute. But among it all, I still didn't see the birthday girl.

I dropped the gift bags on the packed table and turned around to look for Maya to ask her a question. She stood in front of a group of women that sat on a picnic bench talking to her.

One of them made eye contact with me and waved, so I smiled and returned the gesture. I didn't take it as an invitation to join their conversation because I wanted to avoid any and all topics that surrounded me, my daughter, or my dissapearance and reappearance.

Instead, I wandered over to the table of men playing cards. Among them, my old domino rival, Dave's grandfather. I joined the rest of the men around him and peered over their game.

"A full house!" One of the older men laid his cards down. "Now what y'all niggas got?!" He looked eagerly amongst their group.

Another man that I recognized to be Dave's uncle laid all of his cards down in defeat, showing his crappy hand. While, Dave's grandfather, Pop, played with the toothpick in his mouth.

"You see...that's the problem with you young bloods..." he lectured while shuffling the cards around in his hand. "Y'all always think y'all got something figured out. But lemme just say, the old niggas always win.." he laid his cards out to show his winning hand, then laughed heartily at his opponents defeated reactions.

"Now y'all losing ass niggas...need to pass me all my damn money!" Everyone around the table laughed including me. When he looked up and saw my face, I offered him a small nod.

"When y'all done, move over and someone get me my domino set 'cause the world's second best player has arrived." He beamed at me and I laughed in return.

"You sure you ready to lose again Pop?" I taunted.

"And and what makes you so sure I'm gon lose?" He stood up and adjusted the weaved fedora on his head.

He knew for a fact that I was his greatest opponent and I'd take any opportunity to flex my skills.

"'Cause I always win."

He threw his head back and laughed. "Aye somebody get my girl a drink!" He ordered at the people around him.

I shook my head, he was still bossy and demanding.


"You wanna play for money or you still scared I'm gon' send you home broke?" He asked as the men around us cleared a space for me at the table.

I opened my mouth to answer him smartly but Maya interrupted. "It ain't gon' be none of that Pop. Now I told you about gambling in my house!" She scolded him. "And you shouldn't be drinking!"

Pop rolled his eyes, "Woman...I done told you ain't nobody gambling 'round here. Now go on and let Laya play this game."

"You keep lying to me and imma put yo' old ass in a home." She pointed at him which caused me to laugh.

Just as quick as she said that, he replied again , "Good, then maybe I can get some decent food, intellectual conversation, and some goddamn eye candy that'll make my sugar go up."

"And hopefully put your decripit ass in a coma." She rolled her eyes and guided me away from them.

"I love you too Maya!" He returned. "You know you may favorite daughter in law!"

Maya brushed off his nonsense and turned back to me. "You were trying to tell me something Laya?"

"Oh yeah, I just wanted to tell you how good everything looks. I know Kairi probably loves it."

She laughed a little. "Thank you, but this was all Dave baby. He hired the people, told them what he wanted, and paid them. I just provided the space. In this household we always celebrate something, there's always a party. We have to find away to bring people together you know?"

I nodded my head understanding, "My mom was the same way. Parties at our house were some of my favorite memories."

"Well hopefully we can make some new ones with you and Lilo here. You know you'll always be family."

Before things got too emotional I asked, "I see all these other kids but where's the birthday girl?"

Maya's smile faultered a bit. "She's upstairs with Danielle in her room." She walked with me back inside away from listening ears. "Kai's a bit upset because her mom's not here. Tge one time that bitch actually needs to show up she can't."

It then hit me that out of all of the relatives that I saw here, Millie was not one of them. I can't believe she'd miss her only daughter's fifth birthday.

"She couldn't make it?" I frowned.

Maya gave me a look that said that I should've known better than to ask that. "No she didn't want to make it! Dave texted her a month ago about Kai's party. You'd think she know her daughter's own birthday, but even that is too much to ask from a bum ass bitch." Her true accent came out fully.

Maya Brewster was not one of them. Never to be played with and now I understood why.

"I'm sorry...she's getting me out of character. But how hard is it for you to show up to your daughter's party? I know she ain't busy cause all she do is post on Instagram and it ain't the money 'cause Dave would've paid for her flight. It's the fact that she doesn't want to be bothered! She made my son's life a living hell because of that baby and now she can't make the time to actually show up." It was clear that Maya was bothered by Millie's actions, a small blue vein on the side of her head bulged with each word. "Now my grandbaby is up there crying 'cause she wants to see her mommy."

My heart broke for Kairi. I was fifteen when my dad abandoned us and the emotional toll it left was a lot to affect me well into adulthood. I couldn't imagine how confused or hurt she must feel at such a young age.

"I've tried to cheer her up. Dave went up there and tried, and now Danielle's trying. It's her birthday Laya...she's only five and that's a lot for a little girl to understand."

"Can I talk to her? I think I might be able to help." I offered.

Maya nodded, then took me upstairs to the second floor of their large home and opened the door to Kairi's room. I was delightedly surprised to see that the room was split into two sections with a crib and decorations on the other side for Lilo.

It warmed my heart to know that they accepted her fully into their home, despite what I did or my relationship with their son.

Kairi laid down with her hands underneath her head on her bed and stared at the wall. She was already dressed in a tutu outfit that matched Lilo's and her hair was curled in effortless waves down her back with a unicorn headband to accessorize. Danielle kneeled down on the side of her and looked up when she saw us.

"Kai look whose here!" Maya announced but she didn't even turn around to see me. Danielle shrugged her shoulders and got up to come towards us. "She's not having it ma, what are you doing here?" She looked to me.

I furrowed my brows. This was the first time Danielle spoke to me since I came back, I thought we had already do gotten over her overprotective rudeness from the first time that I met her. But clearly that wasn't the case.

"She's gonna speak to Kai, Danielle." Maya answered for me.

"But she doesn't want to speak to no one ma'. What is she supposed to say to make her change her mind?"

I didn't even dignify whatever Danielle said with a response. Instead, I cut my eyes at her and moved passed her to sit on the bed next to Kairi.

The door shut quietly as Maya and Danielle left the room.

My had landed softly on Kairi's back and I rubbed it in circles before speaking.

She was so smart for a five year old, and I meant that all around. Not only, could she comprehend things well beyond her age group but she had the emotional intelligence of a teenager. At her age, I could barely explain how I felt.

"Kai-Kai it's me." I let her know I was there but she still hadn't said a word.

"Don't you wanna go to your party? It's so pretty out there. All your friends are playing, Lilo's out there too!" I knew how much she loved her little sister. Usually, when I was working in the penthouse, both of them would be in my bed playing. Lilo looked up to her so much, I even caught her copying some of Kairi's mannerisms sometimes.

"Is my mommy here yet Laya?" She turned towards me, her eyes a bit pink from all the crying she probably did.

I thought about lying to her, making an excuse for the woman who claimed to be her mother. After all, she was only just a child.

"No she's not. But I'm sure she's sad that she couldn't make it." I tried to ease her pain.

"She's not sad, she never comes. She doesn't call anymore either." Her little hands rubbed her eyes.

I pouted at her response and tried to quickly think of something that could hopefully clear all of this up.

"Look Kai, I know that it hurts because she's not here and that you miss her so much. But I know that she misses you too and that she loves you." And if she didn't it's 'cause she's an ass. "Sometimes mommies and daddies have to go away for a while and figure stuff out but that doesn't mean she's not thinking about you."

"How do you know that?"

I sighed heavily and laid my head next to hers. "My daddy did the same this a long long time ago. I was really sad at first like you but my mommy told me something that made me feel better. You wanna know what she said?"

She nodded her little head at me.

"Well she said that I was beautiful and smart and no matter what happened or where she went, or where my daddy was, she'd always be there to love me. Guess what? Your daddy, your nana, pop pop, Auntie Danny, Lilo, and me and everyone else out there loves you and always will."

She stared at me for a bit. I meant every word I said to her. Two years ago when I spent time with her, it gave me a small taste of what being a mother would feel like.

I got up and pulled her into me for a hug.

"You ready to go out there mama?" I asked finally. She smiled and nodded back at me.

"Yes baby mama." She repeated something she heard Dave say to me before, which caused me to laugh. "Can we go cut my birthday cake...then I wanna get my face painted...oooh and ride the pony! Will you ride the pony with me Laya?" She jumped down from her bed and grabbed my hand.

I giggled at her excitement. "I think I may be to old to ride the pony baby. But let's go tell everybody that you're feeling better first."

I went downstairs with Kairi's hand in mine and stepped into the kitchen to announce our presence, but halted at what I saw in front of me.

I slammed the domino on the table and watched Pop shake his head. He was tryna school me on the game and on Laya at the same time.

Like his old ass had game.

"All I'm saying is...if you can't handle all that ass Dave, I might have to take her for myself. 'Cause you know I'm the original Brewster man." He joked and dapped my uncle up on the side of him.

I took a sip of henny from my red cup and shook my head. "Y'all niggas is crazy, I tell you that. 'Cause it ain't shit I can't handle."

I got up and let my cousin Rylo take my place, then walked back into the house to get some food.

My ma was in the kitchen sitting at the table with Lilo sleeping across her shoulder and talking to Danielle who sat opposite her on the kitchen counter.

"She sleep already?" I asked opening the fridge.

"You know she get cranky when she hungry and need a nap." My mom exclaimed.

"She just like her momma." I smiled at her and Laya's similarities. "Y'all got Kai down yet?" I asked, taking the plate I hid in the fridge out and popping it in the microwave.

Millie's ass went MIA again. I sent her a plane ticket and everything last week to come down for Kai's birthday and she still texted back with some bullshit response last night. She told her daughter happy birthday over a lousy text and sent her some busted doll in the fuckin' mail.

"Laya is up there talking to her now." She was always trying to fix some shit, that's one of the things I loved about her.

"Word?" I asked while pouring more henny in my cup.

"Yeah and that reminds me...is Pop out there drinking too?" My mom narrowed her eyes, while handing Lilo to me.

"I ain't no snitch..." I laughed and took a sip.

"That's a yes...and his old ass knows he can't be drinking with the medication he's on." She got up swiftly and walked out the kitchen with a vengeance.

Danielle hopped off the table and shook her head, "She gon kill him..." She stood in front of me with her arms crossed.

I hoisted Lilo further up on my shoulder and with my free hands took down a paper plate and filled it with food as the microwave beeped.

"How much food you gon' eat fat head?" Danielle teased.

"This is for Laya, shit head." I answered back quickly.

She snorted in return and I turned my head to ask her what the fuck her problem was. Danielle was only older than me by three years but she swore, she was my mother.


"D you sure 'bout all this? I feel like you moving too fast with her again." She released. "Ain't it weird how she show up with this baby, while you at the height of your career. Don't get me wrong I love my new niece but I'm just saying..."

Here we fucking go again.

"...You saying a whole 'lot of dumb shit Danny! 'Cause it ain't like she just popped up with Lilo and started asking for some money. So don't start with that shit."

"Look D, I'm just saying that you can't be too sure. You already got one bum ass baby momma, and you don't need another."

"Aye watch yo' mouth. She ain't shit like Millie's ass and you know that."

"How do you know that Lilo is yours?"

The first time Danielle brought this up, I shut it down completely, but she must've not gotten the hint.

"Fuck you mean how I know?" I shouted, which caused Lilo to stir in my arms. "You really on some dumb shit Danny...like for real you wildin'."

"I'm not! You just can't be too sure nowadays ...that's why I got this." She reached into her Gucci purse that was on the counter and pulled out a white plastic back with a box inside of it. Then, she took out a small clear tube with a long swab from it. "An at-home DNA test - quick and easy and you get the results in a week."

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