《If You Let Me》Chapter 40


Someone who loves you for sho'

....Like my body was trained to, it sunk into his with ease.

His lips danced slowly around mine and my eyes gently closed.

The first aid kit that I clasped tightly in my hand, fell to the floor with a soft thud as my hands travelled up his arms and finally rested on his neck, where I pushed him closer to me.

I don't know what I was doing, all I knew was that this...this shit right here...

Felt amazing.

Dave took my forceful push as a hint, that I wanted more and moved his lips down to my neck where he continued his sucking on the sweet spot there.

I threw my head back in and rolled my body against his, giving his lips even more room to roam.

A hopeless moan left my lips in return.

My conscience desperately tried to gain my attention, to tell me to stop. But when Dave's erection pressed against my front and his hands grabbed my ass...all communications with her were turned off.

Soon I was hoisted onto the marble vanity, the cold tile hitting my ass as my dress rode up onto my waist. His fingers found my underwear and with such precision, such ease, tore it clean off and threw it behind us.

Then in the heat of it all, he touched me in the aching spot that grew wetter as time went by. His fingers moved in quick circles and I gasped when two of them entered me.

Staring at the shiny white tile in front of us, I looked at our reflection. His tattooed back facing it with my face in pure ecstasy. There, I came to a strange realization.

"Dave...Dave...mmm...Dave" I said in between moans. "Dave you gotta stop." I tapped him on his shoulder while progressing to the brink of my first orgasm.

"Stop what Laya?" He ignored my resistance.

My mouth hung open at the pleasure I was experiencing.

But I forced myself to clamp my legs shut, while my dress was about to fall off my shoulders, until I pulled the straps back up.

"I can't do this..." I admitted. Dave stepped back a bit and I hopped down from the counter and to retrieve the first aid kit from the floor.

When I stood up fully, I came face to face with a confused and irritated Dave.

"Can't do what?" He repeated my words, then placed each of his shiny wet fingers in his mouth to lick off my juices.


I sucked in a tight breath and tried my best to stay focused. "We can't do this." I waved my hand in the air trying to point out the obvious.

"I'm straight up confused 'cause judging from how you was about to scream my name a second ago...you wanted this shit as much as I did."

I bit my lip and my eyes wandered down to his still bulging erection.

What the fuck was I doing? Did I really just ruin an opportunity to dicked down over my own high strung morals.

"Yes...yes you did." My inner self remarked proudly.

"You know you miss daddy dick on yo' spine." He flexed a smirk.

Sighing deeply, I looked up at his face and explained,

"I'm trying to be serious. We can't keep doing this. This ain't healthy Dave." I began slowly.

"I was gonna wear a condom, if you was worried 'bout that." He placed his hand on the wall above me and tried to kiss me again. I ducked under his arm and came out on the other side.


I continued. "That's not what I meant. Before all of this, me and you wasn't on speaking terms. We pretty much couldn't stand the sight of each other and now because we had a little moment or whatever, we are not gonna pretend like shit is okay between us and ignore it all with sex."

"Why not?" He said boldly. "We could've talked about whatever you wanted when we was done."

"You know your ass go straight to sleep when we done." I rolled my neck at him. "We honestly ain't had a normal conversation since we left Turks."

"You ain't talked to me either so..." he rebutted. "I'll tell you whatever you wanna know..."

"So if I ask you about what happened at the club tonight, you wouldn't blow me off or give me some bullshit answer?" I tested.

"Nah I'd tell you that I don't know what that shit was, but imma find out and get back to you on that."

I rolled my eyes at his response. My phone that had reserved a seat on top of the toilet's tank started vibrating.

It was two in the morning and without any caller ID flashing on the screen, I took it as an emergency and answered carefully.


"Hi...is this Allaya?" The deep warm voice asked.

"Yes this is she. It's like 2:00am...who is this?"

"Its Blake. Sorry about calling you so late, but I heard about what happened at the club and wanted to make sure that you were all right."

I smiled slightly at his concern, even though he was probably ten thousand feet in the air right now, he managed to call me.

"Oh hey Blake. Yeah...I'm okay actually. I wasn't hurt or anything and I'm home now." I tuned out of the conversation for a bit to look up at Dave who was scowling down at me with a raised brow.

"Thanks for checking up. Um Blake, can I call-" I started, before the phone was slipped out of my hand.

"Yeah she gonna have to call you back....don't worry about who this is...I'm the only nigga that's fucking her...that's the only thing yo ass need to know." Dave hung up my phone, then tossed it onto the vanity with a clatter.

My mouth hung open at his audacity.

I took a deep breath and tried not to raise my voice or get upset.

"That's exactly what I mean!" I nodded at the phone. "Me and you have unresolved issues and fucking would've complicated shit even more. I see that right now...we won't be able to have a civilized conversation without throwing shit, or cussing, or calling each other out our names. So whenever you ready to deal with the animosity between us, and whenever you ready to decide what we are to each other or where the fuck you wanna go from here...let me know." I grabbed my phone from the counter and walked out of the bathroom door.


As time went on, the tension between Dave and I surprisingly decreased. It was mainly because in front of the girls we got along completely fine and when I was not around them, I was at the studio working.

It was almost like things went back to the way they were before we broke up. He hung out in my office sometimes, asked me about what I was doing. I listened in to some of his studio sessions and gave my input when he asked.


And he always asked.

"Laya come listen to this or what you think 'bout this?" Would often come out of his mouth in a room full of people.

But underneath the pleasantries, there were still unsanswered questions and things that still needed to be said. Because the more time I spent with him, I became reminded of why I loved him in the first place.

I wasn't sure if he still felt the same way or maybe he was just an emotional victim of our circumstances.

That's why, I was glad when he told me that he wanted to talk last week - we could finally have the conversation that admittedly we were both avoiding. But, he was called away on some business in LA and just returned last night.

Today was Kairi's fifth birthday and I had every intention of settling all of this after the girls went to sleep.

I woke up in a state of bliss this morning. Both Lilo and Kairi found their way next to me, even though Kai slept on the other side of the house. They never got tired of playing with each other.

This morning, I promised her that I'd make her breakfast while Dave was on a business call. The birthday princess asked for unicorn cupcakes and I was in the kitchen struggling to make it work.

Between Kairi critiquing my awful pancake shapes and me trying to prevent Lilo from playing in the colorful batter. There was a mess every where.

Not to mention, I was juggling work at the same time while on the phone with Cara, who insisted she had something to tell me.

"Anyway Laya that's it for the weekly report. But I do have some good news and bad news for you about the spa development and...some other things." Cara hesitated.

I stopped mixing the purple pancake batter and stared up at the ceiling to brace myself for what she'd say next.

"So good news first, Ryan said that he and his crew could get everything built in six months...just in time for the January launch." She said excitedly.

I let out a little sigh of relief. As a part of the hotel's big phase two plans, we were adding a spa, along with a few other amenities to go along with our water-top bungalows. Everything was supposed to be ready for our opening in January next year, but I was having a bit of trouble with our spa partner. After a bit of negotiating and a whole 'lot of prayer I finally sealed the deal with Madeira Spas and their French owner who was happy to run a location out of our hotel.

"Ok so what's the bad news?"

"Umm...ah well François called this morning and they're pulling out of the spa deal" Cara said all at once. "And...and well I don't not know if you've seen the news lately, but a huge category four hurricane is supposed to be heading our way. I mean...they're saying it might shift west towards the Atlantic Ocean and up to Bermuda but there's still a chance that-"

"What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing."THE FUCK YOU MEAN...pulling out? A fucking hurricane?!" I picked the phone up and took it off speaker.

Cara tried to mumble an explanation and I was about to go in when a little voice mocked what I said earlier.

"Puck! Puck...puck!" Lilo shouted on the counter after me. Kairi looked up from her iPad and giggled relentlessly at her little sister.

"Lilo is saying a bad word Laya." She tried to say between giggles.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed, not realizing I cursed out loud again.

"Tit!...Tit! THIT!" She said even louder, Kairi's laughs fueling her. Lilo thought this was funny.

Almost forgetting everything she'd just said, I hung up on Cara and immediately picked Lilo up from the table.

"Nooo you can't say that baby." I tried to tell her. But she kept yelling "thit thit thit!"

Dave walked in moments later, amongst the chaos of cursing babies, laughing five year olds and a purple pancancake battered mess and shook his head at all of us.

"I leave y'all for five minutes and you already got our daughter cursing, you heathen." He joked at me and took Lilo from my arms.

"You can't say that mamas. That's a bad word aight? Only mommy can say say that cause she's a heathen" He held her chin and spoke softly at her. Like she understood every word he said, she immediately stopped and threw herself in a fit of adorable giggles, as he tickled her.

Damn, she was actually a daddy's girl in reality. In the small amount of time that they knew each other, she already had him wrapped around her little finger.

"Daddy what's a heathen?" Kairi asked while still playing her game.

"That's what Laya is baby." He answered simply and I narrowed my eyes in return.

"Kairi love, if I'm a heathen, then your daddy's a gigalo." I smirked at Dave.

"Yeah yo' ass would know." He retorted.

"What's that?" Kairi asked.

"I'll tell you when you're older." I laughed at my own joke and tried to clean up the mess I made.

"Damn I leave you in here to make breakfast and you ain't got nothing started yet." He put Lilo in her high chair and bumped me out the way to help me clean up.

"No you left me in here with a mess and I was just about to make unicorn pancakes...isn't that right Kairi?" , I smiled at the birthday girl.

"They don't look like unicorns to me." She remarked at the burning pancake in the pan.

"You're right...they look like yo' daddy."

Dave sucked his teeth and exclaimed, "Kai go put on your shoes, let's go get some real food."

He dismissed all my hard work, "Let's go Laya... I know you must be embarrassed 'cause you can't make pancakes like me. But to make you feel better I'll take you out for breakfast too."

I loved that we could tease and joke with each other whenever we wanted. Dave was one of the few people that could actually make me laugh.

"You know I'd love too...especially since you're paying but I have to sort some shi-" I looked at Lilo who babbling on about something while tapping random things on Kairi's iPad. "...stuff out with the hotel. But I'll see you at Kai's party later though." I wiped my hand on a towel and put Lilo on the floor so that I could change her.

Dave grabbed my hand before I left, and snuck his arm around my waist. "We gon' talk later aight?"

The expression on his face serious. I stared up at his neatly rowed braids and small eyes.

"Alright." I nodded.




[continued in next part]

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