《If You Let Me》Chapter 35


The sun rising while you moanin'

"Sleep Well.", and that I did.

Between Stitch and I, we had a whole snoring contest on the couch last night. I ended up curling up with a blanket next to him because it felt weird not having my daughter in my bedroom with me.

Dave surprised me last night. Hell, I surprised myself, with all that was admitted and revealed, one thing was for certain...I still loved him.

I woke up early to grab coffee from a small coffee shop, and was now balancing the hot cup between my thighs, while I tried to FaceTime my grandmother.

"Awww looka my baby. What's she eating?"

"That nasty green seaweed foolishness you packed for her." My grandmother criticized.

This lady would much rather give her cake at this hour.

"Anyway I gotta go. Delores from church just saw me and ine feel like talkin' to her."

I laughed at her seriousness, "Alright then b-". She hung up before I could say the word.

It was a good thing too, because seconds afterwards Dave and Jay walked in front of me to head into the coffee shop with Jasmine on their tales.

When he spotted me, he came came over before going in,

"Good morning." I smiled

"How you feeling?" Dave placed both of his hands ontop of the cart and peeked in below, effectively blocking one side.

"Better...thank you."

"Yeah?...that's good." he smiled in return.

"Yeah..." Like two high schoolers that's all we said back and forth until I reached on the side of me to give him his hoodie.

"Here, this is yours...it's washed." I handed him his folded hoodie.

He pushed my hand back towards me, "Nah you can keep it." He was being so sweet, I didn't know how to respond except to hang on to the piece of clothing.

"Kairi asked 'bout you."

"She did?" My face lit up with excitement.

"I called her this morning and told her I saw you. She mad at me 'cause I didn't show you to her." He chuckled.

"Aww tell her I said hi and that I miss her." She must've gotten so big already and probably wasn't the little girl that I once knew.

"I will or I'll call her now?" He offered.

"East let's go!" Jasmine shouted in irritation. Jay rolled his eyes and went inside the shop, leaving her out there in the parking lot.

"No I better go. I have some stuff to do before the bachelorette thingy later." I started the cart and adjusted the hot cup between my thighs so that I could drive.

"Ohh shit...we big whipping now?!" He joked at me. "Look at how you holding the wheel." He laughed.

"Shut up." I grinned, rolling my eyes at him.

"Aye! That shit got a cup holder or you gon hold it between your legs?" Dave referenced to the coffee. He was still trying to make a joke, but I got one for his ass...

"Well it's large and black...where do you think I want it?" I pulled out of the lot and adjusted my sunglasses. A bit of hot coffee spilled and scalded my leg, but the look on Dave's face made it all worth it.


Later on, I sat cross-legged in the lounger under the cabana with a book in my lap. Bri and Nene were on both sides of me lathered in sun tan oil and sipping Rum Punches while we waited for our speedboat to take us to Exuma.


This was all apart of Bri's elaborate plan for Nene's bachelorette party. Since Ne wouldn't allow her to take us to Vegas or find strippers, Bri resorted to a day away on the small cay.

"I don't see why we couldn't stay here with the guys." Ne complained. "I really don't wanna see no nasty swimming pigs."

"Well shit... stay here then Nene. Me and Laya could go...by the way that's not the only thing we'll be doing. Goes to show how much you trust me." Bri rolled her eyes.

I just sat there and laughed to myself while they argued.

On the other side of us Dave, Shoota, Freaky, Jay and some of their other friends were playing beach football and drinking.

Luckily it wasn't too crowded today, so there was ample space for them to run up and down.

I tried my best to keep my wandering eyes from looking over there at Dave and his shirtless body, but the book I was reading proved to be humdrum content in comparison with my view.

I pushed the shades down the bridge of my nose so that I could discreetly look that way but Bri caught me.

"Ion know why y'all don't fuck and makeup already. I heard y'all was cutting up this morning." Bri commented.

"Oooh great! That meant my plan worked." Nene smirked.

"What plan?" Both Bri and I said together.

"My little parent trap plan to get y'all back together. Who do you think sent him down there last night? On top of not letting y'all bicker during my wedding, I actually want y'all back together...for my niece's sake. "

"I want them to makeup for my sake. I'm living off of this soap opera" Bri added shamelessly.

"Bri we can makeup after I tell him about his daughter tomorrow..."

The wedding was taking place tomorrow night and after the reception, I'd be taking him to meet Lilo. I didn't know what exactly I'd say yet but it would come to me.

"But tomorrow is not promised...y'all need to fuck TODAY." Bri exclaimed.

Nene busted out into laughter, nearly falling in the sand.

"Bri you about to swim with them pigs by your damn self...forreal forreal. I'll just stay here with Nene."

"Y'all are no fun."

"Girl I have vows to write and I'm really just trying to relax before tomorrow." Nene said.

"I already told you what to write bitch...just recite One Man by Vanessa Bling. Shit that's the way I'd do it...Devon would eat that shit right up."

I laid back on the lounger to try and contain my laughter, Bri was truly stupid. "By the way where is Dev?", I hadn't seen him all day.

She sighed and crossed her legs, "He went fishing with my dad and brothers down in Grand Turk...thanks for reminding me, I actually need to call him, to make sure daddy ain't killed him or nothin'." Bri was her parent's only daughter so I definitely understood her reasoning. "Anyway Laya what time is this boat coming? I'm ready to get outta here...cause Jasmine got one more time to give you the stink eye before I drown her." Bri exclaimed.

"Why are you so violent?" I chuckled. "She can do what she wants...I've done nothing to her and I'm not bothered." I said shrugging my shoulders then closing my book. "Yellow said he'd be here in twenty minutes with the boat...he had to run an errand for me."


I got up and slipped on the shorts I was wearing, so that I could head to the bar.

"Y'all want anything?" Bri slurped the remnants of her drink loudly before saying. "Another one of these frozen rum punch things. Get Nene one too except hold the punch." She smile deviously. "I'm tryna get her fucked up today."

"No Laya! I'm not trying to drink anymore after this. Bri I'm getting married tomorrow evening."

"Exactly, that gives you plenty of time to sober up."

I slipped on my sandals to leave and Bri was about to place her phone call when a series of loud yelling erupted from the side of us. The three of us peeked over to our left where Jasmine argued with Tariq, one of the beach bar attendants about the drink he'd just given her. Her loud voice even got the guys' attention, because they'd stopped playing football to look her way.

I was about to go over to resolve whatever the hell was going on when she threw the drink in his face.

I wanted nothing more than to pull her ass up and cuss her out, but I had to remember that she was a guest and this was my business' reputation at stake.

So with my best managerial voice on, I asked "What seems to be the problem here?" I looked over to Tariq's fuming face, his white uniform shirt soaked in the blue drink. He looked like he was ready to fight the bitch. I handed him the white towel in my hand and instructed him to wait by the bar for me.

"This the second time I ordered a drink and it ain't what I fucking ordered. Then this nigga gone argue with me talkIn' 'bout it is and I don't know what I want? I'm a guest here...and I said what I said!" Jasmine shouted.

"So you throw a drink in his face!?" This girl was delusional.

"Ain't you supposed to be the manger? Control your employees and I still need my drink!" My eyes widened at the audacity. Who did she think she was taking to?

I stepped up to her, about to politely go in on her ass, until I remembered that I couldn't.

No I could. But I shouldn't.

Dave walked up to us and exclaimed,

"What the fuck is your problem Jas?!"

I really didn't want to see that interaction so I turned around to find Tariq. He was behind the bar about to make another drink, when I approached him.

"Tariq what happened out there?"

"Laya...you know that I've never had any problems with none of the guests. But that lady there...is bat shit crazy. The only reason ine slap her with this tray is because out of respect for you, my job, and my mommy tell me not to hit girls."

I chuckled a bit to myself. "What happened?"

"She ordered a Hurricane and that's what she gave her. But when I got there she was like 'No I said I wanted a Piña Colada.' I was like okay, maybe she forgot what she wanted, so I brought her the new drink. Then that's when her crazy ass freaked out again...saying she ain't ordered that either."

I nodded my head while listening to him, finally getting the full picture.

"I'll let Danny make the drinks and give it to her. Go change your shirt in the locker room, Drea should have some new ones."

I hated when people gave service workers a hard time. In this business, attitude and customer service is everything. Tariq did all that...it was Jasmine's shitty memory that caused this.

After he left, I waited behind the bar for Danny to make both drinks, now Jasmine would have a choice.

When I got back down to the beach Dave was still arguing with her. From the look on his face, I could tell he was one minute away from permanently hurting that bitch's feelings...and I wanted to be the one to do that.

"Jasmine your drinks." I interrupted them and with a tight lipped smile, I asked her "You mind stepping over here for a minute? I'd just like to talk to you."

"Girl I don't know what kind of people you got working here..." She started, taking both of the drinks out of my hands. "Like I'm a guest...I expect an apology or sumn from that nigga or you...since you're the manager or whatever."


"What?" She asked.

"I'm the owner. I also talked to that nigga...his name is Tariq by the way, and the only apology that will be given out is yours to him." She raised her groomed eyebrow and shifted her weight to her next foot, as she was about to open her mouth again.

I quickly put my hand up. "Uh uh let me finish. I know you may not be use to anything better than vacations at your local motel or sipping cheap ass liquor from whatever bum ass strip club that you crawled out of, BUT...when you come here you gon' act like you use to a lil' bit of something, and treat me and my employees with respect. I don't care if it's the manager, or a fuckin' gardener...throw a drink on someone else and I will happily drag you up and down this beach, because we always offer service with a smile." I smiled politely at her before trying to walk off. Her face still in a shocked scowl.

"Bitch you just mad because East don't want your loose ass pussy no more. I see why he left yo uppity fat ass."

Somebody betta get her.

A couple walking down the stairs towards the beach looked wide eyed at her and I smiled at them before turning back to Jasmine.

I was always quick with the clap backs but now when I defended myself, my main goal was to make sure that my words hurt - simply because she deserved it. "Jasmine, I call him by his first name, you call him East - we are not the same sis. Do you even know his real last name?"

Her eyes darted from left to right.

That's what I thought.

"I'm honestly tired of running on with you, but let me just say this before I continue to celebrate my friend's bachelorette party...I left him, he didn't leave me. If I wanted him back, trust me I'd take him from you smoothly and keep him too. You may not know this but..." I looked down at the space between us. "...this is grammy-award winning pussy, girl you better ask him about me."

I finally walked away and stuck my middle finger out from behind me. Home girl was barking up the wrong tree, nice Laya was long gone.

She continued to rant and rave behind me, while I grabbed my bag and pulled down my shades to escort Nene and Bri to the boat that just arrived.

"Allaya what did you say to her?" Nene asked with concern.

"She got that inflated ass all the way together that's what..." Bri replied.


"Shit how is this bitch so small but so heavy" Bri grunted as we both tried to support a super drunk Nene off the beach and to a golf cart at the front of the hotel. It was definitely safe to say that she enjoyed her bachelorette party.

"That's 'cause we're supporting dead weight." I strained dragging her through the sand.

Bri actually did a great job planning everything out. We did end up running from them swimming pigs, but we had fun, were liquored up and slightly sunburned.

We made it up to the restaurant where Dave and Jay were sitting amongst a mass of people at the bar. After seeing us struggle with his soon to be wife, Jay jumped up to help us.

"Damn what the fuck did y'all get into?" He questioned, supporting Nene with ease.

"Oh you don't want to know my friend." Bri rubbed her hands together menacingly.

"Just know that she's lit as lit can be and knowing drunk Nene, she's excited to see you."

I snorted out a laugh and dug in my bag for my keys, "Here Jay, there's a cart in the parking lot and my house keys are on here too. You can put her in one of the rooms upstairs and if you need anything just call me. I have a few things to take care of here."

He threw his half unconscious fiancé over his shoulder, and walked in the direction of the lot.

"Imma go grab my stuff and meet them there." Bri said before leaving. They were both sleeping over at my house tonight since we'd be getting ready together for the wedding tomorrow.

After dusting the excess sand from my feet, I sighed and plopped down next to Dave on one of the bar stools. I laid my head on my arms at the bar and looked over at him drinking.

"It's Jay's bachelor party...you're supposed to be drunk." I muttered over the loud music.

"It ain't no fun drinking alone." He replied.

"I feel you." I signaled the bartender to get me a bottle of water.

The restaurant was packed tonight. After all it was a Friday, and we usually had live music and dancing for everyone including locals. Reggae music played from the band, the singers' voice hit every note and the dance floor was packed. The whole thing was a vibe.

"Here you go Ms. Laya."

"Thank you Danny." I opened the bottle of water and put it to my mouth to take a sip

and noticed Dave staring at me.


He flashed a cute grin, "You really got your shit together. Like you got your own business, you making bank, educated and you fine as hell? If I ain't said it before, imma say it now...I'm hella proud of you."

I blushed from his adoration, I'd already made myself proud but it was nice to know that I made him too.

"Thank you." I bumped my shoulder with his. "I'm proud of you too. You got a whole Grammy baby! I was screaming at the tv watching you go up there to get that." I returned his grin.

I didn't even realize I called him baby, that's how natural this all was for us.

"Yeah that was lit was fuck. Would've been better if you were there with me, since that song was about you."

I remember when I first heard it on the radio down here...I couldn't believe I was hearing his voice. I played it all the time, no wonder it was Lilo's favorite song.

"Yeah that would've been nice. Maybe next time", I winked at him, I was honestly just joking.

But he didn't take it like that. "Imma hold you to that, ma."

The moment was becoming a bit intimate and that was the last thing we needed.

"Where's Jasmine?"

He rolled his eyes and took another sip from his cup.

"I sent ha ass home. She wasn't gon pull that shit all weekend at Ne's wedding."

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to cause any trouble-"

"Don't worry 'bout that shit. It don't matter what she said, we was never together in the first place and her ass wasn't supposed to come down here to begin with."

I nodded at him and got up to leave and go home, to make sure that Nene got settled properly.

But Dave grabbed my hand and made me sit back down.

"You gonna leave me here by myself?"

"Dave you're a grown man, I think you can handle this." I laughed. "Plus you didn't invite me to stay."

This time when I got up to go he pulled me closer to him and his hand slid down my ass and rested there. Sultry chills travelled up my spine from the contact. Damn I missed this...I missed him.


An hour later we were both laughing our asses off at this middle aged couple on the dance floor. We had this little drinking game going on, every time they did something cringey we'd take a sip.

"Nahh you gotta drink!" I laughed at him.

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