《If You Let Me》Chapter 18
What you're doin' to me, feel like you're feelin' me
Atlanta, Georgia
I want that 90's r&b kinda love, you know? The kind that don't let go.
"No I'm not wearing that Bri"
"Why not? Your boungie (butt) would look so good in that" she teased.
"I'm going on a date, not to the club, so please try to get that through ya thick ass head." I explained.
I was currently rifling through my suitcase, looking for an outfit for my date with Dave tonight. We were supposed to be going out right after his show and I wasn't prepared at all.
Bri sucked her teeth and shifted on the other side of the camera. I FaceTimed her earlier to help me find something to wear but she was proving to be useless.
"Where y'all going anyway?", she asked while sipping wine from her glass.
"Ine know and he isn't telling me either. Talkin' 'bout I ask too many questions.", I rolled my eyes at the thought of our previous conversation.
"You do ask too many damn questions. That's good for your ass." she said with a shrug then eyed me suspiciously. "Wear a dress or skirt and I swear to jah if you pick up another pair of pants, I gin come through this phone and fuck ya red ass up." she threatened me.
Dresses were not my favorite article of clothing and Bri knew this. I was about to pick up another pair of pants, just to make her mad when my eye caught a printed dress that I forgot I had packed.
"I found a one!", I shouted at her while placing my phone up so that she looked at the ceiling.
"Lemme see Laya, because I don't trust you.."
I quickly removed the hotel robe I was in and changed into the dress. It was another low cut number, so I had to adjust my boobs in it properly.
"Shit I should have brought a spanx", I murmured to myself while gazing at my stomach trying to reveal itself. "Well too late now."
Thankfully, I already did my hair and makeup and easily tied my heeled sandals around my ankles. I dug around in my jewelry bag for a pair of hoops and a necklace, then grabbed my phone off of the charger to show Bri what I had picked out.
"Ohhh fuck! My bitch bad, ayeee she from the islands", she began twerking in the camera. "Dev come look at Laya"
Devon's face popped up in the camera before he shouted, "Ya bathe aye? Good body gyal dem."
I looked at him weirdly before an ugly laugh escaped my lips. You never knew what Devon would say sometimes, but it was almost always hilarious.
Bri yanked the camera from him and looked him up and down. "Laya don't mind him heya, he's been talking with my mother a lil' too much lately...and now he don't know how to act",she exclaimed.
"Well Brielle, if that's how you feel don't ask for none tonight because you aren't getting any. The Devon shop is closed.", he said sounding fake hurt.
I laughed even harder at both of them. They were the literal definition of an old married couple.
Bri rolled her eyes in the camera and smiled back at me.
"But real shit, you look good af. I'm so proud of my baby, ugh you're finally becoming the person I always knew you were. And going on dates and shit with fine ass rappers. Lord look at my baby." she muttered while fanning the fake tears coming from her eyes.
I shook my head at her and responded with a hushed thank you. Bri was right though, I was changing. Not becoming a new person but opening up my current self to other people and experiences.
I've been closed off for so long, that I forgot how it felt to have someone else care about me.
"Anyway let me let you go do your thing. I need go find Dev and make him open that shop back up because I wan cock tonight" she began twerking on her bed again. "Oh and call me tomorrow about everything and use protection!" she shouted just before I ended the call.
Sex was definitely not on the menu tonight. Well maybe it is if he pulled the same shit he did at the club. But then again I don't wanna grind on the first date. Nah that's gonna be awkward as hell. But then again Dave doesn't look like the kind of man that's willing to wait.
"And girl if he ain't getting it from you he's surely getting it from someone else.", my inner self remarked.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Now I'm stressing myself out. This was going to be on my mind the entire night.
My mini panic attack was shortened by an incoming call. I thought it was Wayno calling to ask me where I was, because I'm pretty sure I was late. This wasn't Dave's own, personal show but he was going to be a guest performer for Gunna on his collective tour.
Shit I don't wanna miss my baby's performance.
my baby...
Well look at you girl.
I grabbed my bag and phone before speed walking to the elevator. I pressed the green button on my phone, preparing to lie to Wayno.
"Wayno I'm on my way right now. My driver is about to turn into the parking lot", I rushed out.
"Hello Laya, who's Wayno?" I sucked my teeth at the British accent and pulled my phone from my ear to glance at the caller ID.
It was in fact Amir on the other line. I've been ignoring all of his calls lately because I simply can't be bothered by the bullshit.
"Hi Amir, listen I really... really can't talk right now but-"
"Good this won't take long. Dad and I will be in New York in about two weeks. We're going to have dinner and we expect to see you there." He declared.
The doorman at the hotel opened the door for me and James ushered me to the car that was waiting.
"Amir I don't have time to argue with you right now, so I'm going to hang up and enjoy my night and I suggest you do the same."
"Laya wait a minute now, I'm trying to make an effort and you aren't. We're supposed to be adults here." he rushed out as I was about to lift the phone from my ear.
I sighed deeply and gazed up to the roof of the car.
For fuck's sake man, let this ting be.
"Fine but I'm only having dinner with you. Not with your father...just you." And with that I hung up the phone before he could say anything else.
Why were relationships with my family so difficult to maintain? Even though I wanted nothing more than to have some sort of normalcy with them, I couldn't bring myself to forgive the abandonment.
"Everything good Ms. Daniels?" James said while looking at me through the mirror.
Just by looking at him, James was an intimidating man but he had the kindest eyes. He was tall and big, with a bald head and full beard. His shoulders were broad and muscular and represented that of a body builders. I could tell that he was in his mid fifties, judging by the sprinkling of gray hairs in his beard.
He seemed to be everywhere I was recently. Whenever I ran errands he was nearby or even when I attempted to take the train to work, he rode with me. I forgot to ask him if he was stalking me.
I nodded my head in response to him and gazed at all of the flickering city lights.
Soon, we pulled up at the venue in downtown ATL. James opened my door and took me through the back stage entrance. He flashed his badge and guided me to the left of the stage where Dave was standing with what appeared to be a few of his fans, signing autographs.
He looked good as usual in his standard designer jeans, white t-shirt and chains. Except this time he had a grey embossed Louis Vuitton vest over top of it. This man wore the absolute minimum and still looked good.
If only I could get away with that.
He hadn't noticed me as yet and soon security took them away and Dave positioned himself to perform next. I walked closely behind him as the screams of fans and the voices of Lil Baby and Gunna became louder.
"Atlanta make some noise for the one, the only Dave East!" was shouted as Lil Baby walked off.
I should get a picture for Bri, she lives for this shit.
Dave went up on stage with Gunna and they both performed Everyday.
I watched in awe as he walked around the stage seemlesly and interacted with the crowd. It was clear that this was something that he enjoyed to the fullest. For some reason the feeling of pride came over me and I was so proud of him for doing his absolute best even though he was in such a shitty mood yesterday.
My feelings for him were evident in my face as I felt my smile grow wider and wider with each lyric rapped. I joined the thousands of people there and screamed his name from backstage. In the middle of his set, his face turned and he gave me a wink before crouching down in front of the stage to touch a few of his fans.
I gave him a small wave and was still smiling when a pair of panties and a bra flew up on the stage nearly hitting him and Gunna.
"Yo G you gotta tell yo fans to chill with that shit", he said jokingly. "I got my lady backstage watching." I smiled from ear to ear.
If I wasn't grinning before, there was an even stupider grin on my face now.
Gunna's eyes followed Dave's to look at me as they both walked off the stage at the end of their set.
I took a step back into the hallway as the stage crew detached all of their mics and a camera crew invaded them for a behind the scenes interview.
He spent about five minutes answering some questions before he waved them off, dapped Gunna and sauntered over to me with a mischievous grin.
Controlling my breathing was what I was focused on. But at the same time I was trying to figure out how not to be awkward.
Should I go in for a hug? Maybe just shake his hand or dap him up like Gunna did? Shit why do I have to overthink everything.
"Girl just smile and wave like the bumbling idiot you are"
His arms reached around my waist and pulled me in for a long kiss. He must have known that I didn't know what to do. And like butter, I melted.
I placed my hand on his chest to gently usher him off of me. There were a lot of people around, and I didn't want to share what we had to the public. He looked down at me again with that same grin on his face.
"Hi" I murmured while looking at my feet.
"Nah don't get shy now, I heard you screaming my name backstage", he smiled.
I couldn't help but blush, he was always watching me.
"You look good as hell too ma. Lemme see the full fit." he attempted to take my hand and spin me around but I was laughing so much that I nearly fell over. He righted me and palmed my ass to bring me closer to him. There was so much untapped sexual energy between us that I was ready to say fuck the date and fuck me instead.
But the backstage door opened and the erupting sounds of fans following Lil Baby and a few other artists.
Dave quickly took my hand and dragged me to his dressing room, trying to avoid them.
"Give me a minute to change and we can go." he muttered while seating me on the couch in there.
My palms were sweaty and I fought the urge to turn and stare at the man on the side of me.
I loved watching him. Every movement he made was somehow interesting to me. Dave never said much but looking at him, observing him, I learned a lot.
His hands gripped the wheel tightly every time he was annoyed at the traffic. He bit his lip at every steep turn. And occasionally he'd mumble the lyrics to whatever was playing.
It's a feeling I can't describe. Almost like my heart swelling with air and floating around in my chest. Damn, I'm getting soft.
"You just gon keep staring at me? I hope you like what you see", he asked humorously.
I shook away my reflective contemplation and quickly thought of something to say that wouldn't embarrass me.
I always felt like such a geek next to him.
"I was just looking to see if the rest of your beard was finally connecting" I laughed out.
He threw his head back and laughed with me.
"Aight I see you got jokes. But it's gon be me laughing later. Just watch Laya." he retorted.
Now that had me wondering what he was up to for this date. It seemed to be more than the standard dinner and a movie.
I was just about to ask him where we were going when he pulled into the parking lot of what seemed to be a race track.
Confusion was written all over my face as he opened my door and walked to the trunk of the car.
The heels of my stilettos sunk further and further into the crabgrass with every step I took.
Great shoe choice Laya.
"Aye sit in the seat. I got something for you."
I did what I was told, and Dave came from around the car with a red and tan Vans box in his hand.
"You gon need to put these on", he said casually.
Shaking my head, I tried to undo my shoes before tattooed fingers covered mine and Dave did it for me.
"You know if you just told me where we were going, I would've dressed better and you wouldn't have to buy me new shoes", I stated.
"Then that would've ruined my surprise and shit. Plus I like buying you things to piss you off. You gon love that Chanel bag I got in the back for you too", he chuckled.
I narrowed my eyes at him and he grabbed my hand as we walked through the entrance.
The track seemed empty except for a few random people leaving and emoloyees in red shirts.
The stands were also bare but across the tracks were a few food trucks with several people in line.
Maybe we were gonna watch a race?
We continued to walk until he took me down into the track itself where a blue branded D.B.Harlem Industries race car was waiting with a short man leaning besides it.
"Wassup East" he sauntered over to us and greeted Dave.
"What's good Blake, thanks again man for letting me use yo girl", Dave responded gesturing to the car.
"Chu mean, nigga that's yo whip...you paid for it. These the keys and you can just drop em at the exit when you done" Blake exclaimed. "This nigga is one of the best drivers I know, so you should have fun Laya", he said to me before walking off.
I have so many question, one of which is how does this man know me? But before I could ask any of them I was pulled onto the track and ushered into the driver's seat. Dave began strapping me up before I broke the silence.
"My friend...what are we doinggg? You know I can't drive right?" I asked facetiously.
"You about to learn." he smirked.
And that's how I spent my first date.
Swerving in circles around a deserted track, trying to figure out the difference between the gas and brake, almost crashing twice, and nearly hitting a worker as he crossed in front of me.
But I laughed countless times at Dave's facial reactions, as I turned. My heart fluttered whenever he put his hand on top of mine at the wheel. And my soul smiled because it was experiencing true happiness. He was patient with me and truth be told, I was actually learning.
When I finally gave up, I managed to park the car and Dave grabbed tacos from the food truck across the way. We ate on the hood and talked about our childhoods, fears and dreams.
"So how's the album coming?", I questioned while wiping my mouth.
He shrugged nonchalantly before saying, "It's coming. It ain't done yet cause I need one more song but I'll get there."
"If you need a feature, I'm always available for a lil sumn" I joked and he laughed.
"I'm dead serious. Have you heard these vocals? Beyoncé ain't got shit on me me... she ain't got shit"
"If you talking bout them same vocals you be using in the shower, then you can keep them ma.", he laughed out.
I looked at him pretending to be hurt and said "Wowww that's how you really feel? Good, you couldn't afford me anyway."
He just continued to grin and shook his head. He'd be getting tired of me soon.
"Oh I was supposed to tell you how proud I am! I know that it probably doesn't mean much because you've performed a bunch of times but you killed it."
He beamed at me. "Nah that means a whole lot coming from you. I'm glad you liked it cause I was tryna impress you", he smirked.
Dave really had to stop saying shit like that because he was making me soft.
"Well let me impress you by driving back to the hotel" I suggested.
"Hell no, I'm tryna live to see tomorrow Laya."
I stood between his legs and twisted my lips against his for the second time tonight. I could never get tired of touching this man. He's the only person I've ever wanted this bad.
"You know you mine right?" he muttered against my lips.
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