《Tragic》Chapter Forty-Two: Clearing The Air


I've been marking off the days until prom on my calendar like I'm awaiting parole. It's not really a far stretch. This definitely feels like slow torture. As of now, I've only seen Elliot and Judah together in passing, spending an entire night watching them together might actually kill me.

Oliver grins at me from beside the coffee pot in the teacher's lounge. "What's so funny?" I ask.

He takes a sip from his cup. "Nothing. I just signed us up for something."

I narrow my eyes at him, and he laughs. "What did you do, Ollie?"

"Me and you are going to chaperone the prom." His smile turns smug like he did something good. I kind of feel like punching him.

"And why would I want to do that?"

He shoots me a look. "Come on, you know you want to be there."

I let out a humorless laugh. "I actually don't. Seeing Elliot and Judah prance around all night is probably the last thing I want to do."

He walks over a puts his hand on my shoulder. "If you're not there you'll just sit at home thinking about it anyway. You know I'm right."

An angry sigh escapes my lips. "You're right."

Oliver gives me a firm pat on the back. "I never get tired of hearing that."

I roll my eyes before pouring another cup. Sleeping has been difficult to say the least. I run my hand down my face in frustration. "Two more weeks and this can all be over."

The look on Oliver's face strikes me as odd. "What now?"

He shakes his head quickly. "Nothing, man."

"Seriously, what?"

Oliver's face shifts into anger. "Are you breaking up with me, too? You act like once the school year ends you're just going to leave and never come back."

My eyebrows pull in. "I didn't really think it all the way through yet, but I probably won't come back."

He takes another sip of his coffee, eyeing me carefully. "That's a lot of distance to put between you and someone you don't want to be with anymore?"

I sigh. "It's not like that..."

"Then what's it like?" he growls, cutting me off. He slams his cup down on the counter and takes an aggressive step toward me. "I warned you from the beginning I didn't want to be involved in something like this and you did it anyway. Now I have to choose sides and guess who I'm going to choose?"

"I'm sorry."

He laughs. "You're sorry?" He shakes his head. "That's not good enough. She may seem strong and confident to you, but she's not. She worked really hard to make you happy and now you're just going to throw her away when things get the slightest bit difficult."

I grit my teeth. "I fucking love her, Ollie. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't."

His jaw ticks as he continues to glare at me. Without another word he turns and grabs his cup before storming out of the break room, slamming the door on his way out.



Sitting in my classroom during my free period is usually a decent time to catch up on my work. I've been behind lately, and with the end of the semester rapidly approaching, I really need to get my shit together.

I hear a small knock at my door, and my heart skips a beat. When I look up at the red-haired traitor that feeling is replaced by anger.

"What can I do for you, Miss Gray?"

"Oh, cut the shit Hunter. You and I both know you're the furthest thing from professional," Cameron retorts with a sneer.

I take a deep breath and fold my hands on top of my desk. "You obviously have something to say so would you mind getting to the point? I'm very busy."

She rolls her eyes. "I'm sure you are." She folds her arms across her chest. "You really look like a fool, you know that?"

My teeth clench as I work to maintain a calm demeanor. Cameron would love for me to freak out and lose my shit. I'm not about to give her the satisfaction. "I don't know what you are referring to, but unless you have a question about an assignment, I would advise you to go to class."

She takes a step toward me defiantly. "She'll never really leave him. You know that don't you?" Her eyes almost sparkle as she studies my face for a reaction. I've never seen someone take so much pleasure in being a spiteful bitch. "I feel sorry for you actually. She does this to everyone. Makes you feel so special, like she really cares, but I know how she really is."

I shake my head. "Cameron, I really think you should go to class." My voice is clipped, and I swear I see a hint of a smile on her face.

"It's okay," she says causally. "She's about to get everything she ever wanted. Her and Judah at prom. It's all she's talked about since the beginning of the year."

"You're lying," I grit out. At this point, I actually don't know if she's lying or not. Her and Elliot aren't on any kind of speaking terms, so I'm sure she has no idea we broke up.

She pouts her lips at me. "Oh, I wish I was. They may have somehow convinced you this benefits you, but you really are an idiot if you believe that. Elliot's the most selfish, vindictive person I've ever met."

I stand up from my desk and lean forward with my palms flat. "I'm not going to ask you again. Go to class, Cameron."

She smiles again, challenging me. "Or you'll what? Give me detention?" She takes a step toward the door. "You don't want to do that. We both know how you wouldn't want your extracurricular activities to get out, now would we?"

She holds my stare as I glare over at her. Her smile turns wider before she brings her hand up and blows me a kiss. "See you at prom, Mr. Graham."


I watch her strut out the door with a confidence I doubt she really has. It took everything inside of me not to put her in her place, but I know that would only make things worse. I decide that I will go to prom. I want to be the one to smile when Elliot takes that bitch down.


For the rest of the day I let her words build up inside of me. By the time I get home, the sight of Judah's truck parked in the lot next to my building makes my blood boil. He leans against the side of his vehicle with his hands shoved in his pockets. He gives me a nod as I exit my truck and walk toward him.

I hold my hand up when he opens his mouth. "Listen, I'm really not in the mood for this right now. I suggest you leave."

He shakes his head. "I can't do that."

My fist clenches in response at my side. I crack my neck. "I would really, really hate for this to end up like the last time."

The unamused expression on his face only makes me angrier. He pushes off from the side of his truck. "Hunter, I'm not here to fight with you. I want to call a truce."

I let out a laugh. "A truce? For what exactly?"

He shrugs. "I don't want to fight with you anymore."

"I'm leaving in three weeks. Problem solved." I step around him and start walking toward my building.

"So, that's it?" he asks loudly, making me stop in my tracks. "You're going to leave her after you fought so hard to be together."

Ollie giving me shit is one thing, taking it from Judah is not going to happen. I grit my teeth before turning around. "Are you kidding me right now?" I keep talking while closing the distance between us. "You're going to show up at my fucking apartment and tell me what I should be doing?" I narrow my eyes at him. "I suggest you leave before you miss next season, too."

Judah doesn't budge and cocks his head to me. "Well, this isn't about you. It's about her."

I nod, still pointing my finger at him. "That's what I'm talking about right there. She is no longer a concern of yours."

"As much as you hate it, Elliot will always be a concern of mine. I love her too, and regardless of how you feel about it that's not going to change."

My nostrils flare at his words. I take unsteady breaths through my nose. "What do you want, Judah?"

His eyebrows pull in. "She loves you, and you're acting like an asshole."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"I think you do. If you're jealous of the arrangement we had, don't take it out on her," he says harshly. "People expect us to be there together. It's the only way to put these rumors to rest. Don't you want that?"

I scoff. "Of course I do."

"Then stop making her feel so bad about it. She's completely miserable right now and it's because of you." His tone is forceful as he throws his arms up.

I take a breath. "Judah, it's not about that. I didn't break up with Elliot because I was jealous."

"Then why?"

"Why do you want to know so badly?" I laugh bitterly. "You should be fucking happy right now. There's nothing left to stand in your way."

A sad smile crosses his face. I can see the knot in his throat as he swallows. "I know —but the problem is, she isn't. She's miserable, and I can't take that away for her because I'm not the one she wants." He runs his hands through his hair. "All I want is for her to be happy. I don't have a hidden agenda or anything." He shrugs. "I just love her." The thickness in his voice almost makes me feel bad for him.

Seeing Judah this way is weird. At one point he was just an arrogant, entitled prick who only cared about himself, but now, he seems different. His words seems genuine for probably the first time in his life.

I take a deep breath. "It's complicated. I'm not trying to hurt her, and I want her to be happy, too."

Judah laughs. "You know, I thought leaving would make it easier." He opens the door of his truck before turning back to face me. "The funny thing is, it made it worse. I thought about her more because I wasn't there to make sure she was okay." His eyes harden a little. "Someone else was and it killed me. I'll never know what might have happened if I stayed and that's the thought keeping me up at night. I wouldn't wish it on anyone—not even you."

When he turns to get back in his truck, I get the sudden urge to stop him. "Hey, Judah."

He turns back to me with an emotionless expression.

"For what it's worth, I'm grateful for everything you're doing for her." I huff a laugh and my shoulders shrug. "If it were me, I'm not sure I could. You're a good dude."

The corner of his mouth turns up. "I appreciate that."

Even though it pains me to admit, I know Elliot loves him, too. She sees something redeeming in him, so he can't be all bad. Even the purest of hearts get tainted sometimes, and I can't blame him for not being able to let go. That's something I'm not sure I'll be able to do myself—but I'm going to try.

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