《Remember What We Had *Sequel to Remember the Rules*》Nights of Dreamless Sleep
Pan's POV
The Savior followed her boy, as I expected. She and her group of goodie-goodies wandered aimlessly around the island, trying their hardest to skirt the jungle. It was amusing watching Hook try to help when nobody truly trusted him. The group was more dysfunctional than they had been even back in Storybrooke. My chance for first (known) contact with the Savior was coming soon, I just needed to wait.
Between dealing with Henry and keeping an eye on his rescuers, I didn't allow myself time to think about Lily. That was the whole point. There were millions of simpler ways to get what I wanted, including just killing them all, but simpler ways meant more time to wallow in my own misery. That wasn't good for anyone, least of all myself and the boys.
I watched the Savior sleep, contemplating all this and more when I should have been thinking about the next move I made. Luckily, I already had it all planned out and memorized, just for this purpose. The Savior should be waking up in three, two, one--
She jolted and got up, grabbing her machete. I rolled my eyes. Like that would be effective against me.
"Guys," she whispered. "Wake up!" When no one did (courtesy of yours truly), she walked around the campsite like a cat, poised for danger.
I knew what she was hearing; it haunted me every night before I went to sleep. The cries of twenty something teenage boys can be hard to ignore. "You hear that too?" I asked. She stumbled and turned, holding her blade clumsily at me. I wanted to laugh, it was so ridiculous.
"You're Emma, right?" I asked as if I didn't know the name of the woman who'd utterly broken Rosalie. I gestured toward her little group. "I wonder why they can't hear the crying."
"Who are you?" she demanded.
I raised my eyebrows. "Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter. Peter Pan." I clarified in case she was as moronic and oblivious as she had been when I'd known her as Pietro.
She had a knife to my throat in less than a second-- still plenty of time for me to have dodged, had this not been in the plan from the start. She really needs to learn how to use that before she goes swinging it all over. She could hurt herself, I thought with a grin.
"Where's Henry?"
"You've got fire." I snickered. "I like fire."
Damn. Now I'm thinking about why I said that. It wasn't in the plan to refer to Lily, you moron! Okay, think about it later. Don't think about her right now, you can't afford to. Get your head back in the damn game.
I let her think that my heavier breathing was from the stress of having a knife at my throat rather than the pain of thinking about the girl I loved. there was no reason she had to know.
"Where is my son?" she asked angrily.
"Henry's still alive, if that's what you're worried about," I told her.
Her eyes were shining angrily-- a lot like Lily's when she was scared. Stop that, dammit. "Why the hell did you take him?"
"He's a very special boy, Emma," I said condescendingly. I was going off autopilot, spouting memorized lines while I wrestled my more Pietro/lovesick side back behind its wall.
"I know. That doesn't answer my question. What do you want with him?" She was getting braver. That wasn't good.
I inhaled, winning the battle against myself for the moment. "I came to see who I was up against. The Savior. Gotta say, I'm not disappointed."
It was about the closest thing I could get to a lie. I had come to see Emma, but not to see who I was up against. I needed to remember why I wanted her to suffer. I'd made a promise that anyone who hurt her was going to pay.
The Savior needed to pay big-time. The cold, calculated fury reignited in my chest at seeing this woman, this Savior, that had hurt my Rosalie so badly.
"What are you saying now?" she asked. "Are you gonna tell me how I'm never going to see Henry again?"
No, that's not what I'm going to tell you, you jaded bitch. Life isn't a movie. I'm dramatic, not tacky. "No. I'm going to help you find him. I'll give you a map."
She took the knife off my throat distrustfully. I reached into my vest and pulled out the parchment. "A map that will lead you straight to your son."
I could see that spark of hope in her eyes. I wanted desperately to stamp it out, but I knew better. I would bide my time.
"If this is some kind of trap..."
I rolled my eyes, laughing. "I may not be the most... Well behaved boy on this island, but I always keep my promises. The path to finding Henry is on this parchment."
"Why are you giving it to me." It barely sounded like a question. It sounded more like she was asking herself why she was taking it.
"See, it's not about finding Henry," I told her. "It's about how you find him." Slowly, and with as much pain as possible. For you and the people you love. That way you feel what she felt. If I can't have her, at least I can avenge her.
"And, Emma," I said. "You're the only one who can." Because that's how I wanted it.
She took the parchment from me and unfolded it. "It's blank," she said, sounding almost bored. Well, we can't have that now, can we?
"You'll only be able to read that map when you stop denying who you really are." And exit here dramatically.
I transported directly to my room. I was exhausted from tonight's little adventure, but I was also buzzing with anger at that woman. I let out a frustrated roar, picking up the nearest thing (a pillow, luckily) and throwing it across the room with enough magical force behind it to dent the stone wall. With a pillow.
I needed sleep.
I ran through the forest, laughing. "You can't avoid me forever, Lily! I'll catch up eventually."
"Not if I have anything to say about it!" she called happily from somewhere in the jungle. "You'll find me when I say you'll find me."
"Oh really? Isn't that what you said the last time?" I smiled. She played this game sometimes, but it never lasted long.
"This time I mean it!" She laughed and hummed somewhere nearby. Now I had her.
I stalked up to a tree silently, then darted to the other side, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her.
She pouted at me playfully. "No! I thought I had you this time. It was a good spot, too."
I touched my forehead to hers. "Doesn't matter. I'll always find you."
This is a dream.
"What if I don't want you to?" she asked, pulling away abruptly.
All at once, the reality of the situation hit me. "Lily? Is that really you?"
She shrugged, blushing. "When I did the dreamwalking spell, I didn't think about the fact that it was your dream and not mine. It's amazing how little information there was on this in Regina's old spellbook."
"Where did you go?" I asked. It was torture, seeing her like this and knowing that this was really her and that she was still so far away.
"I didn't go anywhere, Peter."
Wait, what? "But you're..."
"No. I'm still on the island. I couldn't leave if I tried."
"Then where are you?" I demanded. If she was really this close...
She shook her head. "That's not why I'm here. I wanted to tell you that I'm safe. I'll be doing this occasionally now that there are adults on the island. By the way, what the hell is that about?"
I had nothing to say. She was on the island, but she wouldn't the me where she was? What had I done wrong? Had I even done anything wrong? I had to, otherwise she wouldn't have left, right?
"You, uh... You realize that this is a dream, right? I can hear everything that you're thinking."
Fantastic. "Then answer me."
"You didn't do anything wrong, Peter." She avoided my gaze. "It's this idea of true love that bothers me. I wanted to have a choice in the matter."
"That's not how it--"
"I know. So I made my own way. I don' t think... coming here was a bad idea. I need to go." She turned away from me and I realized that she was going to leave my dream.
"Lily, wait. Are you going to remember this in the morning?" An idea was forming-- a way to bring her back to me little by little. She nodded. "Good, because I want you to remember this." I said, gathering her in my arms and kissing her properly.
I need to do this the proper way, love. At least once, I thought, knowing that she could hear me.
Lily's POV
Did that really just happen? I thought, sitting bolt upright in Felix' body. It was so... disconcerting. Pan was never the affectionate type.
The dreamwalking spell was a good idea on paper, but it was a mistake. Letting Pan know that I was on the island would make him redouble his efforts to find me. But that kiss...
My entire face tingled from something that hadn't even truly happened. If that was what a "proper" kiss felt like in a dream... I could only imagine what a real one-- No, I couldn't go there. I was Felix now, I had jobs to do and a camp to run.
But that kiss... It hadn't felt like a spell or enchantment. It had felt right. Almost like fate had finally come to where it was supposed to be in that one moment.
I had to do it again. Not tonight, but maybe in a few days. Just to tell him I was okay. After all, if I didn't keep him in the loop, he'd get worried and shut down again, wouldn't he?
He would. And we couldn't have that with all these dangerous adults on the island.
It's decided then, I thought. I'll check in with him in four days' time.
Two uploads in three days? Whaaaat? And an actual FLUFF SCENE? WHAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!!!!! I have literally no idea what. My muse just came up and bit me in the ass and she wouldn't let go until I had 1700 words of syrupy sweet fluff. Enjoy. I'm so tired I can't even. That took a lot out of me.
Should I do more fluff? Less? Idk. Let me know what y'all want and I'll se what I can do. Bye for now.
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Oublivants: a category of dungeons characterised by the antithesis of life, necrosis. "Dungons as a whole tend towards the lethal side when it comes to exploring them; however, an oublivant actively seeks out destruction on a grand scale. No greater example of their deep hatred for life exists than the very first discovery of an oublivant. It was a massive dungeon spanning miles in all directions. It continuously expanded along the surface, so fast you could see it, and left nothing but a scorched, withered wasteland in its wake. Wherever the oublivant resides, nothing but the undead exist, as all living life has been eradicated. Why it is, exactly, the oublivant seem so against life so as to break the passive rule dungeons have is unknown. What is known, however, is that they're a threat that, upon discovery, is to be immediately eliminated." - Archomagus Addiom Onero, Court of VascilNote: This is my first story on royal road. It'd be nice if you were nice... nicely.
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