《Lean On Me • {Jared Padalecki}》04. MOOSE AND RAVEN


The next morning when Willow walked into the makeup trailer, Jared was already sitting there, staring at his phone. There was a carrier of four coffees sitting in front of him and he looked up at her when she walked in, smiling shyly and handing her one of the drinks. She took it from him happily, smiling back and taking a sip.

"I didn't know what you liked so I took a guess," he told her, and she nodded, sighing as the hot coffee made its way down her throat. She wasn't one for any sort of fancy coffee, so she had no idea what it was other than the fact that it was delicious.

"Thanks," she said quietly, smiling at him again. "Marcy not here yet?" she asked, peeling her thick coat off and hanging it on the rack.

"She is. She's off on set somewhere. I actually asked her to get lost for a while so we could talk," he told her, and she nodded, preparing herself for him to tell her he'd been drunk the night before and took everything back.

"Oh, gotcha. Well, don't worry about it. I don't hold you to anything or anything," she told him, and he was immediately shaking his head.

"I don't take back what I said, Willow. You're absolutely breathtaking. Seriously, you're quite possibly one of the most gorgeous people I've ever seen," he said without any hesitation in his tone whatsoever. "I just... you know, I'm just coming out of a divorce and I'm not really dating or anything right now and I don't want you to think that there's something there that isn't because I'm an idiot and made you think that," he told her, his voice quiet and his eyes sad.


"Oh. Well, I totally understand, obviously. I... nothing happened anyway. We paid each other compliments and that was the end," she said, doing her best to sound casual.

"Good. I'm glad you understand," he said, smiling widely and standing. He crossed the room to her and engulfed her in a tight hug that surprised her. She stood there limply for a moment and then gave into the hug, pushing herself deeper into his arms and wrapping hers around him as well.

When they pulled apart a few moments later, Willow couldn't help but feel a little bit dizzy from the mixture of the scent of his cologne and the brightness of his smile. She turned away from him, listening as he sat down in a chair and waited for her. Taking a deep breath, she reached for a brush and product and started doing his touch ups for the day.

"So, you're in love, right? When are you getting married?" Jackson Parker asked his younger sister that night, dodging as she threw a hand towel across the spacious kitchen of the house they shared at him.

"He actually basically shut me down. I mean, nothing happened anyway so there's no hurt feelings or anything, but nothing is going to happen between us. He did just go through a pretty public divorce, after all. Me and all my issues are the last thing he needs right now. There is something there, for sure. But I mean, hell, we did just meet literally yesterday. I got too excited too fast and that's my fault. He didn't even really do anything to make me excited," Willow responded, spinning her fork in the bowl of spaghetti her brother had just handed her. He slid a glass of water across the counter and she took a drink of it.


"Wills, it's totally fine that you got excited. You should still be excited. He obviously likes you and you obviously like him so who knows what will happen," Jackson said, shrugging as he took a giant bite of spaghetti.

"Yeah. Who knows," Willow repeated, shrugging back at her brother.

Padalecki 😍



read; 11:24pm

I know it's late. I'm sorry if you were asleep.

read; 11:30pm

nah, i wasn't. what's up?


Everything I said earlier was bullshit.



There is something between us. I've been thinking about it all day and feeling like a douche for acting like it was in your head or something.

it doesn't matter. seriously. it's okay. we just met. there can't possibly be something between us already. you're not a douche and i'm totally fine with us just being friends and getting to know each other.


You're something else, you know that?

if by "something else" you mean "huge fan girl of yours and the show's", then you're correct.


You're a fan? Why didn't you tell me?

i didn't want you to think i was a psychopath tbh


Why would I think that?

a lot of reasons, but for example: because i don't even refer to you as "jared" in my head and just refer to you as "moose". and i can't tell you how many times i've almost slipped up in the past few days and accidentally called you moose.


Hahaha. You can call me Moose. I don't mind.

honestly it probably would've happened anyway so that's good.

you changed " 😍" to " 😍"


What animal are you, then?

no idea. what do you think? be kind pls.


Hm. How about a raven?

why, because i have dark hair and am loud and possibly symbolize death?


Well the dark hair part yeah. But the rest, no. Because you're smart and strong and need to learn to be more fearless.

how did you know that?


What, the fearless part?



Well, mostly because you didn't tell me you were a fan even though it was obvious by the way your hands shake when you're doing makeup anywhere near Jensen or me. Also because you apologize too much.

fair. i guess i'll take a raven.


Good. I've gotta try and get some sleep now. See you in the morning?

bright and early. night, moose.


Night, Raven. 😜

: sorry i've been so bad at updating this. i just haven't really felt very good lately in a lot of different ways and it's been hard for me to actually be motivated to sit down and write, which is why i decided to go a little more social media with this so far than i'd originally planned because those chapters are just a lot easier and quicker to write. hopefully i'll get back to updating on a regular schedule soon.

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