《Sweet Creature》One Step at a Time


Kelsey couldn't help but smile as she saw Jared play basketball with two young boys. Both were tall for their age but what caught her eye was a beautiful little girl cheering for them on the sidelines. Her light brown locks bounced up and down as cheered. Kelsey couldn't help but smile as she hopped out of her car. Kelsey shut her car door and walked up the drive to where Jared and his son's were playing. The little girl looked up at her as Kelsey plopped down on the grass beside her. The little girl smiled before turning back to watch her father. One of the boys landed the ball in the basket and Jared quickly picked him up and twirled him around. She couldn't help but smile as she heard the boy's giggle. Jared quickly put the boy down as he saw Kelsey sitting with Odette. Jared scrambled to find the shirt he had thrown off earlier and quickly slipped it over his head. He smiled and said,"Sorry, I didn't hear you pull in." Kelsey waved him off as she stood up. Jared came up and shook her hand. Kelsey smiled as Jared said," Kids. This is your new nanny, Ms. Saddler. Kelsey this is Odette, Thomas, and Sheppard." Kelsey bent down slightly and looked the three kids. All them resembled their father in more ways than one from their eyes to their thick locks of brown hair. Kelsey smiled and said," Hi guys. It's very nice to meet y'all. I think we'll have lots of fun." Thomas couldn't help but smile as he said," Do you play basketball?" Kelsey bit her lip as she shrugged slightly. Kelsey pulled out her phone showing a picture of hee nephew Noah and said,"I'm not any good but my nephew whose coming to stay too, is amazing. He'd be happy to play." Thomas air pumped his fist before runnung back to shoot some hoops. Kelsey turned to Shep but he quickly turned up his nose as he ran back to play with Thomas. Jared watched Kelsey's smile falter slightly as she turned her attention to little Odette. Kelsey gently combed a stray hair from Odette's eyes and said," And me and you sweet thing are gonna have to stick together. We're a little outnumbered." Odette giggled before she hugged Kelsey. Jared smiled as he looked his daughter and his new friend interact. He knew she was the perfect fit.

Kelsey gently flipped the chicken on the grill as she watched Noah interact with Tom and Shep. Grace quickly looked towards the outdoor table to find Odette happily coloring away. Kelsey pulled down the lid as Jared came out holding a beer and a glass of water. He handed her the glass and said," The chicken smells fantastic. What did you marinate it in?" Kelsey took a quick sip of her drink before sitting down in an nearby chair. Jared sat across from her as he said," Very simple. Lime juice, lime zest, garlic, and cilantro. My grandmother's recipe." Jared nodded and took a swig of his beer as Noah came over. Noah gave Jared a small smile before he turned to Kelsey. Noah gave her a big smile as he said," Can I sleepover at Joseph's house. He just got the new fallout game I've been telling you about." Kelsey looked down at her lap as she thought it over. Kelsey let out a small sigh and said,"Only if Joseph's parents are ok with it. Then I'll drive you over, if that's okay with Jared. I don't want to seem like I'm slacking off just yet." Jared waved her off as he looked over to find Tom and Shep tossing the basketball back and forth. Jared took a sip of his beer and said," Do you mind if I take him? I gotta go over to Jensen's talk about the next SPN Con in Seattle." Kelsey shrugged as she looked over at Noah gave a quick thumbs up as he typed away at his phone. Noah quickly walked inside to pack a bag leaving Jared and Kelsey alone once again. Kelsey took a sip of her water as she said," I remember holding my sister's hand as she brought Noah into the world. She was such a good mother. Hell, she had enough practice raising me. It was like she was made for it. I'm trying to play this role of a mother and I have no idea what I'm doing. Sure, I can Nanny and take care of kids but this trying to be a mom thing I can't even comprehend." Jared nodded in understanding as he looked at his boys then to his sweet Odette. He smiled as leaned forward and said," I know how that feels. You from being just Dad then to being mom and dad. Gen was amazing she was raising two boys and a baby, cooking, blogging, hiking, modeling, and so many other things. When we lost her I was trying to raise the kids, cook, clean, keep them active, trying to be like her. But I learned I was never going to be like her. So I stayed just Dad and I think I'm doing alright." Kelsey gently wiped at her watery eyes before nodding. She slightly nodded as Noah walked out with an overnight bag and his phone. Kelseycouldn't help but chuckle at how fast he got ready to leave. Jared pulled his keys from his pocket and said," All right bud, lets go."


Jared quietly drove as Noah looked out the window at the passing neighborhood. Noah cleared his throat and said," I have a weird question." Jared quickly looked over at Noah and nodded for him to continue before looking back to the road. Noah looked at his hands and said," My Aunt is hiding something from the both of us. Can you like, try to pry it out of her?" Jared couldn't help but laugh at Noah as he continued,"The last time she was like this was when her and her ex husband were getting divorced. It was all hush hush til the end. " Jared pursed his lips before pulling into long drive way leading to a small farmhouse. Noah opened the door as Jared said,"I'll talk to her and tell her that your worried. But do me a favor and be a kid. I know all you want to do is grow up and take care of your Aunt but stay a kid." Noah smirked and nodded before hopping out. He looked up to Jared as he said," Thanks. For everything." Jared smiled as Noah ran towards his friend, who had came out on the front porch.

Jared and Jensen walked inside to find Tom, Shep and Odette were tucked in bed and the only light on was the kitchen. Kelsey quietly washed the dinner dishes and didn't hear Jared and Jensen slip in. Kelsey wiped a couple tears away with her soapy hands as Jensen said,"You know there's a dishwasher right?" Kelsey jumped as she let out a light squeal. She turned around as she dried off her hands. They quickly noticed her red eyes and tear stained cheeks. Jensen pointed towards the living room before quickly leaving. Jared sighed and said,"Everything okay?" Kelsey just nodded before dipping her hands back down into the soapy water. Washing away at a stubborn stain. Jared slowly came up behind her hear her sniffles grow louder as fresh tears streamed down her face. Jared placed a hand on her shoulder as he said," Kelsey, you can't keep things like this in. What's going on?" Kelsey pulled her hands from the water and wiped them off on a nearby towel. Kelsey turned and looked up at Jared as she said," My sister had to have an emergency c-section when Noah was born. There were complications, she never could have kids again. A year ago she decided wanted to have a baby. She asked me to be a surrogate. We did two treatments and they didn't work. The last one was two weeks before she passed away. Jared, I think I'm pregnant." Jared eyes grew slightly before he smiled. Jared chuckled lightly before he said," That's a good thing. Why are you so upset for?" Kelsey's tears turned to sobs as she fell into his chest. Jared put his arms around her as her tears stained his shirt. Jared gently rubbed her back as she said," I'm scared Jared. Sure, I can be an Aunt or a nanny but mom is a whole territory for me." Jared pulled away slightly and looked into her chocolate eyes. He smiled and said," Me too. I'm still learning to Mr. Mom myself, Kels. We'll get through it together one step at a time."


Jared and Jensen sat on the couch as they watched Kelsey bustle around the living room cleaning up toys and games. Jared rolled his eyes as she wiped off the coffee table for the millionth time. Jared patted the leather chair beside him and said," Sit down and relax. You've done enough. The kids can clean their mess in the morning." Kelsey went to protest but realized how tired she felt. She gratefully sat in the chair and tucked her feet under herself. Jared smiled as he turned his attention towards Jensen as they began talking about the upcoming filming season. Kelsey began to doze off as she listened to the boys. She didn't know if it was possible pregnancy or the exhaustion of starting a new job that made her fall asleep so quickly. Jared couldn't help laugh but as loud snores escaped your open mouth. Jensen smiled and said," How'd she do with the kids?" Jensen watched as Jared eyes lit up at the thought of his kids. Jared's smile grew bigger as he said,"Great. I wish I met her earlier. And the boys look up to Noah already. He's a good kid." Jensen nodded as he looked to Kelsey. He frowned slightly at her still flushed cheeks as he said," What was that about in the kitchen?" Jared shifted slightly and looked back at Kelsey. Finding her still fast asleep. Jared sighed and said," She thinks she's pregnant. She's scared out of her mind." Jensen nodded in understanding as he looked at her sleeping figure. He chuckled slightly and said," Well y'all got your hands full." Jared gave him a confused look as Jensen continued," Now y'all have to take of eachother. You invited her into this house to take of you and your kids. She's your family now too, believe it or not."

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