《mike wheeler x reader》23


I shoot up out of bed as I hear commotion. For some reason Mike is in my doorway and I hear thumping behind him.

"Shit face get back here!" I hear Billy yell.

Mike quickly runs into my room.

"Mike? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask.

"I wanted to apologise but then I saw this dead demogorgan and freaked out and wondered if it killed you but now your cousin is about to kill me!"

"Uh just come here." I shove Mike into the wardrobe.

Billy peers his head into my room.

"Did frog face come in here?" He asks.

"He did but he jumped out of the window really quick. If you wanna catch him it's best to go to the garden."

"Thanks. I'll make sure he pays." Billy rubbed his fists together and walked out.

Mike sighed in relief.

"Your so strange. I killed that demogorgan."


"Yeah. Did you not think I could do it?"

"No it's just... I've never even killed one of those things and I've seen them for years."

"And you thought I'd get hurt?"

"Yeah sorry about that. Please forgive me?"

"Yeah fine."

Mike gives me a look of sorrow so I pull him in for a tight squeeze.

"Tomorrow we will start our plan." He mumbles still in the hug.


"The plan."

"But I killed it?"

"You think that was it? The mindflayer is 1000x the strength and size of that thing."

"Really?" I yelp trying to act brave. In reality I'm getting quite nervous.

Mike nods.

"But it's ok. I will protect you. And if at any point you regret any of this just let me know. I won't think your weak or anything."



"No problem."

Mike hovers in my room for a while as I get back into bed. He quickly begins climbing out of the window.

"What are you doing?"


"Billy is going to be looking for you still. You can stay the night."

Mike cuddles up to me and I fall asleep in his grasp.

"Morning!" Max smiles as she opens my door. Her face changes in horror when she sees Mike beside me.

"I thought you were mad at him?"

I wake up suddenly and let out a big yawn.

"Huh?" I'm still half asleep really.

"You guys are like? You know.. together still?"

"Oh yeah of course we are... why wouldn't we be?"

"Because of.. you know what just never mind. Im just gonna... go."

"Good idea." Mike yawns and wraps his arm around me. I giggle and Max rolls her eyes.

"You want breakfast?" I ask.

"No time. The plan must commence!" He puts on a strange voice which makes me laugh.

"Well it's going to be a long day."

"Yes. I'll head back to my place and set up the basement. Tell Max to meet me in an hour."

"Okay. Meeting in an hour."


Mike scurries out of the window. I'm kind of excited. I don't really know what I'm dealing with but if I dealt with the demogorgan I truly believe I can beat anything.

I grab a slice of toast and get an outfit together. Me and Max skate together to Mike's.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asks.

"Why wouldn't I be sure? You guys are my friends and I'd do anything for you."

Max nods as we make our way down the stairs. This time Dustin is present as it isn't the middle of the night.


Mike's face lights up when he sees me. I'm beginning to think he's happy about the fact I decided to join his plan.

"Okay everybody. Here is what we will do." Mike explains his plan. We will use Will as a decoy, to lure the mindflayer out into the open. We will then throw fireworks which we will buy at Starcourt Mall onto it causing it to die. This will all take place in the big field behind school, so nobody else is affected.

Everyone nods.

"But what if it doesn't work?" I ask.

Everyone peers their heads towards me in surprise.

"What?" Mike looks horrified.

"I mean the plan sounds great and all but what if it still isn't dead. What do we do then?"

"Abort. Simple."

"What if we can't?"

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