《mike wheeler x reader》17


"Ew max it's not what you think.."

She rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Sucks your grounded." She follows. Mike nods in agreement.

"I bet your super bored."

"Well if you covered for us better I might not of been grounded."

"I tried my best! But they would've blamed me."

"Mhm. Because your more important than anyone else."

"Your crazy! Even Mike agrees.. he isn't speaking." Max tries to use Mike as an excuse.

"No I agree with y/n. Kinda shallow that you didn't cover."

I smirk.

"Kinda shallow? Kinda shallow! I think it's 'kinda shallow' that you sneak into my cousins room and get her into all this trouble!"

"Hey don't blame him!" I interrupt.

"I just think if your gonna be obsessed with Mike all day and start getting me into trouble.. you should go somewhere else. Just saying."

That hurt. Hearing she didn't want me in her home anymore. Hurt. She smiled knowing it got to me. Me and Max don't fight a lot. But we still do have rivalry as cousins.

"Don't listen to her." Mike spoke. "She's only trying to mess with your head. She's just jealous because Lucas would never do anything like this for her."

I nodded trying to not let things get to me.

"Why don't we go to the movies?"

"At this time? Plus I'm grounded."

Mike smirked and ran to my bed. He began to grab pillows and shove them under the covers to make a 'body' sort of position. It looked like me just all covered up.

"There. It's even more believable now that you and Max got into a fight."

"If I get busted I'll be grounded!"

"You already are grounded."

"You make a good point."


Mike dragged me out of the window. I've never actually climbed up my window. Probably because there is a thing called doors. It's pretty high and there are all overgrown plants scratching at my ankles.

"Careful." Mike holds my hand and slides swiftly down the roof. He then hops onto the trash cans and waits for me at the bottom. "You've got this."

I remember how he did it and do my best to copy him. Phew. I made it.

I can't take my mind of the fight me and Max had but I just need to try and have a good time with Mike.

Mike hops on his bike and I sit behind him. I slide my hands to his wait and hug him tightly. I really need some comfort right now.

"So what film do you wanna watch?" He yells through the wind.

"I don't even know what's on in Hawkins."

"Well we will have to see when we get there."

The ride is pretty long but I don't mind that. I just enjoy the company between us. We arrive at the movie theatre and we browse through a variety of movies.

"Back to the future?" Mike suggests.

"Sounds good."

We arrive at the counter to pay for our tickets. I rummage through my purse to find.. it's empty.

"Shit.." I whisper.

"What's up?"

"Im so sorry but I didn't bring any money."

"Don't worry I've got enough for both of us."

"Are you sure? We can always come back another day when I have money?"

Mike shook his head and payed for the both of us.

We took our seats and Mike wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled down close to him and enjoyed the film. Time seemed to speed by, before I knew it. The film was over..


"That was so good!"

"Definitely. We should come again."

"Yeah but I'm still grounded. And if they catch me after this time I probably won't be even allowed my own room."

We got onto Mike's bike and he cycled home.

"Thank you so much." I whisper so nobody hears.

"What for?"

"For being a great boyfriend."

I give him a quick kiss and he smiles. Even though it's dark I can still see him blushing. I giggle softly and Mike lifts me up to my window.

"Goodnight." I whisper climbing through my window.

"Goodnight y/n. I love you."

I can't help grinning. I enter my room. Everything untouched. A part of me is relieved nobody found out.. but I also wish Max had bothered enough to come and check on me...

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