

White flowers along with yellow lightning graced the top like the stars shining brightly in the sky waiting for the entrance of the desired couple. The greenery of the floor and the side plants giving the classy and elegancy vibe.

"Kiara, bas ho gya. It's time for the entrance. Do it later." The mother said quavering with nervousness to the girl who was busy clicking pictures.

"Kya baad me. I ain't gonna marry several times, Mumma." Kiara said posing for another picture.

Clad in a creamy floral gown, she looked absolutely graceful and alluring. Pairing up with same coloured earing, a dazzling bracelet graced her hands designed with fine mehendi showing its dark colour.

Her dark brown hair curled out displaying the magnificent work of baby's breath.

As soon as her photo shoot was done, she plopped down in the sofa next to her best friend.

"Yaar Meera, I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I'm hungry. Can we postpone the engagement for tomorrow?"

Stroking her forehead, Meera said, "Grow up Kia. Your 25 and getting married. Your husband's gonna kick you out with this behaviour."

Kiaia raised her eyebrow and smirked, "You gonna give me a shelter, right?"

"Any doubt", Meera added.

Just then her brother came into the waiting room and said, "All the guests have arrived and here you are sleeping."

"I was not sleeping. My eyes were getting closed on it's own. Sach me."

At this her brother scoffed and left the room. Meera started laughing and said, "Your not gonna change, na."


Vihaan was feeling restless. Ahana was the only one in his mind. He just wanted to run away with Ahana but he can't.

"Look Vihaan. If you're not ready, I'll support you. Just go and say no." His best friend, Viraj said trying to help him in any sort of way.


"I can't, Viraj. Everything is over. I have to marry her. Our marriage is fixed. I cannot betray or humiliate her like this. She's innocent in this. Overall, I can't say no to grandma."

"But gotta say, she's hella pretty. And a successful doctor too. Your getting a gem. You can try to give a chance to this marriage. You might fall in love with her." Viraj added remembering when he saw her picture in Riya's phone. She was really very pretty.

"I can't, okay. I'll always love Ahana." He sighed and sat down in the bed. He frustratingly ran his hand over his hair and said, "God, I dont know what to do."

Riya popped her head through the door and entered the room. Noticing him in a black shirt with maroon pants along with same coloured blazer, he was looking gorgeous.

"You're looking handsome, bhai." She pushed herself towards him and hugged him. He smiled at this and wrapped his hands around her.

"Kiara is gonna faint there only." His smile faltered at her name.

"Anyways. Everyone is ready. Let's go." She said and quickly ran down with excitement.

Viraj patted Vihaan's back and gestured him to go and followed him.Vihaan was already seated in the floral seat made for the couple when Kiara entered in full elegancy. He looked at her for the first time and he was surely mesmerized by her.

She's even more prettier in real.

He had seen her picture but didn't made any attempt to meet her or to know her. Because at the end of the day, his opinion didn't really mattered. Same was with Kiara.

He noticed her being a little shorter than him. When she came to his side and looked up to him, he was enchanted by her dark brown eyes staring right through him. She was so pretty, he couldn't help but feel a weird warmth in his stomach.


All while, the only thought going through Kiara's mind was, He's so handsome.

Their staring was interrupted when the guests started applauding their entrance. The ceremony started, as a mixed kind of emotions was divined by them.

They soon exhchanged their ring as everyone cheered for the pair.

They both took a look at the ring adorning their fingers and thought, That's it we're engaged.

"Kiara, you are looking so pretty." Riya hugged her sidways showing her love for her soon-to-be sister-in-law. Even though she was never against Ahana, she quickly fell in love with bubbly yet savage Kiara.

"I know, right. You too are looking like a princess." Kiara patted Riya's cheeks.

"Trust me, the photo did no justice to your beauty. I'm Viraj, your fiance's best friend." Viraj added enthralled by the beauty in front of her.

"Aw, thanks. I'm Kiara." She nodded while smiling.

Her voice is so sweet like honey.

Snap out of it. Vihaan thought.

They both stared ahead of them towards the hall. Everyone having the time of their life. They didn't knew what is stored for them in the future. But they sure gonna love it.


Sitting in the mandap, the pair was brimming with anxiety and nervousness.

Their future. What's that gonna be like.

Kiara was filled with fear. Fear of making the right decisions. Is she really ready for the marriage? Will they work out?

Vihaan was filled with guilt. Guilt of betraying his lover and marrying another. But there was a weird feeling. A feeling that this will be his best decision. A feeling filled with affection, warmth and excitement. He didn't wanted the feeling but he liked the feeling.

He put the sindoor and tied the mangalsutra around her neck.

Taking the seven phera's around, they soon binded their relationship. A relationship which is might not filled with love, but respect and sincerity.


It was already morning, when everyone was ready for vidai. While walking towards the car, Kiara noticed everyone in her family getting teary.

She whispered to Meera walking next to her, "Meera bro, my tears are not coming out. What should I do?"

Hearing this, Vihaan internally chuckled.

She's so cute.

You should really stop Vihaan.

"Atleast act like crying yaar. What everyone will think?" Meera added knowing exactly this was going to happen.

Just make some sad baby face. Ok, Kia.

She did exactly that and everything went fine. Even though she was sad leaving her family, but she didn't feel like crying.

Sitting in the car, none of them spoke to each other. It was pure silence to the way back home.


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