

"Ahana, I really need to go home."

"Please Vihaan, stay the night. I love you na." She said while hugging me from behind.

I smiled and turned towards her. I cupped her face and said, "I really don't want to go. But mom is calling me since morning. I promise, for tomorrow, I'm all yours."

"Fine. Go. Your mother will hate me more if you stay back."

"She doesn't hate you Ahana." I said nervously knowing that I'm lying to make her feel better.

Well my mother sure doesn't like her. I don't ever understand her. She knows I love her but she just can't bring herself to accept her because Ahana doesn't comes from a rich background. But that doesn't matter, she's independent and I love her.

Kissing her forehead I said, "I love you, you know na."

"I love you too. Bye."

Hugging her for the last time, I went outsise her house and sat in the car.

I didn't really wanted to leave her but I had to. We have been together for three years now. I am even planning to propose her. We met when she started working at my company. There was this, an innocent aura around her which intrigued me. We became friends shortly after but she was still nervous around me as I was her boss. As our friendship grew, I came to know that she had lost her parents few years back because of a car accident. She had been alone since then and studied and worked her way to this company.

I fell in love then and there with her. I confessed to her and surprisingly she accepted. But my mother didn't liked it a bit. But I know, I had to talk to her.


Sitting in the dining table, I noticed my mother's eyes constantly on me. I knew she had to say something, but she was hesitating.

"Mom, just say what you want to say."

"We have fixed your marriage." Mom and Dad said simultaneously

I was shocked. Say what.

"What? What are you talking, mom?"

"You know your grandmother's condition. She wanted to see your wedding with the girl chosen by her." My mom explained.

"The hell with the girl chosen by her. I ain't marrying anyone other than Ahana." I said loudly, anger pouring through my words. I can't imagine my life without her. I know my grandma just like my mother will never accpet Ahana.


"Don't ever talk about her. I had already cleared that she will never be my daughter in law. You are marrying the girl chosen by your grandma."

I stood up not wanting to listen to their bullshit.

My mom also stood and came across the table closer to me. Cupping my cheeks, she said, "Please Vihaan, just listen to us. She is a very good girl. Pretty, intelligent, smart and kind hearted. She's also a doctor. She has everything a family can look up to for a daughter in law. She's the daughter of your father's close friend. You're gonna love her. Believe me."

"Even Ahana has everything above mom. Then why can't you just accept her. Just beacuse she doesn't have a family. Is it her fault, mom? She's been nothing but nice to you, suffering your every torment. Don't you think it's high time you accept her. Dad, please make her understand."

I said looking towards my father with hopeful eyes. Even though he never really welcomed Ahana, I know he isn't against her.

"Son, she's really a gem. Please accept this. And it is your grandma who fixed this alliance. Not us." I can't believe, even my father isn't understanding me.

"Rubbish. Mom, just get this one thing clear. I ain't marrying any girl if she's not Ahana. That's it. I'm leaving."

I started walking towards the door with fury wanting to just get out of this hell. As soon as I reached the door, I heard a drained voice.

"Vihaan." Turing around, it was my grandma in a wheelchair. I quickly sprinted towards her and kneeled down to her level.

"Vihaan, I know it isn't fair on your part. But please understand, my days are numbered. I really want you to get settled before I die. I have met the girl. She's a sweetheart. She might be a bit too modern for my kind but I know she's perfect for you. Please say yes. I will die happily." She said getting teary. Soon her tears started falling down.

She knows I can't ever deny her.

She knows she's the most important person in my life. She knows I will do anything for her.

Even if it means losing my happiness.

Why grandma, why?


I stared at her hopeful eyes waiting for me to say yes. Waiting for me to make the worst decision of my life.

I don't want to betray Ahana. I love her. But I can't say no to my grandma.

Taking a deep breath, I said, "Yes, I'll marry her grandma. For you."

I'm sorry, Ahana. Please forgive me.

She quickly grabbed my face and kissed my forehead.

"In a month. Is it okay?"

"Yes, grandma." I hugged her, sobbing inside.

My parents and my younger sister came towards me and hugged me.

All while my thoughts wandering around Ahana. Hope I get the courage to tell her. I don't want to lose her but I have to.


It's been a week since I said yes. I have been ignoring Ahana calls because i don't have the heart to tell her the truth.

Laying in my bed I was overcome with nervousness and anger.

God, I don't want to break up with her. I don't want any girl. I only want my Ahana.

Suddenly, there was ringing voice coming over. Someone was at the door of my apartment. I don't want to meet anyone right now.

Groaning with annoyance, I woke up from the bed and headed to the door and opened it without seeing.

"Why weren't you picking up my calls Vihaan? Are you ignoring me?" Seeing her, my heart sank.

She suddenly came forward and hugged me. I closed the door and wrapped my arms around her body pulling her to the closest.

"Are you angry with me, Vihaan?" Came her soft voice.

I hugged her more tightly and said, "No Ahana, I could never. I was just stressed out very much."

She pulled away and looked into my eyes and said, "Are you okay? What happened?"

I ran my hand around my hair in frustration and walked into the living room. She followed me and sat in the sofa with me. I kneeled down infront of her and held her hands.

I looked up and said, "I'm getting married Ahana."

Her face fell and she quickly pulled out her hands from mine. She stood up and I copied.

"Stop joking around Vihaan after ignoring me for a week." She said chuckling trying to move away from me.

I quickly grabbed her arms and pulled her.

"I'm not joking Ahana. My grandma arranged my marriage with my father's friend's daughter. Trust me, I wanted to really say no. But you know how important my grandma is to me. She took care of me all my life when my parents were working and supported me throughout. I couldn't say no. I don't want to marry anyone. I want to marry you but I can't. Please forgive me Ahana. Please forgive me." I said while tears continously flowed through my eyes.

"It's okay, Vihaan." She said getting teary while rubbing my face trying to wipe the tears away. "Please don't cry."

"What are you saying, Ahana. Be angry at me."

"How can I be angry at you when all these are written in my fate. I just can't be happy once."

I immediately kissed her forehead and wiped her tears away. "No, please don't say like that. You deseve all the happiness. It's me who don't deserve you because I'm a coward."

"I said it's okay. I knew something will go wrong when everything was going so right. I knew your family would never accapt me."

She attached her forehead with mine and continued, "Still, I being the stupid one dreamt of us being one, having a family. You made me the happiest in these 3 years, Vihaan. I won't ever forget you. But they say na, all good things must come to an end. I guess this is the end of us."

"I love you, Ahana. I really do. If it's not for my grandma, I wouldn't have ever agreed. I might marry another girl, but I'll always love you. But please don't hold back for me. Move on. You'll find a man lot better than me who'll treat you like the way you deserved. Even if I won't have my happiness, find your own."

Our tears continued to flow, while we held close to each other. None of us speaking, emotions flowing through our silence.

I guess this is really the end of us.


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