《Wasn't looking for love till I found you.》12| Breakfast and Blast.


There are moments, moments in which you want to wake up like a princess, moments in which you imagine yourself being woken up by a prince charming; but it rarely comes true, doesn't it?

I woke up with a pounding headache and blurry vision. The memories of last night flooded my mind, making me groan loudly, why did I drink so much?

I tried to sit up, but my body froze. I couldn't blink. There was a hand draped around my waist, pinning me to my place.

What happened last night?

I am never drinking again.

I looked down and checked if I was wearing my clothes, and thankfully I was. I audibly sighed and my shoulders slumped with relief, but that still didn't answer the question; who was sleeping beside me?

I wasn't sure if it was Jen, the hands that were draped around me looked like they belonged to a man.



It was then I noticed the familiar surroundings: was it the living room?

Was I at home?

If I was at home then, who was sleeping beside me?

No freaking way.

As if the situation wasn't bad enough, the person next to me stirred and loudly groaned

Muttering a ''Fuck''

Way to start my morning.

But, that voice. It belonged to.

Oh my lord!

I closed my eyes and pretended to be still asleep. I didn't remember what happened after I drowned myself in alcohol and I didn't remember why I was draped in his arms like that.

I felt Sebastian's hands, which were on my waist, move and then freeze. After what felt like an eternity, he slowly removed his hands from my waist.

Yeah, I know, it's awkward for me as well.

I had no idea what he was waiting for because he was still in his place for several minutes. My back felt empty the moment he removed himself from the bed

When did a bed come into the living room?

The moment his footsteps faded away, I opened my eyes. That's when I noticed, I was on the couch.

I spent the night with Sebastian on the couch.

Wouldn't it be a piece of lovely news to give Jake?

I don't know what happened, I mean I guess we just crashed? But Jake cannot know.

My headache was getting worse, and I felt frustrated about that. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again, but it did not work. When I heard some noises coming from the kitchen, I thought about pretending to wake up.

''Ugh!'' I pretended to groan loudly, letting him know that I had woken up.

I walked leisurely towards the kitchen, where Sebastian was standing by the coffee machine and brewing coffee. He tensed up the moment I entered.


''Do you have Advil?'' I asked quietly.

"Yeah, I kept it on the table." He replied, motioning toward the dining table. I nodded and took the medicine with some water.

"Coffee?" He asked, and I nodded again.

There was a thick air of tension, but both of us chose to ignore it. He put my coffee mug on the table and left the kitchen without a second glance.


I finished my coffee and took a quick shower. I was about to get dressed when I heard a knocking on my door. I quickly changed into a white t-shirt and grey sweats.

I opened the door to find Sebastian standing in front of me.

''Hey, I'm sorry.'' He said, sounding very awkward.

I raised one of my eyebrows, ''Sorry for what?''

''Well, I think we should talk about what happened, yesterday''

I felt my cheeks heat up, ''I don't know.''

''You really don't remember?''

I shook my head, ''No, I don't remember anything.''

He sighed, ''We got a little drunk and I don't know, we just crashed on here.''

He continued, ''I don't remember anything after I saw...'' His voice trailed off when he met my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows.

''After?'' I prodded.

He cleared his throat, ''After I saw some girl dancing'', he reverted his gaze.

I felt something in me burning, but I didn't know what it was. It had flared up deep inside me and I knew it was because he said he was watching some girl dancing. Some girl, who seemed to grab his attention.

I was not jealous.

I nodded my head in understanding, ''Then I guess we should forget what happened.''

I was annoyed, I didn't know what happened or how we ended up here, furthermore, he seemed to forget everything as well.

Well, why would he not? He was drowning and enjoying watching the girl dance.

He nodded, ''Yeah, I guess so.''

I was calm but only I knew the storm brewing inside me. Why was I feeling like that? We barely spoke. So, what was wrong?

I wasn't sure if it was just me, but he sounded disappointed. I tightly smiled, ''That's it then?''

He nodded again, ''Yeah, umm.''

''Have you had breakfast?'' I asked, noticing that it was almost ten.

''Nope, I will hit the gym first''

It was then I realized, he was wearing a black shirt and blue jogging pants.

''Oh, I'm umm.'' I stuttered, ''Okay''

With that, he left.

Leaving me alone to fight my own miseries. Who was that girl?

I really need to stop, what is wrong with me. It's the hangover.

Yep, definitely the hangover.


I heard the front door closing, letting me know that Sebastian had left the gym. Sighing, I stepped out of my room and walked towards the kitchen.

I decided to make the breakfast and decided to take the time till he came home.

I turned on the stove and broke two eggs on the pan.

I was lost in the way the yolk of the eggs was slowly spreading and the way the fat from the yolk was covering the pan.

I saw the toaster pop and pulled out the bread from the toaster. After, cleaning the pan, I decided to make some pancakes.

I found the batter and started mixing it. After that, I poured some oil into the pan. I didn't notice how much time had passed.

The sweet enticing smell of the pancakes was filling the kitchen, and I was enjoying the smell.

I heard the front door open and turned around to see a sweaty Sebastian enter the kitchen.

He looked hot.

I didn't just think that.

''You made breakfast?'' He breathed and I hummed in response.

''For me, as well?'' He asked desperately. The way he asked, I was sure he was hungry.

I nodded and moved two plates towards the table.

''Really?'' He asked, sounding shocked.

''Yeah, Sebastian, just because we don't get along, doesn't mean, I won't prepare breakfast for you'' I rolled my eyes while he grinned, showing off his two juicy dimples.

''I will justl take a quick shower'' He said and walked away.

''I will just take a quick shower'' I mimicked after he left the kitchen.

''I heard!'' He yelled.

''I heard'' I mimicked again with a small smile on my face, while he just chuckled in response.

While he was in the shower I busied myself, in placing the toast, egg, and pancakes on the table. I pulled out the orange juice from the refrigerator and poured it into the glasses.

I sat on the table and unlocked my phone. The moment it shone with light, my phone swarmed with messages.

I rolled my eyes at Maver's text, I replied to both of them with yes but I sent Jen a heart Maver a , with my text.

I placed the phone back on the table and sat down on the chair.

I heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and that was when Sebastian returned.

We both silently started eating, no one initiated any conversation. That's when he loudly cleared his throat taking a bite with the fork.

''Sooo...'' He started while looking at me but I didn't look up, I was busy eating my breakfast.

''What?'' I mumbled, my eyes on my plate, as I took another bite.

''Who was that?'' He prodded and scrunched my eyebrows.

I looked around to see if anyone else was in the room.

No, no one else was here.

''Who?'' I questioned in return, this time my eyes on his.

''The guy with you yesterday'' He replied but I noticed his jaw tick.

''None of your business'' I muttered and took another bite.

''Was he your boyfriend or are you guys just fucking'' His voice hardened just as his eyes had.

''None. Of. Your. Business'' I replied between greeted teeth, something flashed and his eyes darkened; he was clenching his jaws and his grip on the fork became firm.

I raised my eyes from the fork to meet his. The eyes he raised to meet mine were intense, if it was any other circumstance I would have shuddered but not now. If he was angry so was I. We glared at each other for a few seconds before he broke the silence, saying,

''I guess, then it's Jake's business'' He smirked, while all the color of my face drained.

That Asshole.

''I am sure, he would be more than delighted to hear about your new playtoy'' He smirked but I didn't miss the way his jaws ticked again.

I sighed, he knew he caught me there, I hated defeats. I knew Jake wouldn't be too thrilled with me having a new guy friend, as the first thing in his mind would be that; that guy only wants to go my pants. It's not like Jake ever objected to me having male friends, no, that was never the case. But he just wanted to meet them, so that he knows they aren't any douches, in his words.

''He's just one of my colleagues, who just happens to be one of my close friends'' I replied with my hardened gaze.

''Too close'' He muttered. And that's when I lost it.

''You know what? It sounds so hypocritical coming from you when you're the one who sleeps around with girls and dumps them like trash. You are in no position to judge me. With whom I hang out or fuck, is none of your business''' I replied with clenching my jaw and hardening my grip on the fork.

''The girls know what they are getting themselves into. I never promise them a relationship'' He replied calmly.

''Disgusting'' I muttered, flaring my nose.

Being disgusted is not a word to describe my feelings, and his calmness is making it harder for me to restrain myself from throttling him to death.

'''You know what, it was lovely dining with you'' I replied with a tight-lipped smile,

''But this'' I motioned to the dining table, him and I, ''this will never happen again'' with that stormed out of the kitchen.

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