《Time And Thoughts》Happy II


There's so many definitions to this word.

Some people think it's to become a successful person or to be famous.

But that's not happiness,

happiness is not real.

It's to blurry and inconsistent to be,

it's not achievable.

Because even those with all the stuff in the world cry, scream and lie.

Those are the people we want to be like in life.


What's "happy"?

That word shouldn't exist.

All these inspirational speech are all moments in time.

They tell you what they've succeeded at but what about what they've failed?

Make you think they are "happy",

but even after they've found peace, they still break down.

Why don't people who are not "happy " speak up?

And have speeches also?

Because if they did there'd be no hope.

"What about the young ones they need someone to look up to!"

But why lie to them?

And make the world look pretty?

When it's the quite disgusting thing ever.

Because we think it still exists,

this "everlasting happiness".

Well it doesn't.

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