《Best Friends or Lovers? | A Sashley love story》Shooting Stars



The day after the park with Ashley, I went to see Larry. Larry and I smoked in his room. We talked and laughed. "So, Sal." Larry started. "Where were you all day yesterday?" He continued. I hesitated. I guess it would be the best time to tell him. "I was hanging with Ashley, at the park." I replied. "Ohhhh shit. Was it a date?" Larry asked. "Shut your fucking mouth!" I exclaimed. "So it was?" He questioned. "No!" I said, blushing behind my mask. "Did you have fun?" He asked. "Yes, we had so much fun! We had a picnic, played in the field, swam in the lake, and ate ice cream." I said, happily. "She even kissed me on the cheek! The inner child in me definitely showed that day." I continued. "You love her, don't you?" Larry questioned. "Um... I... guess I like her more then a friend." I said softly. "Ahah! I knew it!" Larry shouted. I rolled my eyes. "I'm inviting her over, right now!" He said. I cracked a smile under my mask. A few minutes later, Ashley showed up at the door. "Hey Ash!" Larry said, opening the door. "Hi Larry, how are you?" Ashley asked. "Pretty good, come in." Larry said. They walked towards me, "Oh! Hey Sal!" Ashley said. "Hey Ashley." I said. Larry sat in a chair across from us, forcing Ashley to sit next to me on Larry's bed. Larry smiled mischievously. "So, Sal told me about the day you had yesterday." He said. "Yeah, it was really fun. I enjoyed it a lot." Ashley admitted. Larry nodded. "I was wondering why Sal wasn't talking to me." Larry said, chuckling. "Anyway, I had to go to the bathroom. Be right back." He said. Larry got up and walked out the door. I looked at Ashley. "Sorry about him, he thinks... we're a thing." I said with regret. Ashley smiled. "It's no problem, it's what friends do to each other." Ashley said. We both chuckled. "I really want to have another day like yesterday with you." She continued. "Me too, Ash." I admitted. "Wanna go stargazing tonight?" She asked. I didn't hesitate. "Yes! I'll pick you up at 9:00." I replied. "Great!" Ashley said, happily. Ashley and I hugged. Larry came back. "So, What did I miss between you two?" He questioned. Ashley and I looked at each other. "Nothing." We said. All of the sudden, Ashley's phone started to ring. "Oh my gosh! I have to go! Sorry guys!" She exclaimed. Ashley stood up and ran out the door. Larry looked at me. "Come on man, tell me what really happened." He said. "Alright, Ashley invited me to go stargazing tonight." I admitted. Larry gasped. "Shit dude! Star gazing is a very romantic place!" He said. I smiled. "Well, good luck man." Larry said. I chuckled. "Thanks dude." I replied.


-2 hours later-

I put on a hoodie and ripped jeans. Stargazing with Ashley was gonna be so romantic. I walked to Ashley's house. I took a deep breath, and walked to her door. Looking down at the rose I got for her, I knocked on the door. There was silence, then footsteps, then the door opened. It was Ashley, she was wearing a white tee shirt and ripped jeans. "Hey Ash, you ready?" I asked. "Yes! I'm so ready for this." She answered happily. "I got this for you." I said, handing her the rose. "Aww, your such a sweetheart, Sal, you didn't have to!" Ashley said. "Yes I did." I said softly and quietly to myself. "Anyways, let's go." I stated. I followed Ashley to a cliff. The sky was clear, perfect for star gazing. We sat on a convenient boulder on the cliff. The cliff was fenced, so no one would fall off. No one was there except me and Ashley. We stared at the stars. The night sky was so beautiful, almost as beautiful as Ashley. "This is amazing." Ashley said, breaking the silence. "You could sure say that again." I replied. Ashley nodded. We kept looking at the sky, in amazement. I saw something move in the sky. I looked over, and sure enough, there were shooting stars. "Ashley! Look!" I said, pointing to them. "Oh! So beautiful! Make a wish!" She stated. I wished that Ashley would be my girlfriend, of course. Ashley looked at me. "You know Sal, you don't have to wear that mask when your around me. You know you can trust me." She said. I nodded. "I know, it's just... the mask feels like a piece of clothing to me... without it I feel naked." I replied. Ashley nodded. "Understandable," She said. "But your right." I said. I unbuckled my mask and pulled it off my face. She smiled at the sight of my real face. We looked back up at the sky. I suddenly felt something on top of my hand. It was Ashley's hand. She had placed her hand on my hand. I blushed really hard. I didn't really know what to do, so I held her hand. I looked at her. Ashley looked back at me, passion in her eyes. She came in closer. So I did to. Is this really happening? Oh my god. We leaned in a lot closer to each other. Our lips were about to touch. Holy shit! It's happening dude. We kissed, right on the lips. After about 5 seconds, we pulled back. Ashley and I smiled at each other and we enjoyed the rest of the night.

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