《Best Friends or Lovers? | A Sashley love story》Wild Flowers


Ashley POV

Sal and I laid in the field, laughing. "S-Sorry!" Sal said between laughs. "It's ok!" I said laughing. I got up and held my hand out to help him up. Sal grabbed my hand and I helped him up. I looked at the lake. "Wanna go for a swim?" I asked. "But... we didn't bring our swimsuits." Sal stated. "Who said we need any." I said as we walked back over to the picnic area. I took off my dress, exposing my panties and bra. I dove into the lake. Sal took off his mask, overalls, and shirt. Then he too, dove in. I smiled. Sal just floated on the surface. "This water is warm." Sal said. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah." I said. "You know Ash, you really bring out the child in me." Sal admitted. I smiled. He's so sweet. I really don't know where I would be without him. Sal completed me. He made me happy like no other. I wanted him. I wanted him bad. I didn't care if he had to wear a prosthetic. He's handsome, just the way he is. Maybe he is a bit short, too, but that's not a problem. I jumped on him. He picked me up. I hugged him. "Thank you for this amazing day, Ash." He said. "Its no problem, Sally." I said, smiling. He smiled too. Usually when I see him without his mask, he is frowning. Though, I rarely see him without his mask. "You have an amazing smile, Sal." I said. "You do too, Ash." Sal said, putting me down. We hugged again. After a few minutes, we got out and dried off in the sun. Now I had wished I brought a towel. We eventually air dried though. We put our clothes back on, and packed up the picnic things. "Ice cream?" I asked. "Sure!" Sal answered. I took his hand, and we walked, hand in hand. I blushed. We went to the ice cream stand. "What would you like?" The ice cream man questioned. "I'll have a strawberry ice cream please." I answered. "I'll have a vanilla please." Sal said. He gave us our ice creams. "I have a good spot to sit." I said. He followed me to a tree on top of a hill with beautiful flowers growing on it. We sat down under it. "Wow. It's beautiful." Sal said. "I know, the flowers are so amazing." I replied. "I don't mean the flowers." Sal said. I blushed. "Then what do you mean?" I asked. "Um... never mind." Sal said, looking away. "Can you hold my ice cream for a second?" Sal questioned, holding his ice cream out. "Yep." I said, taking it. Sal reaches behind his head and unbuckled the bottom buckle of his mask. I took a small bite from his ice cream. "Your ice cream tastes good." I said, giggling. I handed it back to him. "Did you eat some of my ice cream?" He asked. "Yes." I said smiling. He chuckled. Sal and I started eating our ice cream. It was delicious. Sal buckled up his mask again. "Hey Ash, I have something for you." Sal said. "What his It?" I asked. He reached into his pocket, and took a small bouquet of wild flowers, the wild flowers in the field. It was surprisingly not ruined, it was a surprise because it was in his pocket for most of the time. "Wow Sal-... they're... they're amazing. That's so sweet of you!" I said happily. I took them. "Thank you so much!" I said. "Your welcome, Ashley." Sal replied. We walked back to the actual park part. "Today has been amazing, Sal." I said. "Thank you for inviting me." Sal said. "It's my pleasure." I replied, happily. Sal and I hugged. I looked down at my 5'2 crush. I unbuckled the bottom buckle of Sal's mask. I leaned down a bit, and kissed his cheek. I blushed and buckled his mask back up. "Goodbye, Sally Face." I said, waving. Goodbye, Ashley." Sal replied, waving back to me. "I'll see you later." I said. Sal turned around, took one last glance of me, and walked off. As I watched him walk away, I thought of what fun I had today. I hadn't had that much fun since I was a little kid. I was happy I had a friend like Sal.

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