《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 16: Contract ally


3rd pov

Today the peace meeting between the Angel, Fallen Angel, and Devil will be commenced

And because of that a lot of strong people gather to guard each faction leader for sure probably

On another place

On a house and a dark room, a person can be seen appearing from a magic circle

Monkey: " Oi I come here to pick you up! Let's go "

And then a person was standing up from the sofa

Y/n: " It seems the party has started lets go Serenity, and Flan come here "

Serenity: " Okay "

A running sound can be heard as a person now can see light from the moonlight

Flan: " Y/n nii-San! Is it finally time? " she ask as she hug Void and look at him

Y/n: " Yes and soon we will see your Older brother again " he said as he oat her head

And with his other hand gave Serenity a headpat or she will be jealous

Flan: " Yay! I can't wait to play and have Onii-Chan play with me again "

Y/n: " Of course and alright let's go Monkey "

Monkey: " I'm not a Monkey!! Tch! Why do we need to work with you "

Y/n: " We'll that is simple cause your group needs our power it's that simple really if you have any complaints you should tell Vali or Ophis "

Monkey: " And that is also a problem well whatever "

Flan: " Wee let's go Monkey uncle I wanna see Onii-Chan again after so long! "

Monkey: " Of course, this Monkey uncle will take you there "

Y/n: " Hey! I request Gender equality how could you accept being called that when Flan said it "

Monkey: " Shut up! I don't treat men nicely! "

Y/n: " Hey you never know maybe I'm a girl too you know "

Monkey: " I never even once see your face but you're a dud aren't you? You have a girlfriend "

Y/n: " Hey just because I have a girlfriend doesn't mean I'm a boy you know? Well how about we go to the hot spring later you can see my sword there although I will still wear my mask in the bath later "

Monkey: " C'mon man take that thing off will you!? "

Y/n: " Nah this mask will be off once the Grand Act is starting "


Monkey: " Sheesh... Whatever you do you man let's just go and please do something about your girlfriends is looking at me with dead eyes! "

I look at Serenity who glaring at the Monkey

Y/n: " Calm down we're both boys nothing will happens between us like what u imagining "

Serenity: " But what if the Monkey tried to rape you!? "

Y/n: " Nah that's impossible he is a wimp and aren't it more like I'm the one who do the raping cause I'm far more stronger and superior than him "

Monkey: " hey! I'm not Gay!!! "

Serenity: " I understand... if he even touch any parts of you tell me cause I need to clean them and also rot that monkey hand that touched you "

Y/n: " Sure~ you here that Monkey be sure to try touch me and you'll see what happens ehe~ "

Monkey: " Don't ehe me! I'm gonna die! "

Flan: " Are you gonna die Mister? Then before that lets play together first! Then you can die~! "

Monkey: " F*ck why must all cute small girl I know and see are all batshit crazy!? "

Y/n & Flan: " Tehehe~ " they both said as the pose cutely

Monkey: " Ukiiiaaaah! Don't tehe~ me! I need an answer a reason f*ck! Let's just go already I don't wanna be punish by the crazy bossy little girl! "

Bikou: " Ukiii! Fuccccckkkkkkkkk! "

A voice of said coming from the circle in the room although no one is on top of the circle

Flan: " Nii-Sama is Uncle Monkey going to be punished? "

Y/n: " Yup he sure is "

They then hold hands and somewhat dance a little twirling around

Y/n & Flan: "" Yay! Yay! Bad Uncle Monkey will be Punish by his boosss~ weee~ ""

Monkey/Bikou: " Stop having fun with my misery!! You two are goddam crazy! Dammit " he said as he thwo a staff at Y/n

Y/n dodge it by ducking down

Y/n: " Ha! You missed also who said we were not batshit insane in the first place? "

Bikou: " Whatever! Let's just goo before I'm going even crazier!! "

They then walk to a golden circle

Y/n: " You're not gonna fetch your stick that you stick to the wall? "

Bikou look at Y/n glaring at him although even with Y/n having his helmet on Bikou can imagine Y/n is grinning at him


He just went a silent walk and take his staff as he goes back to the circle as they then disappear

Time skip brought to you with a meme


They teleported to a place and now see other people a blond hair guy with glass

A girl with which outfit

Blond hair guy: " Well that took quite a long time Bikou "

Bikou: " Yeah sorry about that it was all because they keep making fun of me "

Which girl: " Well I guess that's cause you're easy to tease hehe "

Y/n: " I can agree on that one I suppose "

As they were talking and making Bikou angry a girl with car ears hugged Y/n

Neko girl: " Nice to see you again Nya~ "

Y/n: " Nice to see you too Kuroka "

Kuroka: " Nya~ So have you thought about my offer? "

Y/n: " We'll sadly I can't do that I already have too many death warrants I don't wanna add another one "

Kuroka: " We'll that's too ba-!! "

Kuroka instinctively jump to the side as she now see Serenity was behind her about to stab her with a dagger coated with her poison

Kuroka: " Now that is dangerous "

Serenity keep approaching Kuroka who starts running away

Y/n hugs and holds Serenity back from chasing and trying to kill Kuroka

Y/n: " Alright calm down we can't kill them yet they're our contract partners so please stop that "

Serenity: " ... Let me go I must punish that cat "

She said as she try to break free from Y/n's hold

Bikou who see this was laughing seeing Y/n have a hard time holding his girlfriend back

Serenity then throw the Dagger at Kuroka

Kuroka: " Unyyaa! " she quickly moves to the side to dodge it

The Dagger then heads to The blond hair boy who also dodges it and it went to

Bikou: " Pfft Hahahaha! The strong great Mask thing have problem with his of dea-"

Bikou: " Eh...? "

He sees his hand and there is a dagger stabbed into it

He looks at the other before looking back at his hand which starts turning purple and black

The other than start putting their hands together in a praying position

Y/n: " Rest in peace "

Serenity: " R.I.P "

Flan: " Pfft-R-rest in poison "

Blonde hair boy: " Hope you have a nice rest "

Kuroka: " Rest in peace Nya~ "

Witch girl: " Wait why are you all saying it like Bikou gonna die "

Bikou: " Yeah! Oi! Kuroka can't you do something about this! My hands were already feeling burning and numb! You are an expert at Poison right!? "

Kuroka: " We'll I am an expert when I come to Poison but you see... The poison Serenity produce is a whole different type of Poison that I never see or research on~ also it can kill with just the smallest drop of body fluid depending on how fatal Serenity wants the poison to be and... "

Y/n: " And... Serenity creates poison on the dagger with the intent to kill so... "

Kuroka: " Cause of that Rest in peace Nua~ you're sacrifice shall never be forgotten "

Bikou: " God! Oi! Void! Do something!? "

Y/n: " Fine guess this greater me shall help you "

He snaps his fingers as a small hole in the air appears as a small vial with a yellowish liquid inside it

Y/n: " Here drink this and I don't think you can use that arm for a few days "

Bikou grabs the vial and starts drinking it as his arm starts turning to normal but is colored red and swollen

Bikou: " Thanks, man! By the way, what does the antidote make off? "

Y/n: " We'll I'm what you can say resistant to Serenity Poison although not fully but my body can make an antibody also in simpler terms for now the antidote is made from my body fluid "

Bikou: " ...... "

Bikou took a second before he realize what he just-drinks

Bikou: " °€÷£{¥℅©}∆¶¶¶•°!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

Girl voice: " Quit screaming Bikou you're noisy and I hate loud noise "

A voice comes from above them and they see a girl sitting on a magic circle

Y/n: " Nice to meet you Ophis I have come to give you some aid in making a show as for today's job "

Ophis: " You can say it like that a show to the factions "

Y/n: " We'll this sound fun I should have Invited Terumi to join but well he is busy sadly, but I suppose I can do a fine show and invite others to the show shortly one by one fufufu~ "

Ophis: " Just do your job right and we will also do our part of the agreement "

Y/n: " I understand "

The magic circle Ophis is sitting on shine a bit as Ophis disappear

Y/n: " We'll I suppose it's time to put on a showtime "

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