《nocturna | dreamcatcher ff》chapter 2 : the grief


The blackness of the sky serenades the glowing moons, the blinking stars are the lights that sings in infinite patterns. The song of the crickets are the eyes to the night, watching the sorrow of those who are lost.

Yoohyeon stares at the red and purple twilight. Each burns away the gloomy night into a dark horizon of tranquility. She admires every flares they exudes, she swore their distances to Earth seems closer than before. Despite the speculated heat scholars philosophized as the end of the world, the night seems cold against her skin.

It was only her and Minji near the edge of the cliff, gazing at the sky with no words shared. Their sisters left for bedtime with Siyeon's help to guide them back to the castle. Minji could not help but worry about them once they are in their respective chambers. She had asked Siyeon to check them from time to time to make sure they do rest.

"Strange, this is." Yoohyeon broke the silence. She avert her gaze down to the forest below. The shadowed leaves move in mosaic, a calming sight for a mind so full. "Why must they leave so early?"

Minji's eyes fixated on the bluish moon. "It was heartbreak. Father could not take Mother's departure well. Let's remember the love they embraced us rather than dwelling on their death."

"Hm," Yoohyeon hummed in response. "We should decide on the next ruler soon, before Insomnia becomes a chaos," she added. She rose up from the ground and was about to take her leave.


Yoohyeon stop on her tracks. She looks over her shoulder and met eyes with the eldest. Minji's youthful features has eyes like the most precious of stones, the ones the sisters dive for in the ocean when they skipped etiquette class. Just the similarity of the eldest and their mother slightly peeved her. Had she erased the memory of the Queen before their father passed, she would not have to feel the aching in her chest.


Minji, remain seated, does not seem to be back anytime soon. Under the glow of the purple moon called Nocturna, the eldest princess's sisterly smile beams in the dimness. "Let's not think about the throne. Rest, for now."

Yoohyeon mentally click her tongue. She gives a nod and left Minji alone under the eyes of the Two Moons.


She adjusted her position to the right, then to the left. She closed her eyes, but no dream visited her.

Gahyeon gave up on sleeping and switch on the lamp. She stared into an open space until her eyes gaze upon the Two Moons by the window. Luna and Nocturna stood side by side, together the titan orbs observe the land of Insomnia with scrutiny. Or that's what the youngest believed according to the book she treasures with her life.

The King would often read bedtime story of the Two Moons for her until she falls asleep. Now, with Father gone, she felt anxious of not getting the sleep her body has begged. Letting out a sigh of frustration, Gahyeon left her bed and slip into her nightly coat. Slowly, she opened the door and peek, making sure no servants caught her. She walked out quickly, at the same time tiptoeing her steps to not make a sound on the stairs.

She welcomed herself into her father's study, cold and untouched, a mess as its master left it. Gahyeon pinched herself not to cry or sob at the sight of her father hunched over the table as he do the work for his kingdom, where now there is no King to rule. She gulped down the lump in her throat, clenching her fist. Her glazing eyes wander to the bookshelves until she found the familiar, violet-colored spine.

A little gasp escaped her lips. Her gaze frantically searched for a ladder which lay against the edge of the room. She grab the ladder and aggressively pulled it from the corner. She cared less about its heaviness - she was desperate.


As she successfully pulled the ladder off its resting corner, a couple of books fell on her head. She let out a painful yelp and lost her grip on the ladder as her hand cover her skull. The ladder and books fell together with a loud thud.

"Who's there?" A voice called out from outside. Gahyeon panicked and scurried to hide but to no avail. A shadowed figure stepped into the study.

"Gahyeon? What are you doing here?" she whispered.

"Handong!" Gahyeon held out her hands. "I can explain."

"Who's there?!" Another voice said the same question Handong asked before. Handong grabbed the youngest's wrist to hide under the table.

A maid entered the study, scanning the unlit area. From the bookshelves to the desk, the sisters are fortunate enough that their coats are as black as the horizon outside their castle walls.

The maid scoffed and made a snide remark. "Since the King passed, the castle is nothing but for ghosts." Gahyeon was close to throw a fit at her if not for Handong.

The maid left and closed the door. After her footsteps fade away, the sisters are out of the table. The youngest glared at the door.

"I knew that maid is more than bad news-"

"You shouldn't be here," Handong cuts her sister's words with a sharp gaze. Gahyeon bit her lip. Handong can be quite strict like Minji when it comes to curfew, but why she's here is a question.

"I was searching for the book father used to read to me. I need it to help me sleep."

"So you too?" Handong sighed as she fold her arms against her chest. Gahyeon was not sure what she meant, that she too had trouble shutting her eyes or the book. As far as she knows, Handong is never the type to read.

"Please, Handong? You have to help me get it. It's just up there, but the ladder's too heavy," the youngest sister begged, her hands clasped together. Handong avoided her puppy eyes and looked around their father's study. With much thought, she gives in and helped her carry the ladder. She keep it in place as Gahyeon climbed up to the shelves.

A small smile crept on her lips as she picked the book from the dusts. Handong make way for her sister to slide down. With silent steps, they exited the study to their respective rooms.

They were not aware of the dusty bookshelf rotated into its new set, behind lies another secret only the King knows.

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