《My love, brother and obsession》3.


Raven comes home from work tired. He is finally on vacation and can sleep in. When he enters the kitchen, he is shocked. The entire kitchen is filled with wrappers of cookies and candy. Splashes of dough are everywhere. He looks surprised at his sister "What have you done?". Angel looks up, she licks a bowl from which she is clearly licking a kind of chocolate dough.

He stares at Angel and his gaze scans her body. Her t-shirt is slightly curled up and her once-tight shorts stretch around her now fuller hips. He can clearly see that she has gained weight. "What are you doing?" he asks in amazement. Angel smiles "I could eat whatever I wanted, right?". Raven rubs his hair "Yes, but ... What a mess here". Angel looks around her and realizes what she's done. "Sorry brother, I just wanted something to eat."

After taking Angel to her room he goes back to the kitchen and starts cleaning up. Raven sighs and takes their parents' picture. "You should see this." He puts the picture back and stretches. Raven strolls to his room and puts on his pajamas. From tomorrow he would pay more attention to her, he promised himself.

Angel cannot sleep and when she hears her brother going to bed, she quickly walks into the kitchen. She carefully opens the cupboards and takes out several cakes. She loved to eat sweets, especially when it was done secretly. She could do anything but Raven wouldn't like this. When she wants to close the cupboard, she sees the tin box with waffles. Angel puts the rest on the table and reaches for the box, but it is just too high and she cannot reach it. She tries again but because of her now fuller body she cannot make herself as big as she could before.


Because Raven was a light sleeper she did not want to take a risk and took the other cookies into her room. Tomorrow she could ask him to take them. Angel eagerly starts to snack and stuff one cake after another into her mouth. It made her really happy. Just wait until she found her perfect 'feeder'. Then everything would go a lot faster and she would soon have the body she longed for.

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