《1 am » poetry》#13


stop apologizing—

for hurting me,

for the pain you had caused me,

for the lies you have told me

—i guess i deserved them anyway.

stop saying things—

like how you miss me,

that i look cute,

that i deserve every good thing in the world

—you didn't really mean those words, right?

stop doing things—

randomly sending pictures of yourself,

sending voice notes because you're too lazy and you have such a long story to tell,

making me happy even by the slightest thing you do

—i don't think i'm worthy enough.

and most of all,

stop making me feel this way—

everytime you compliment me,

everytime you worry about me,

everytime you give me the best advice you could ever give

—i don't think i'll ever make myself forget about what i feel for you.



yet there's always a part of me that never wants to see you go.

and i hate it so much that when i try to let go of the grip,

it latches onto me instead.


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