《Boogeyman》Bonus chapter


This is a bonus chapter and isn't canon, it's just something cute.

Lily was having fun playing with her friend as the day came to a close. The little boy she was. Playing with pulled her toy out of her hands, looking over her with disdain.

"I think it should be my turn because you're weird," he informed her, pulling on her braid.

"Why do you have pink skulls on your braids? That's weird!"

Lily pulled back with a frown. "Well I think it should be my turn if your want your soul, human."

The boy blinked but handed her back the ball with a shudder. She grinned bouncing it.

"Anyway, one of your legs is longer than the other. I can change my beads if I wanted, but you'll probably always walk like that," she wandered off, humming.

He looked down at himself with a frown. "Like what? Are you saying I walk weird? Wait come back!"

He ran up to her, pulling her hair once more. She sent him a sharp look, and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, quickly muttering a half hearted apology.

"You're not meant to be so disgusting, child," she informed him, taking a tone she'd heard her father take often. She shrugged. "It's just because your parents don't mind you. That's why you lack home training and common sense," she finished off strongly with something her mother said.

"What?" He frowned.

Lily turned around, her hand on her hips. "In other words, you act like hoodlum cause your parents don't love you."

He bursted into tears. "They...they do too love me! They do too! Take it back meany!"

Lily shushed him hurriedly trying not to catch the teachers attention.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, Luca. Wait," she sighed. "Listen, I'm sorry. That was mean. Maybe they do love you and they're just busy."


Luca nodded.

"I mean...but it's not likely is it," she squinted, taking a regretful sharp inhale.

He shook his head and sobbed harder.

The bell ring signaling time for pick up.

"Lily I don't know what's wrong with you," he hiccuped. "I try to be your friend but you're so...weird! You're a weirdo! Why?"

As soon as the bell rang Lily's guardian was always there. He appeared behind her, ten feet tall, cloaked in darkness, glowing red eyes and a smile that could chill.

Luca looked up scrambling away. "Eh-who-what is that?"

Lily looked up at the man. "That's my daddy. You've seen him before right?"

Luca shook his head slowly.

Meir picked Lily up, adjusting a rouge bead before kissing her head. "How was your day? Did you learn anything?"

"I learned it was wrong but effective to tell people their parents don't love them," she wrapped her arms around his neck. "But only if they really don't."

Meir chuckled. "I see. You were practicing psychological torture on your classmates. I've told you to only do that outside havent I?"

Lily shrugged kicking her feet. "Daddy am I weird?"

Meir hummed. "Very."

Lily grinned. "Cool."

Meir patted her head. "Very cool."

Lana pulled her sunglasses up as the two came outside, her arms crossed. "Why did the teacher tell me you called someone a hoodlum?"

"I did,"

Meir let her down as she skipped to her mother.

Lana sighed. "That's one of the things we say to each other not to the person. Got me out here looking crazy. Scaring the poor white people."

"Sorry Ma!"

Lana waved her hand. "No you're not," she grumbled half heartedly.

"I think Lily was just being honest, and being honest is important isn't it?" Meir crossed his arms.


"You and your loopholes. If she killed the boy you'd say creativity is important and I should be fine with that, too," Lana shoot him a look as they walked him.

Meir blinked down at Lily who blinked up at him. Lily skipped ahead, grabbing her mothers hand as Meir stood still confused.

"Isn't it?" He asked, shuffling to catch up. "Creativity is important though isn't it Lana? Encouraged even—"

"Oh my god—"

"We don't say that," Meir and Lily chimed.

Lana rolled her eyes, making a fake gun with her fingers and mimicking shooting it.

"So you can kill people but my Lily can't. Is that ageism, it feels like it."

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