

Lana came to, blinded by light.

"Where am I?" She groaned looking away. She looked up at a person with light hair. She couldn't tell ether they were a man or a woman, long light hair and a kind smile.

A familiar aura.


The Angel smiled softly. "Lana...you've become an unfortunate twist in fate. Did you know that?"

Lana raised her brows. "I don't believe in fate."

They nodded, putting their hands behind their back. "I see. Then do you think you were meant to unleash him?"

Lana frowned, she wasn't tied down but she couldn't move. She couldn't tell where she was. It was just...light.

"You need to stop him, Lana. You unleashed him. You need to put an end to him. It is your purpose."

Lana shook her head. "I don't understand, what you're saying. Let me go, now. Meir...Will know I'm gone."

The Angel sighed, lifting her chin. "You must kill him, Lana. It's the plan. It is fate. Give him this. You will save the world, by ending one, treacherous existence."

"I won't do it. I won't hurt him. He's got his issues and sure he could use with some therapy. And...maybe a little jail time but he's not that bad."

The Angel raised his brow. "He's a sociopathic murderer who reaps and eats souls, making dubious contracts for the amusement of watching humans suffer."

Lana shrugged. "I said he needed therapy didn't I?"

The Angel shook their head. "He's tainted you. As you stand, already you're soul is compromised. But I knew that. So...I won't leave such an important decision to such a debauched soul."

Lana frowned. What did that mean? Wait...if Meir could alter her memory, surely Angels could.



• • •

Meir appeared behind Lana, kissing her shoulder. It was Friday.

"My dearest Lana. I've missed you—"

He paused, sniffing the air. Lana turned around with a smile, kissing him gently. Meir out his hands on her waist. She smelled off. Odd. Blood lingered.

Meir grabbed her wrists. A cut. He glanced up at her.

"What happened here?" He asked gently.

She shrugged. "I don't know. I made you dinner again. This time, I made you something special too."

She turned around pouring him a drink. He looked at it before looking up at her.

Meir frowned, looking at the drink. It wasn't like her. To offer him a drink. To cut herself. To not remember.

But worst of all, it wasn't like her not to ask about Lily first. A kiss. A hug. She holds out her hand for a present. But the first thing she will always ask, is about Lily. Something wasn't right. There was a dullness behind her eyes.

Those gorgeous brown eyes.

"Did you receive a visitor," He asked carefully.

She shook her head. "Hm? No. How is the baby?"

The baby? He narrowed his eyes. Someone had tampered with her.

"What's in this drink?" He asked.


He nodded gently. "And...when I drink it I'm assuming I'll begin to burn from the inside out. Laced with holy water I'm guessing. Someone got to you?"

Lana swallowed. "I hurt myself," she said carefully, slowly, as if fighting something.

Meir smiled gently. "I see. They brainwashed you didn't they? You cut yourself, so I'd know. You're so smart."

He kissed her head, before nodding. When Angel's brainwashed, the requirement had to be met for then brainwashing to dispel.

Meir looked down at the cup before throwing it back.


The Angel appeared with a smile. Meir winced, feeling them being transported.

"Underhanded," Meir spat. The Angel shrugged.

"Perhaps. But you're a hard creature to track down. Except on Fridays. We all know where you are on Friday's."

Meir looked at the space finding nothing but light and a tub. Shit.

Full of holy water. He licked his lips.

"I'll make you regret tampering with her brain that way. You have no right. Do you know who she is?" Meir spat, as the Angel approached him.

"I know she's a thorn in my side."

"She is Lana. She is mine. Mother to the most powerful child in this world. You dared touch her. You dare mess with her that way, violate her that way, and call yourself righteous."

"The only one righteous is Him."

Meir scoffed.

The Angel cocked his head, before pushing Meir into the tub. His back arched as he screamed, his skin going out pitch black, eyes lighting.

"Do you even believe in him anymore Meir?"

Meir screamed his pain. "The question isn't if I believe in Him, you sanctimonious asshole. The question is does he believe in you? In me? If He ever did."

The Angel raised his brows. It was interesting enough. But it didn't matter.

"I almost forgot to tell you," Meir smirked. "Lana...he'll definitely try to kill our girl,"

The Angel looked back, finding Lana with Meir's scythe. He shook his head.

"You don't want to kill an Angel, Lana. It's instant damnation."

"As if he would ever let me do something's like that," she whispered, bringing the scythe down, cracking the tub. The holy water spilled out. Meir panted on his hands and knees, growling.

"Good girl, Lana." He stood, as she handed him his scythe. He leaned on it kissing her head.

"I'm going to send you home," he whispered. "I worry what will happen to your soul if you see this."

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