

Lana looked up at the clock. A few months had gone by and Meir always made sure to see her every Friday at 10pm with a present and a kiss.

He came as always, with a grin. A gift. A kiss.

Lana looked forward to it. To his smile. His gift. His kisses.

"Lana," he greeted her, putting his hands around her waist, kissing her gently. She smiled.

"I got you dinner again," she whispered in his ear. He'd been transferring money into her account too. He said it wasn't from him.

But only he was old enough to say, perhaps it's a sweepstakes! And believe it.

Meir cupped her face. She closed her eyes, waiting for him to present her his gift. She felt in her hand before gasping.

"Is this...what I think it is?"

She opened her eyes finding a Polaroid picture of a baby. Her baby.

"How did you—"

"I went to have a portrait painted. They told me there was an easier way. I wasn't sure if she'd show up but...she did."

Lana squealed, throwing her arms around him, her legs around his waist. He chuckled.

"I'm still having it made. The portrait. I have to hold her, or she won't sit still, so I'll be in it. And you."

She smiled. "Like a family portrait."

He looked away. "Ah...like a...well, something to that effect."

Lana chuckled. He really wasn't very socialized. He thought he was being so cunning so secretive about his feelings. But they were very obvious, and she found it absolutely adorable.

"Meir I've been wondering about something," she put her hands around his neck, looking between his eyes.


"Have you...stopped your plans for ending the world? I'm just asking I don't mind either way. I mean, I guess I would prefer to live but—"


She sighed. "I've just been wondering," she finished.

Meir pursed his lips. "I don't know," he said earnestly. "My only plans right now are with you on Friday's. Taking care of Lily. I have forever."

"Is it my fault," she turned around. "That you can't fulfill your purpose?"

He sighed. "I...It's true Lana. You've changed my plans but I wouldn't say it's your fault—"

"I can leave," she said softly, looking at the ground. "I mean they locked you away, Meir. And I'll be honest I'm sure you deserved it. But I..."

She cleared her throat. "Don't let me stop you. I'll leave. Go to...I don't know Greece or something."

"No where could be far enough, Lana. There's no where you could go that I couldn't find you. And I could never stop myself from finding you, Lana I just...I tell myself every week to just...leave you be. I'm bad for you. For your soul. For your life."

He waved at the man she'd tied up. "Look what I make you do. It's my fault, but I can't stay away from you," he pulled her into his arms. Meir kissed her lips gently.

Lana shuddered, pulling him closer.

"Fuck," she whispered against his lips. "Meir. Are you sure?"

He nods. "I won't let anyone hurt you, Lana. You or Lily. Even if I have to fight God I will. Okay?"

Lana closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of his lips against her neck; his strong arms around her. She believed him. She worried for him.

Meir took in her face. She was so beautiful. The kind of woman he imagined people dreamed about. He kissed her gently, his tongue swiping inside her mouth.

"Meir," she moaned gently into his mouth. He smiled down at her softly.

"Lana..." he whispered back, caressing her face. "My beautiful Lana."

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