

Meir looked at the familiar face with a smirk.

"Ah...it's you."

The man clenched his jaw. "Meir, how are you walking about? You were tethered to that place. You should not be able to walk freely!"

Meir shrugged. "I am the king of loopholes, after all, David. You should've known. You should've guarded her from me better. Should've. Would've."

He disappeared, appearing behind him. "Didn't."

Meir turned his back, walking away. David went his way. Meir stopped.

"Can we be honest," he said suddenly. David glanced back. "I was never as bad as everyone made me out to be. Not until you made me that way. You needed me to be bad so you could pretend there was a reason for how badly you treated me."

David pursed his lips. "It's all Gods plan."

"Hm. And what's His plan?"

David frown. "Only He knows."

Meir chuckled. "I see. Well I would get a clue, David. Because I have mine. And I know what it is. I wouldn't be too sure. God stood me up. Let's see if He comes through for you."

David frowned, turning his back. Meir shook his head, looking up at the sky.

"What else do you have to say, David?" Meir prompted.

"You should leave her alone. She has gone through enough without your antics."

Meir turned around. "David...if you come near what is mine, and I have to kill you for it, it will rest on your head. If you want to test whether He is there for you, try me."

David clenched his jaw. "If you care about that woman, leave her be, Meir! Do not bring her into this—"

"She is into it!" He shouted, the fog covering his face shifting a bit. "She released me. She is mine! If you cared that much, you should've kept her from me! It's too late now!"


David winced, and walked away. "It's never too late."

Meir chuckled lowly. "You have stolen everything. My place. My kingdom. Even my face. I will not let you have her, David."

David disappeared. Meir did as well, looking at Lana's door. He sniffed, smelling his energy lingering about that house. With a curse, he opened the door, standing over salted doorways.

He frowned.

"I'm not a...what is that? Demon? Anyway, you can't salt me out—"

Lana sat in the middle of the room. Her stomach seemed...flatter. He frowned, stepping closer.


"I had her...removed. So there's nothing you can offer me anymore."

He frowned. He'd only been gone a few hours. He looked up at the clock behind her. No...David messed with his time didn't he?


Meir came closer, kneeling next to her. "I see. That must've been hard for you, dear. How do you feel?"

She looked up at him with red eyes. "What do you want?" She whispered helplessly.

He smiled softly, tucking her hair back. "I told you. You. You are mine. Now, get up. Get some rest."

"No...this is the end, Meir. There is nothing you can offer me. I've...come to terms with the fact she's gone. So...leave. Make a contract with someone else."

Meir quietly put his finger under her chin and lifted her face. She could see that he was smiling. His eyes narrowed a bit. She shivered. She almost forgot who...what he was for a moment.

"You're tired," he said carefully, lifting her up, he threw her over his shoulder, raising his hand and ridding the room of all the junk that had been cluttering it, leaving only the bed, and the crib, the rest of the furniture.


He laid her down on the bed, dusting his hands.

"Rest. And Lana...do not let David return. He is a bad influence on you."

Lana frowned. "You mean the angel guy?"

Meir rolled his eyes. "Yes, the angel guy. Do not speak to him."

Lana sighed, looking at the ceiling. "I just don't understand you, Meir."

He tucked his hands in his pockets, waving his finger, her comforter, looking newly washed, covering her body.

"I work in mysterious ways."

"Isn't that supposed to be God?"

Meir shrugged. "He's not the only one shrouded in mystery."

• • •

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