

"And what will it take?"

He shrugged. "Not much really. Just a tiny thing. You'd hardly ever notice it gone, most don't. It's an insignificant trifle, honestly—it's just your heart and soul."

She blinked before looking away.

"So? I could have a contract written up relinquishing ownership of your heart and soul to Him, after which he would fulfill your wish to his power's potential."

The woman blinked. "That's some vague language. Seems like you're not sure if he can actually fulfill my request. And by relinquishing my heart don't, I just die?"

Lana looked back at the monster behind the bars. "And what do you get?"

He said nothing for a moment. "What was your name, deary?"

Lana looked down. "Does it matter?"

"Of course it does. A name is an important thing. A name is makes a thing, a thing. Existence spurs from a name. So what is yours?"

Lana flicked her eyes down. "Lana."

"Lana," he caressed her name. "Hm...I like it. It's tasty."

"What's your name?"

He smiled. "I'm interested in you Lana. Come open the door deary. I'd like to stretch my legs a bit. You wouldn't mind...would you?"

Lana shivered. "I would very much mind—"

"You need me. To bring your..." he hummed. "Loved one back? You can't contact the devil without me. And I can't do anything in here. Why I simply won't! The working conditions are too despicable. There's such a rights now...isn't there? One or two?"

Lana narrowed her eyes. "How long have you been down here?"

"Oh dear don't be a chatty Kathy. Come unlock the door. I'd love to help, perhaps even negotiate a deal of some kind. But I'm particularly famished and I'm starting to a little upset."


He chuckled. "Now I know I've been a delight, but many a story will tell you I am not pleasant when I am upset. And I quite like you, I'd like all the flesh on your bones to stay...exactly where they are. So...beautifully placed."

The cell creaked. "It's just a small thing. There's not even a lock, see? All you have to do...is open it. And I can do whatever you need. Hm?"

Lana began moving back. It went silent. "Hm. It used to be an eye for a eye, is He not doing that anymore? I helped you...now you. Help me. Go on deary. Open. It."

"I'm afraid I have to decline."

A rumble of laughter shook the walls. "You shouldn't use the word afraid quite so dismissively. You've not been afraid yet, dear, I assure you. But I can change that," his voice drizzled into a whisper. "If you don't let me out, Lana..." he pronounced her name with a flair, as if it meant something more than a name. "I will give you something to be afraid of."

Lana looked at the darkness between the cell, opening the door.

"From in there?" She inquired shutting the door behind him.

"Ah..that is what we in the industry call, a mistake," is all she heard echoing after her as she run out of the old building.

It collapsed behind her, as she clutched her belly ducking as debris landed at her feet, the sound of that creatures echoing laughter, haunting her, a chill in the air. She put her head down, fighting the chill in the air.

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