《F.A.N.G.S | BOOK I》Chapter 25: Presents


"Send her to Siberia" Natasha demanded at the police station

"P-Pardon, ma'am?" The police stammered, he was speechless when he heard Natasha's words

"I don't like repeating myself-"

"Natasha it's fine-" Reine cut her off

"Shut up Finley, I'm doing what's best for this bitch" Natasha hissed and Reine shuddered when she got a glimpse of Natasha's fiery red eyes

"Ma'am we can't send her to Siber-"

"Didn't you fucking heard me? I don't bloody care about your protocols or whatever" Natasha growled this time

Y/n had enough and slapped Natasha's shoulder, Natasha then turned to her sweetness seeing Y/n furrowing her brows

"Let the police do their jobs, it's all taken care now" Y/n said then dragged the two of of the police station

"Bitch did you cause another scene again?" Nadia asked and ruffled Reine's hair

"Don't ruffle my hair like that! I spent hours to straighten it!" Reine complained but Nadia grinned then ruffled Reine's hair again

"Love, it's yours" Anastasia hands Y/n a key and Y/n stared at her confused, it has weird styles and Y/n couldn't figure out what is the purpose of the key

"What's this?" Y/n asked confused

"It's a key to your yacht" Anastasia smiled and Y/n stood there frozen


"H-How does it cost you?!" Y/n asked with wide eyes

"This yacht is called HISTORY SUPREME, it costs $4.8 Billion but don't worry I haven't spent half of my money" Reine and Y/n stood there with mouth agape

"Sweetness, here" Natasha happily gave Y/n the key and Reine eyew widen knowing what key is that

"I-I know what that is! It's a Bugatti La Voiture Noire and it cost $18,700,000! Holy fuck!"

Y/n stood frozen and Natasha just stood there proudly

"I know it's not as much as Anastasia's but please accept it sweetness" Natasha then pecked Y/n's cheek


"Darling, I bought you a lot of Louis Vuitton, I hope to see you wearing the things I bought. Especially the lingerie"

Nadia whispered seductively at Y/n and Reine stood there ready to throw up any minute

"This is too much!" Y/n cried out but the girls didn't mind her and took out a black card then gave it to Reine

"Reine dear, this is yours no buy yourself some things" Reine stood there with a black card

"What? Really?!" Reine happily asked

"Yes now go" Reine happily left leaving the four women on the parking lot

"Aren't you gonna say thank you sweetness?" Natasha asked while she wrapped her arms around Y/n

"We even bought the whole Louis Vuitton store just for you" Nadia huffed happily

"Aren't you proud at us?" Anastasia asked with sparkles on her eyes

Y/n just sighed in frustration and pecked the girls cheeks

"Thank you but this is too much for me, a yacht? Car? And the whole store?" The girls only gave her a sheepish smile

"In exchange, instead of riding the car, please ride us" Y/n knew she fucked up and the girls won't give up just easily

"You bought all these for sex?" Y/n asked with a frown

"It's a way of asking you to be ours beautiful"

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