《Vibin' • Yoonkook [✔️]》15


“they did what?!”

yoongi, outraged, couldn't believe what he had heard. seokjin came to retrieve jeongguk's phone. after a few minutes, he came back in, shutting the door behind him. he explained jeongguk was busy drinking and resting on the couch.

“his two best friends left him?”

“yes, it was jimin.”

“i'm going to fucking murder those two bastards,” yoongi said, standing up and heading towards the door, but seokjin stopped him.

“had jeongguk said anything to you about this through texts?”

“it started when they both went out to lunch together, then i found them sitting next to each other, talking horribly. i caught the two today, hoseok stopped me, saying to relay a message to you.”

“hoseok? fuck, okay, go on,” seokjin said, disappointed his own friend would go this far.

“he wanted me to tell you to stop hanging out with jeongguk, but i cut him off then,” yoongi finished, heading back to his spot on the bed. seokjin leaned onto the wall and namjoon stood there, thinking.

“he'll be alone during dance classes, then, because he'd usually go with hoseok and jimin,” namjoon said. “we should have someone be there after classes if we can.”

yoongi's phone buzzed, and the two other boys shot their eyes to him. it was a message from jeongguk, but yoongi didn't open the message.

“yoongi, because you love him so much, how about you?”

“what? no-”

“too late bitch, either that or tell him who myg.med is.”

“ugh fine,” yoongi said, taking his phone and opening the message.


jjguk: hey hyung!


hi jeongguk :)

how are you?

jjguk: i am doing absolutely


just found out that a game

i play will be releasing a new


version soon


“he's lying about being happy,” yoongi said. seokjin stared at him before sighing. the two left the room and went back to the living space.



is that so?

is there anything else you

have to talk about?

jjguk: hmm?


i'm just super happy

i've dance classes tomorrow

with my friends

but we're just decorating the


it's gonna be so fun!



listen I gotta go

see you then, alright?

jjguk: yes, see you, hyung!


the next day, jeongguk walked to his first class a little down. he was keen on going at first, but he knew it had to be done. yugyeom may still be talking to him, too, so he could look forward to that, maybe. he found his classroom and entered, taking a seat by the corner, doing some stretches to at least open up his muscles from crying last night.

he did notice that hoseok and jimin were there, but he had to ignore them. yugyeom walked in, walking over and greeting the two. he was going to walk over to jeongguk, but hoseok stopped him. jeongguk sighed, ending his stretches and taking out his phone. he scrolled through instsgram, making sure to unfollow jimin and hoseok, too, but not yugyeom, he wasn't involved in this.

the professor came in with boxes of supplies, and groups of people came together before one took over. they explained what the class should do and gave everyone tasks of what to do. jeongguk got to work, creating origami flowers with two other girls. they spoke quietly with hushed giggles.

“so, jeongguk, how are you? you haven't spoken to anyone all class.”

jeongguk perked his head up before giving a smile.

“oh, i'm just a little tired, that's all. how are you two?”


the three had a long conversation, and jeongguk's spirits were brought up. eventually the class was dismissed, but not everyone left immediately, and instead they were focused on someone outside the window. jeongguk was busy packing his stuff, so he couldn't see them, but he listened.

“isn't that the popular medical student?”

“yea, it is, yoongi, right?”

jeongguk immediately stood up, looking out the window. yoongi's eyes traveled to his before waving shortly. all eyes turned to jeongguk as he awkwardly walked out with his bag.

“pathetic,” hoseok spat as he watched his former friend go and greet them. “he's such a fake friend.”

jeongguk smiled, waving shortly at him.

“hi, yoongi, why are you here?”

“seokjin forced me here, since yesterday.. i see your class is very intrigued by me. anyways, let's go,” yoongi said, beginning to walk. jeongguk's face lit up and he followed right after.

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