《Vibin' • Yoonkook [✔️]》6


liked by jiminly, namjoonie, and more.

: ill see u in medical safety class later today @jiminly


jiminly: we abt to slap some ASS in that CLASS

jjguk: @jiminly if i see blood ill faint

jiminly: @jjguk LMAOO

hxbi: there's a reason I completed those classes in sophomore and freshman year

jjguk: @hxbi shut up horseface

hxbi: @jjguk sorry bunnyboy 😏



so you weren't kidding about

having a class in the medical


jjguk: eh

yea i have a class

i don't wanna go

i hate stuff in the medical


it's just rlly uncomfortable for



you have a phobia or smth?

jjguk: hemophobia

just a lil bit tho


can't rlly help u there

speaking about your class

ill be in there


you + that other friend of urs

jjguk: we gon slap ass 😎

and WHAt

will u speak to me?


hell no

im there to work, not play


jjguk: ur really meannn


ill find YOU then!


you actually used the word you

for once

jjguk: there's no point to use

it when u can use u


weird logic but okay

anyways that class starts in

ten minutes

gotta go


jjguk: fvk

see you! 😘


jeongguk set his phone down, grabbing his bag and keys, sprinting out of his dorm room onto campus. he knew exactly where the medical building was. jimin had texted him, asking where he was, and while running, he replied with a short 'im coming'.

making it to the classroom three minutes before it was to begin. he found jimin, sitting next to him and setting his stuff down. sprightly, he looked around for the person he had been texting, but to no avail. it seemed hopeless to him, yes, but at least he knew he was in the vicinity of that person. jimin watched him with a amused look.


“someone specific you're looking for?”

“perhaps,” jeongguk said cheekily, smiling at his friend. the classroom buzzed with talk or some people stayed silent, preparing for the lesson. jimin looked around, immediately recognizing the boy from the previous day, zoning out while looking at the board.

“look, guk, it's the boy from yesterday.”

“oh,” jeongguk turned towards where jimin was pointing, his eyes setting upon the black-haired boy.

“do you think he has this class?”

“well, duh, he's here, jimin, don't be so stupid,” jeongguk laughed a little bit loudly. people turned towards him but immediately went back to what they were doing. the boy from yesterday, though, did not look away and instead stared at him. jeongguk looked towards the boy, and it felt like a while minute they stared at each other, when in reality it was only ten seconds.

jeongguk looked away, somewhat discomforted and started his own conversation with jimin. the professor walked in, holding a box. they turned to the class, a smile present.

“welcome, class. before i start, i recognize a few faces. some of you guys are retaking this class just for today or you're here for the first time. there are a lucky few, though, who take this class full-time.”

the professor looked around the class before making eyes with jeongguk.

“it's nice to see you again, jeongguk,” the professor said with a smile. jeongguk turned towards them before nodding shortly. jeongguk hadn't failed this class, nor did he pass it. he had simply dropped out from it last year. he wasn't good with the stuff they did in that class.

this was his first time back, but the professor did promise he only had the class for a month, and he'd pass. he couldn't work as hard in that class like others, mostly because of his phobia, yet he did have the smarts to get all done. jeongguk was lucky this time, but only this class. jimin had failed the class previous year and was just taking it today.


the professor dearly loved all of their students, always having a good heart. they believed in their students, and they had faith jeongguk would pass this year, and if not, the next year.

the teacher went on with the lesson, explaining that it was an individual task of what they'd be doing. taking out their textbooks, they flipped to said page and took out said equipment from under the desk along with notebooks. the class was silent the whole time while working.

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